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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Nursery Admissions

To place your child on the waiting list for Nursery, you will need to contact the school directly. Your child can be placed on the waiting list after their second birthday, and we accept children into Nursery after their third birthday. However, we can never guarantee a place, as it is not 'first come, first served'. We offer the oldest child on our waiting list a place first.


Please note that a place at our nursery will not gain automatic entry into our school (Reception). We inform all parents with children on our waiting list when it is time to apply for your child’s Reception place.


If you would like to put your child's name on our nursery waiting list, please call or visit the school office from Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 4pm, or you can complete the online form here:


At the time of an admission appointment, parents/ carers will need to present;

  • Their passport (if it is a non-EU passport, parents will also need to bring their accompanying Visa)
  • Most recent Council Tax Bill or, if not available, Tenancy Agreement/ Rent Book.
  •  A Utility Bill (Gas, Electric, Water, Home Telephone bill)
  •  Your child’s Birth Certificate or Passport showing their full name and date of birth.
  • Your National Insurance Number


Enquiring into 30-hours full time Nursery places?

We have a limited number of full time places available for eligible families. If you would like to enquire as to whether you are eligible for a full time place for your child, please contact the school office on 020 8514 9860.
