Contact Details
Address: |
Sir John Heron Primary School
School Road
Manor Park
E12 5PY
Contact: |
Email |
Telephone | 0208 514 9860
For general enquiries: | Mrs Khan | School Business Manager | 0208 514 9860 (option 1) |
For enquiries related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: | Mr Kundu | SENCO | 0208 514 9860 (option 2) |
Parents/Carers can request paper copies of the information on the website by contacting the main office, and this will be provided free of charge.
Map: |
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Data Protection Officer (DPO) |
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School so if you do have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below:
Judicium Education
72 Cannon Street
Telephone number | 0203 326 9174
Email |