Ofsted and Performance Data
Ofsted Report |
All schools in England are inspected by Ofsted on a regular basis. Our latest inspection took place in May 2022 and we were once again graded as a 'Good' school.
The full report can be accessed below, or through the link to the Ofsted website:
Performance Tables2023/24 Outcomes |
KS2 Results 2024 |
Sir John Heron's Year 6 SATs results 2024 were as follows:
Subject | % of SJH children who reached the expected standard or above* | National results 2024 |
Reading | 83% | 74% |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar | 91% | 72% |
Writing | 98% | 72% |
Maths | 86% | 73% |
Combined | 79% | 61% |
*data set excludes pupils who joined in Year 4 or later with English as an additional language and children with SEND.
n leaving the Foundation Stage at the end of Reception, a child is considered to have a ‘good level of development’ if they have achieved at least the expected level in the Early Learning Goals in all aspects of Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSE), Physical development, Communication and language, Literacy and Mathematics.
Overall Good Level of Development (GLD) | 74% |
National Level (2023) | 67% |
Phonics Check - Year 1 |
The phonics screening check is a short, simple test taken by Year 1 children in England each June to assess their reading ability. Children are required to read 40 words, some of which will be nonsense words. The test enables us to ensure that children are on track with their word reading by the end of Year 1. Children who cannot successfully read 32 of the words will be given extra support and will be given another opportunity to attempt the test in Year 2.
% of pupils who passed | 81% |
National Level (2023) | 79% |
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) - Year 4 |
he Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. The Multiplication Tables Check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12.
% of pupils who scored >20 | 86% |