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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Celebrating World Book Day 2024

Everybody at Sir John Heron Primary School celebrated World Book Day with great enthusiasm and joy, igniting a passion for reading among its pupils. The school transformed into a literary wonderland, as students and teachers alike embraced their favourite book characters with colourful costumes and engaging activities. From classic characters like Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland to modern heroes like Matilda and Percy Jackson, the classrooms echoed with the excitement of literary adventures. Throughout the day, students focused on a specific fairytale story in their class and participated in storytelling sessions, book-themed quizzes, and creative writing workshops linked to their particular fairytale, fostering a love for literature and imagination. The celebration not only highlighted the importance of reading but also encouraged pupils to explore new worlds and expand their horizons through the magic of books. As the day came to a close, parents and carers were invited to join in with the reading sessions taking place in each classroom, marking a memorable celebration of the joy of reading at Sir John Heron Primary School.
