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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Year 5

Welcome to the Turquoise and Maroon Class page!



Visit to Greenwich - w/b 08.07.24


Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Greenwich as part of their end of year reward.  It was such an exciting trip because the children had the chance to explore the Cutty Sark Clipper along with visiting the Maritime Museum. The museum had a multiple number of rooms which were interactive. They saw exhibitions about the polar regions and northern light sightings from around the world.  After this they enjoyed observing nature within the park. Year 5 still had an amazing time despite the weather.  A well-deserved reward.

Computing - w/b 01.07.24


In computing, we have explored a programme called Scratch.  We were able to create different animations. In addition to this, we used a range of codes in order to make our sprites (characters) move in different ways such as: moving 10 steps, speak, change colours and much more. This has been an extremely exciting programme which we have enjoyed using.

History- W/B 24.06.2024

As part of our History topic, we have been learning about World War II.  We learnt about the events that impacted many lives.  We had the chance to order events in chronological order and as a class, Year 5 discussed some of the most significant events such as, The Soviet union invading Poland.  As a class, we choose and acted out a scene.


Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24


In Mathematics, we have learnt about the various types of angles which include: a right, acute, obtuse and  a  reflex angle.  We were able to draw these angles using a protractor.  In addition to this, we have learnt about regular and irregular polygons and measured angles within these shapes. Throughout our lessons, we worked effectively with our learning partners. 

English - w/b 10.06.24


In Year 5, the children are immersed in an interesting book called ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. This text is linked to World War II and it is about a young boy named Willie, who had to evacuate from his hometown to the countryside in order to stay safe.  An elderly man named Tom took care of him but sadly Willie found it difficult to adapt to his new surroundings. As a class, we acted in role as Willie and Tom by using freeze frames and we spoke in role as the characters. This was an excellent opportunity to develop our Oracy skills.

RE - W/B 03.06.24


As part of RE Day, Year 5 children had an opportunity to learn the teachings of different religions of how animals should be treated. We were able to put our point of views across and make comparisons of each other’s views.  In addition to this, we also discussed various quotes about animals and nature and ranked them in order of importance.

French - w/b 20.05.24


In French, the children in year 5 learnt how to pronounce the names of different musical instruments. Some of the names which we learnt were: ‘une  guitar, le saxophone’, and ‘le violon’.  We had the chance to work with our learning partners by finding the missing letters by looking at the images of the musical instruments.

Oracy - w/b 13.05.24


As part of our Oracy lesson, we had an exciting debate about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos or have freedom. Pupils in year 5 had a lot to contribute to this discussion as many of us had different views around this matter. We were able to make a point, and support it with evidence. This allowed us to strengthen our argument. 

English - w/b 06.05.24


The pupils in year 5 have been fully immersed in the text called The London Eye Mystery.  As a year group, we have read various chapters and summarised them.  In this book, we have discovered that a young boy named Salim goes missing when he boards the London Eye. As part of our learning we had a debate on whether or not Salim should have been left alone to board the London Eye. Pupils offered different viewpoints around this and used a range of talk prompts to build on each other’s ideas.

PSHE - w/b 29.04.24


In PSHE, we have learnt about the dangers of misusing alcohol and the effects it can have on different lives.  We had a class debate about whether or not 16 year olds should be allowed to consume alcohol.  Pupils in year 5 offered various responses and the class had an opportunity to be heard and to build on each other’s responses.

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24


On the 22nd of April, we celebrated Earth day in our school.  In Year 5, we made bird feeders out of tissue rolls, honey and bird food.  The purpose of this activity was to help birds find food easily.  We also had the chance to wear floral patterns or green to celebrate this day.  We had a discussion and made posters about helping the environment.

Computing - w/b 22.04.24


This term in computing, we will be learning about ‘Quizzes’ and how to create one. Each term, before we begin our computing learning we complete an e-safety lesson. This week our lesson was about Copyright and Fair Use policies. We learned that we cannot just post things online, especially if we are using the work of others to do so such as music, other people, games etc. We also spoke about our digital footprint and how it can impact us later on in our lives, it is very important that we keep our personal information to ourselves.


English - w/b 15.04.24


In English this week, the children have been exploring the front cover of ‘The London Eye Mystery’ and making interesting predictions about what they think the text might be about. The children have been asking a range of questions about the text along with making inferences about the main character.

Geography - w/b 25.03.24


This term in geography, we looked at ‘Extreme Earth’ where we focused on the many different extreme weather types across the world. We began by looking at how the equator affects the climate, the further you are from the equator the colder it becomes. We also looked at how climate change has caused changes in temperature around the world over the last 50 years. In the UK we live in a Temperate Climate Zone, this means that we have cold winters and mild summers. But in 2022 we had a heatwave and the temperature was 40.3C! This was the hottest temperature recorded in the UK. We then became weather forecasters for extreme weather and looked at how weather is recorded and reported.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24


As part of our learning in mathematics, we have been regularly engaging with fun activities on TimesTable Rockstars and competing with each other within Years 5 and 6 so that we can improve our understanding of multiplication and division facts. This has been an exciting way to demonstrate our learning.

Computing - w/b 11.03.24


In year 5, we have been looking at flat-file databases which focus on how information or data records are stored. We used a real-life database to answer questions and to create graphs and charts to help us understand and analyse information better. We used information about the passengers on the Titanic to answer questions such as “How many people boarded first class?”.

French - w/b 04.03.24


In French, the children in year 5 have been looking at the unit Bon appetit, bonne sante (items of food). In this unit, the children have learned different items of food which we consume on a regular basis. They are able to pronounce them and write them in French.

Reading - w/b 26.02.24


In year 5, we have been reading a wide range of texts to allow us to build upon our imagination. Reading has been a fantastic tool in our learning, particularly to inspire us with narrative writing such as our version of ‘Skellig’ where we had to conjure a creature description based off of Greek mythology. We have also had the opportunity this term to use the library and access a wide range of stories and texts that we have an interest in.

RE - w/b 19.02.24


During RE day, we learnt about the importance of the Qur’an and how all Muslims value this special holy book.  As a class, we discussed some of the importance messages within this holy book. In addition to this, we explored a range of artefacts within the lesson and discussed the significance of them

PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24


This term, we have been ‘Celebrating our Differences’. We began by talking about our cultural differences, including our practices and traditions through the way we dress and what we eat. We compared our cultures with one another and it was an interesting discussion which allowed us to understand our friends better. We then discussed the different types of bullying which can stem from our differences, however we know that our duty is to be an upstander when this happens and ensure that we always tell an adult when this does occur.


Finally, this week was ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and we have been discussing the wonderful things that we would like our friends to know about our lives outside of school. We have been journaling our thoughts in our daily diaries.


Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24


This week in mathematics we have been working collaboratively as a group to multiply three digit numbers by two digit numbers. We have used mathematical vocabulary to explain the various steps. In addition to this, we have solved a range of word problems involving multiplication.

History - w/b 22.01.24


In year 5, during our History lessons we have been learning about Baghdad. We began our learning by looking at the earliest civilisation in Mesopotamia (this area spans over many countries today such as Iraq and Iran). We learned how the civilisation relied heavily upon the natural resources in the surrounding area such as the fertile soils and the river Euphrates and Tigris. This allowed us to enquire about how later civilizations had successfully settled and built cities in the area. We know that Baghdad was a financially successful city which focused on teaching, learning and trade.

Reading - w/b 15.02.24


In order to become fluent readers, we like to read on a regular basis and use every opportunity we can during school to embed this. Some of the reading strategies we have used include: choral reading, echo reading, whole class reading and silent reading. Reading allows us to develop our vocabulary so that we can use this within our writing. We read across all areas of the curriculum. 

English - w/b 08.01.24


Our new text in English is called ‘Skellig’. This week, we began reading the book and read the first six chapters! So far, we have learned that the main character, Michael, and his family have moved into a dilapidated house that has a large garage, almost about to cave in. Michael soon discovers that there seems to be something living in the garage. We then had a debate as to whether or not Michael’s family made the right decision in moving from their old home to this new house that is falling apart.

Christmas - w/b 11.12.23


This week, we have been writing special Christmas messages. In addition to this, we have discussed the importance of Christmas and why families come together. We also appreciate our families as well as our friends and helpful adults. 

Science - w/b 04.12.23


This term in Year 5, we have been learning about the different types of forces and their effect on us and the things around us. We began our learning by looking at Sir Isaac Newton as he discovered gravity. He is famously known for having an apple fall down onto his head when he was sitting under an apple tree. This sparked his curiosity and led him to continue working on the theory of gravity. We enjoyed conducting experiments which focused on how the mass of an object affects its weight. 


Computing - w/b 27.11.23


This term we have been learning about how to use the internet safely and the importance of using various websites. We have also learnt how to refine our search so that we can look for specific information. During our lessons, we have had an opportunity to research information about our Geography topic and make cross-curricular links. 

Geography - w/b 20.11.23


This term we have been learning about North America and the countries within it. We know that North America is a large area which is a part of the Northern Hemisphere, just like our country! However, there are very few similarities between England and countries such as Mexico or even Guatemala. We have been particularly focused on different cities within the various countries in North America.

Oracy - w/b 13.11.23


As part of our Oracy Curriculum, we were able to provide our viewpoint about various topics e.g. ‘Manchester United is the best team in the world’. We were able to explain that this is an opinion; it is an individual's thought. As a class, we discussed different facts and opinions and articulated ourselves in full sentences. We listened attentively to our learning partners.

PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23


This term in PHSCE, our topic is ‘Keeping me safe’. We have been sharing our opinions about what safety means and how we can determine who our trusted adults are. We have also been discussing how our opinions are our own and we should not be influenced by others.

RE - w/b 30.10.23


In Year 5, we celebrated RE day by learning about different stories from two religions, Christianity and Islam. We learned about ‘The story of temptations’ in which Jesus’s faith was tested through trials such as breaking his fast by eating, bowing down to someone other than God and also testing God’s love for him by jumping from a tall cliff. We learned that Jesus remained steadfast in his faith and it taught us to be patient and understand that we should not be influenced so quickly by others. We also learned about the story of Bilal. Did you know that he was the first Muslim man to say the Adhan (the call to prayer)?

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23


In PSHCE, we have been learning about an inspirational figure called Martin Luther King.  We discussed how he played a role in the lives of individuals by standing up what he believed was right.  In addition to this, we read parts of his speech and discussed the main messages from there.   

Art - w/b 09.10.23


In Art, we have had the opportunity to compare the work of three different artists with the names of Cy Gavin, Vincent Van Gogh and Francis Bacon.  We discussed the different techniques they have used within their art work.  In addition to this, we have created a one perspective picture in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.  

Science - w/b 02.10.23


In Science, we have been exploring space and the planets that create our solar system. We learned which planets there are in space and their order from the Sun - we use the acronym ‘My Very Enormous Monkey Just Stole Uncooked Nuggets’ to help us remember. Do you know the order using this acronym? We then looked at the theories that have developed over time as technology has advanced. We looked at the Geocentric and Heliocentric theories which focus on whether the Earth or the Sun is in the centre of the universe.

Reading - w/b 25.09.23


In Year 5, we have been reading a range of texts as part of our curriculum, so that we can become fluent readers.  Over the week, we have practised various reading strategies which include: choral reading, echo reading, reading with pace and taking account of punctuation.  In addition to this, we have identified the meaning of unknown vocabulary by reading around the sentences. 

Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23


In Year 5, we have been learning about numbers to 1,000,000! We have been particularly learning how to partition large numbers into smaller values and how to manipulate numbers to create different variations in the parts that we can create. In this lesson, we used manipulatives to create numbers and then we used them as a visual guide to help us break down numbers.

English - w/b 11.09.23


This week we have had the opportunity to explore various poems and identify some of the features which include: personification, similes and metaphors.  In particular, we focused on the poem called On the run from colours by John Agard.  We explored his theme and wrote our own example.  

Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23


This week we have enjoyed getting to know the exciting things that our friends did over the summer holidays! We discussed our goals and dreams for Year 5 and we collaborated together to artistically recreate our school motto “Together we learn, Together we achieve”. We also enjoyed using our new reading corner and exploring who our focus authors are for the year!

Welcome to the Turquoise and Maroon Class page!



Sports Morning - w/b 10.07.23


We had a fabulous sports morning in Year 5! We started off the day by playing a series of handball matches and collected points for our teams. Following this, we participated in team relay races showing off our speed and tenacity. Our final activity of the morning was individual sprints. To wrap the morning up, we had a medal ceremony and celebrated our marvelous wins!

Art - w/b 03.07.23


This week in art, we explored patterns in the style of the author and illustrator, Shoo Rayner. As we will be delving deeper into our topic 'Tornadoes' in the coming week, we will use these patterns to create our final collages.

Art - w/b 26.06.23


During Art week, we learnt about Alma Thomas, the first African American woman to have a show at the Whitney Museum of American Art.  We started the week off by finding out about her life and carefully planning a biography on her. During the course of the week, we redrafted this and published our biographies on this inspiring artist. Alongside this, we looked at examples of her work and planned our own pieces, making use of a range of media such as charcoal, oil pastels and paint. We also experimented with tools such as cotton buds, paint brushes and sponges. Following on from this, we produced our final piece, using paper plates and our chosen media and tools. Our final step was to create another piece, again inspired by Thomas, but this time using clay. We manipulated this into plates and used a range of clay tools to create our relief. After allowing it to dry, we painted our reliefs. 

During the week we were Reasoning Robots who looked carefully for connections between art, history and mathematics. It was a memorable week indeed!


Mathematics - w/b 19.06.23


In mathematics we are currently exploring converting between percentages, decimals and fractions. We know that 10 tenths are equal to 1 whole. We also know that 10 hundredths are equal to 1 tenth and so on. We start off every mathematics lesson with 'Flashback 4', where we recall a range of skills and knowledge across the mathematics curriculum. 

RE - w/b 12.06.23


We had a fabulous RE day last week! The theme we looked at was 'Thankfulness'. We first delved into what being thankful mean to us, before exploring what different religions say about this topic. The religions we focussed on were; Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism. We finally created posters dipicting our new knowledge. 

Reading - w/b 05.06.23


In Guided Reading, we are looking at Greek mythology this term. We read a text about Theseus and the minotaur and had the opportunity to summarise on the key events.

French - w/b 22.05.23


Our current topic in French is 'Je suis le musicien' (I am the music man).

In today's lesson, we recapped our knowledge of the French names for musical instruments, and whether they are feminine or masculine. We did this by playing a game based on 'Snakes and Ladders' with our peers. Following on from this, we participated in a role play activity; practising using French phrases with our peers. 

Oracy - w/b 15.05.23


We have been focussing on our Oracy skills in English this week by generating and answering questions in the role, as one of the main characters Ted, in our book ‘The London Eye Mystery’. During the Q&A session, we ensured we followed the ‘Drama Contract’ and kept an eye on the strands of the Oracy Framework. As a follow-up task, we wrote in character as Ted, building on our conversations in role.

Coronation Celebrations - w/b 08.05.23


We had a wonderful day commemorating the coronation of King Charles III! We started the day off by decorating placemats, and making party hats. We then put our artistic and collaborative skills together to create a collage of King Charles III. In the afternoon we enjoyed scrumptious sandwiches, cake and fruit. We also played musical statues and charades. It was a day we will remember forever!

Climate Week - w/b 01.05.23

During Climate week our focus was: 'Save our forests.' As the week progressed we learnt was deforestation is, why it happens and how it affects our planet and all living things. We used this knowledge to write a non-chronological report about deforestation. With our science hats on, we carried out an enquiry, finding out if we could mimic soil erosion. We were successful! 

Finally, we used waste from home, such as empty plastic bottles and boxed to create one piece of art per group, depicting the effects of climate change on our environment. We wrapped up the week by curating our very own art galleries, displaying these marvellous pieces. 

RE Day - w/b 24.04.23


Last week we had our termly RE day, focussing on the question: Should all creatures be treated equally? We asked questions about the meaning and purpose of life, and suggested a range of answers which might be given by ourselves, as well as members of different religious groups or individuals. We then considered a range of diverse views and opinions, and gave our own thoughts backed with rational reasons. Following on from this, we wrote poems, telling other people what we want to say to the world and how we should treat animals. For this, we carefully chose phrases in our poems that are vivid to bring our ideas to life.

English - w/b 17.04.23


In Year 5 we have started reading our new book; ‘The London Eye Mystery’. In today’s activity, we read the first two chapters to get to know the characters. We then created a family tree, explaining each character’s role in the hierarchy.

Art - w/b 27.03.23


This term, we studied the techniques used by artist Peter Doig. In particular, we looked at how he used tints, reflection and pointillism in one of his paintings called ‘Milky Way’. Our learning journey consisted of experimenting with colour mixing to create tints, using prussian blue. We then practised our skills in creating the night sky as seen in ‘Milky Way’ and produced replicas of this beautiful piece of art. Next, we looked at a photograph of Wanstead Flats and planned how we would recreate this in the style of Mr Doig. Finally, we used all of the techniques learnt to create our final piece. 

Mathematics - w/b 20.03.23


We are learning how to use the written method in multiplication. We started off by showing how we multiply with two digit numbers, by using diennes and place value charts. Since then, we have moved onto the abtract method (written) as we have consolidated our place value knowledge.


Computing - w/b 13.03.23


We are currently looking at coding in Computing and using the program ‘Scratch’. In this week’s lesson, we had to design, write and debug a program that accomplished a specific goal, such as a balloon image (sprite) moving across the screen. For this, we had to use sequence, selection and repetition in the program and work with variables and various forms of input and output.

French - w/b 06.03.23


This week in French we have extended our learning of the topic, bon appetit (healthy eating). We began by revisiting key words and phrases including certain foods and whether these are good or bad for your health. For example, we translated words such as cake or cheese and had to categorise these as healthy vs. unhealthy. This was particularly useful since it consolidated our knowledge of science and our keeping a healthy diet unit. After this, we looked at plural words related to different foods and wrote out the ingredients required to make a baguette! 


RE Day - w/b 27.02.23


During RE day, we looked the question: 'How do Christian people try and follow Jesus’ example?'

We looked at different stories in the Bible and explored how these relate to the Christian charities, such as Christian Aid, Samaritans, etc. We then explored what Christians could give or what they could do to help others less fortunate than them. Following on from this, we linked it to our previuos RE unit, which looked at Zakat (Islam). 

Oracy - w/b 20.02.23


In English, we have been using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two short films by Marc Craste; Jojo in the Stars and Varmints. After we complete these, we use strands from the Oracy framework to discuss it with our talk partner. 

PHSCE - w/b 06.02.23


This week in PHSCE we have been learning more about the impact of bullying. In particular, we focused on rumour-spreading and the effects of name calling can have on someone’s mental well-being. During the lesson, we distinguished between the role of a bystander and an upstander. As an upstander, it is important that if we see any forms of bullying we make some noise. Further to this, we recapped the different types of bullying one can experience. For example, a person may experience physical bullying which could involve hitting or biting versus cyber bullying which is indirect and typically behind a device (mobile or computer). The effects can be damaging to someone’s self-esteem and it is important to be kind to one another.


Mathematics - w/b 30.01.23


In mathematics, we have consolidated our learning of dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. We know that we need to use our knowledge of place value when dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000. We will use this skill in DT next week when we have to convert between millilitres and litres when baking sconces.

History - w/b 23.01.23


In history, we have been extending our learning of Baghdad. We specifically looked at how Baghdad was formed as a perfect round city. We learnt that when the Abbasids conquered, the Caliph (Al Mansur) wanted to build the perfect capital city for the Islamic Empire he had now inherited. In class, we sketched our designs of the perfect round city for Baghdad and then we built our designs (as architects) using biscuits and icing sugar. 


Reading - w/b 16.01.23


This week we have been reading more of the fictional text, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. We began our week reading through the text and highlighting key vocabulary. Here we learnt new words and used dictionaries to define them. After reading, we summarised the elements of the text and deepened our understanding by completing comprehension questions.

English - w/b 09.01.23


In Year 5, we started to read our new book, ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. So far we have met Micheal, the main character, who moves with his family into a new house. Micheal discovers a strange creature, who calls himself Arthur Itis, in the dilapidated garage at the end of the family’s garden. Who is this creature? 


In today’s lesson, we had to use explicit and implicit descriptions in the book to draw what Arthur might look like. Have a look at our marvellous sketches!


Guided Reading - w/b 05.12.22

In Year 5, we are very good at summarising a text. For this, we follow the next procedure: first we read the text aloud to ourselves. Next, we use our timer-fingers to verbally summarise what we have read, ensuring we use key vocabulary as well as the main points in the text. Finally, we pen this down in our Reading Journals. This week, we summarised a Viking Saga about a boy called Bjorn, who went on a quest to find the biggest reindeer in the world!


Computing - w/b 28.11.22


This term we have been curating our own websites, based on the topics we are studying in school, such as The Vikings, Forces, North America and Christmas. We carefully planned the layout of our site, conducted research and then used Google sites to curate this. This week, we put the finishing touches on our work, and then helped each other by appraising our peers’ websites. Next, we will give verbal feedback to each other, backed up by our completed appraisal sheets, take this on board by tweaking our work and then present it to one another. During the feedback stage, we will focus on displaying strands from the Oracy framework. 

Geography - w/b 21.11.22


This week we are approaching the end of our Geography unit; 'North America'. Over the last few weeks, we have acquired the following knowledge;

  • The names of the 23 countries that make up North America
  • Finding out about different climate zones across the continent
  • Knowing how to use the different time zones across the world
  • Conducting research about our local area as well as a region in North America 

Our final piece of work will be a brochure comparing our local area to a region in North America.

We enjoyed learning about this fascinating continent, whom we share a hemisphere with!


Oracy - w/b 14.11.22


This week, we combined our computing skills and learning during RE day to present what we have found out about Christmas celebrations in countries around the world. We focussed on strands from the Oracy framework such as: ‘Varying pace and tone’, ‘Voice projection’, 'Gesture and eye contact’ as well as ‘Listening for extended periods of time’.

Science - w/b 07.11.22


In science, children have delved deeper into the topic of forces. This week we focused on Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravitational forces and tested the laws of gravity. We carried out an enquiry using a specific tool called a Newton meter. This was used to test the amount of gravitational ‘pull’ force on a given object. We tested a range of objects and found that forces acting on an object that is still is balanced. As Newton theorised, every object has at least two forces acting on it at any given time. For an object attached to the Newton meter, there is tension (T) force and the weight (g) which has a downwards pull!


PHSCE - w/b 31.10.22


We started our PHSCE lesson by looking at key vocabulary for the new topic ‘Keeping Me Safe’.  This was followed by completing our KWL grid in our books and write about what we already know about keeping safe. We then moved onto deciding what appropriate touching is and added this to a body map with an explanation.

Black History Month - w/b 17.10.22


As part of celebrating Black History Month, the year 5 classes created a canvas each in the style of American artist Kara Walker. In preparation for the canvas in Maroon class, we cut out a range of monochrome images of influential people of colour, before using these to create a collage depicting the subject’s clothing. We also stuck down strips of card, depicting her hair. The result is truly something we are proud of; have a look at the process and final product in the pictures below!

RE - w/b 10.10.22


During RE day, our focus question was: ‘What inner forces affect the way we think and behave?’ We started by looking at a range of religious stories, such as Jonah and the whale, the story of Bilal and the Miracle Maker. We compared the similarities and differences between the religions and found links between each of the stories. As we gained a deeper understanding, we then created a mood graph. This provided cross-curricular links to mathematics. We even created poems, some of which were acrostic. 


Science - w/b 03.10.22


This week in science, we have been looking at sundials. A sundial is an instrument showing the time by the shadow of a pointer cast by the sun onto a plate marked with the hours of the day. Traditionally, sundials are etched with Roman numerals. In science, we are going to investigate whether the length of the shadow changes based on the time indicated on the sundial. We started with our prediction and we have many interesting ideas. 

Reading - w/b 26.09.22


There have been lots of reading opportunities this week. We started a new text in English having spent a few weeks previously on poetry. The book is titled Floodland and it is a children’s fantasy novel. We made inferences and predictions about the book, including the key characters. We ensured oracy was embedded in the sequence of lessons so that children could explain their points of view clearly to the cohort. We also spent time unravelling some of the key vocabulary used in the text. For example, we learnt the words derelict and inhabitants!

Mathematics - w/b 19.09.22


In mathematics this week, we have been developing our learning of place value. We began exploring larger numbers up to the hundred thousand columns. Before answering questions, we strengthened our understanding of this concept through the use of manipulatives. We found using place value counters and charts helpful for this. After this, we ordered and compared numbers to hundred thousand and even applied rounding to these!

English - w/b 12.09.22


This week in English we have been creating poems. We considered existing poems, annotated the literary devices associated with them and began brainstorming ideas. Our focus was creating poems based on colours. Therefore we used word associations for colours and used poetic devices such as metaphors and personification to bring our poetry to life.

Welcome Back! - w/b 05.09.22


In Year 5, we have been working hard to put our stamp in our classrooms. We started by decorating our school motto, which is ‘Together we learn, together we achieve’. We then created self-portraits of our faces and we used a special technique in which we shaded a printed picture of ourselves using a sharp pencil which then traced our photo on the back of a blank piece of paper.


Year 4

2021 - 2022

Design and Technology - w/b 11.07.22


This week in DT Year 4 have been writing a recipe for scones. The children considered what the features of  a recipe are. We discussed what makes a good recipe. Children also made a mixture of vegan scones. They learnt new skills and ensured that they followed the step by step guide of making scones.  


French - w/b 04.07.22


This week in French, we have been learning key phrases/words all linked to sport. We learnt how to pronounce what sports we like and what we play. Can you guess what ‘Je Joue au tennis’ might mean? We also looked at foods and were able to state whether they are unhealthy or healthy (a handy link to our science learning too!).


Science - w/b 27.06.22


In Science, children continued with their enquiry looking at how they could make their rafts float. They worked in pairs to consider the best way to make their models robust and strong. They had to consider how to join their rafts, the dimensions of their model and accurately scaling the materials based on their designs. To test the effectiveness of their raft, the children had to pass tests such as being able to keep their raft afloat for at least one minute, withstanding movements/waves in the water and adding weight to their rafts.  


Reading - w/b 20.06.22


This week Year 4 have enjoyed visiting the library and reading garden. Children have loved sharing the books that they are reading with their classmates. Children enjoyed doing book recommendations with their class. Year 4 have also been enjoying their book of choice and are able to provide an explanation as to why they would recommend these books to their classmates. Children are able to talk about their plot, characters and setting.


Mathematics - w/b 13.06.22


This week in Year 4 the children have been consolidating their understanding about fractions of an amount and quantity. Children have become more confident in using the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. They are also becoming confident in their reasoning skills.  The children have also been practising and chanting their times tables. The children have been using TTRS soundcheck and times tables booklets to practise their times tables. 


English - w/b 06.06.22


This week Year 4 explored their new Power of reading book called Varjak Paw. Over the
course of the week Year 4 have written predictions about the front cover and blurb. They also
discussed whether the book is fiction or non-fiction. This week the children participated in a
class debate and used 'Conscience Alley' which has contributed to developing their oracy. They
used the discussion guidelines and benchmarks for oracy.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - w/b 23.05.22


This week Year 4 have been learning about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Year 4 have researched the importance of the Platinum Jubilee. Children have created decorations for the tea party. They also spent Tuesday preparing food and treats for the tea party. During the week children took part in History and Art projects which were linked to the Platinum Jubilee.

Science - w/b 16.05.22

This term in science, we have been exploring animals including humans. In today’s lesson we conducted an enquiry into teeth. Here we looked at placing a boiled egg into a bowl containing a range of different liquids. We tested what happens to the egg if we place these into the liquids. The total duration of the enquiry was for 5 days. The results confirmed our suspicions that the coke not only coloured the outer shell of the egg, but it weakened and cracked this too. Therefore, sugar is damaging to teeth!

History - w/b 09.05.22 


This week in Topic Year 4 have been learning about the Mayan civilisation. The children have created a timeline to show how the Mayans civilisation developed over time. The children did map work to label different cities. Year 4 learnt about what Maya people eat and wear. The children had a discussion about the artefacts used during the Mayans civilisation. 


The children learnt about the religious beliefs of the Mayan people. The children learnt about the different gods and created a fact file about one of the gods.


Art - w/b 02.05.22


This week in Art we have completed our final pieces of artwork using two main techniques known as etching and monoprinting. We developed new skills within this area and were pleased with the outcomes produced. Following this, we completed evaluations of our own work. Here we considered what we liked, disliked and would improve for the future. 


French - w/b 25.04.22


This week in French Year 4 explored a new topic titled ‘The Carnival of Animals’. Here they learnt about time and applied their learning from the previous term about numbers. Working in pairs, they asked each other what time it was and responded in full sentences.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.22


This week in Maths Year 4 have been looking at fractions. Year 4 have been counting in tenths as well as this they have been looking at equivalent fractions. 


Using concrete resources such as cuisenaire rods the children were able to identify the equivalent fractions. The children were able to use their reasoning skills to explain which fractions are equivalent to each other. Children were also able to define equivalent fractions with an example. 


Science - w/b 28.03.22


Last week the children did a Science investigation where they identified materials that are conductors and insulators. 


This week the children wrote their Science investigation into their Science books. They have demonstrated our school value of being a reflection ninja as they recapped their learning and were able to discuss their findings. Year 4 have ensured that they use scientific vocabulary in their writing


English - w/b 21.03.22


This week the children have been working hard to complete their publishing piece. They identified the main features of a leaflet. The children used subheadings, images and did you know facts to make their leaflets interesting and eye-catching. 


Reading - w/b 14.03.22


During DEAR time the children have been sharing book reviews with the class. The children really enjoyed the book recommendations made by their classmates. Children also asked questions about the book. We discussed the main events of the story. 


RE - w/b 07.03.22


In RE Year 4 have been learning about Easter. Year 4 have explored religious symbols and evaluated how the symbols are associated with Easter.  


Year 4 have also compared how different Christians (Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans, Baptists) celebrate the Last Supper. We discussed the importance of the key vocabulary and had a discussion about why Christians celebrate Easter. The children also did a Now Press Play experience based on the Easter story to reflect on what they have learnt in RE this term. 


Art - w/b 28.02.22


Year 4 have been looking at the work of George Seurat. Children learnt about one of George Seurat’s work called ‘Sunday in the park.’ The children replicated this drawing by focussing on aspects of the drawing. 


The children did mark making first using a cotton bud to practice pointillism. Then the children focussed on one step at a time to create the tree in the drawing of ‘Sunday in the park.’ The children were able to use key vocabulary to explain pointillism as well as the key skills that the artist used. 


Geography - w/b 21.02.22


This week in Geography Year 4 we explored our new topic ‘Where does food come from?’ The children looked at where milk, orange juice and rice comes from. We discussed the journey of these foods and how it is produced. The children enjoyed identifying how the foods are made. 

Design and Technology - w/b 07.02.22


This term in DT the children have been exploring battery operated light. We discussed the functions of a night light as well as the purpose and target audience. Year4 have been exploring how to make a circuit and use their design brief to create their night light. The children learnt about the circuit symbols.

Computing - w/b 31.01.22


This week in Computing we identified the features of what makes a good website. We looked at Sir John Heron’s school website to identify some of the features used. We also began to use HTML 5 to create our own healthy eating website. We practised coding and tried adding in some tags. 


Mathematics - w/b 24.01.22


In mathematics this week, we have been working hard to recall our times tables. Fluency is an important skill we need to master since it ties in with other concepts/areas of maths. In order to help us with this, we used concrete and pictorial models to help with recall.

History - w/b 17.01.22


In History, Year 4 have been looking at the time before the Vikings reigned. We have been finding out more about what Britain was like before the Viking invasion. Children have carried out various different activities this week which involved creating a timeline, using map skills and ‘Now Press Play’. The children have really enjoyed learning more about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.

English - w/b 10.01.22


In English, this week Year 4 have been writing their predictions and inferences about our new book called ‘Iron Man.’ The children have also created their own illustrations for the book based on the opening of the story. 


The children have been analysing and identifying the features of newspaper articles. In addition to this, the children have also discussed the main purposes of these features.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! - w/b 13.12.21


This week the children watched the Aladdin pantomime. The children enjoyed watching the pantomime. This also ties in very well with what the children have been learning in English. The children have been writing playscripts and discussing the conventions of a playscript. The children have applied their learning from English and ensured that they were looking out for the conventions of a playscript whilst watching the pantomime. The children also had a discussion about what they liked about the pantomime. The children have also been singing along to festive Christmas songs both in class and their music lessons.

Computing - w/b 06.12.21


In computing this week the children looked at different scenarios and decided whether they were trustworthy or untrustworthy. The children used their reasoning skills and created a diamond shape of all the trustworthy and untrustworthy scenarios. We had a discussion about e-safety and ways in which we can stay safe online.


Year 3 and 4 Sport Tapscott Handball Competition w/b- 29.11.21

On Friday 3rd of December we welcomed North Beckton Primary and Kensington Primary School to our school to take part in another Sports Tapscott inter-school sports competition.  A great afternoon of handball saw lots of goals and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played we were declared the winners of the competition. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon. 

Eco Day - w/b 29.11.21


On Thursday, we had a special focus day called ‘Eco Day’. We kickstarted our day with a debate about whether children can make a big difference to the environment. We outlined the pros and cons of this and deepened our understanding of current environmental issues. Following this, we created posters based on how the moon affects Earth. We discovered interesting facts about the moon and how important it is for planet Earth. Finally, we created lovely art pieces reflecting the moon and earth. We used black sugar paper, oil pastels and chalk to create our galaxy.

RE - w/b 22.11.21


In Year 4 the children have been learning about the story of Joseph. The children have also created a mood graph to show Joseph's feelings. The children used the bible and identified where the story of Joseph can be found. This week the children have looked at proverbs, 10 commandments and the story of the miracle of Jesus. They have explored what the proverbs and 10 commandments mean and why they are important. The children have looked at the story of Mary Jones and Joseph and we had a discussion about the morale of the story.


Mathematics - w/b 15.11.21


In Year 4 we started our new topic of length and perimeter. This week we have been focussing on converting different measurements. In particular we looked at lengths such as converting from cm to m as well as mm into cm. We tackled a range of questions which explored this concept such as using number lines as well as using objects around the classroom.

Reading - w/b 08.11.21


In English, we have been reading our new book called ‘Happy Here.’ Children have explored new vocabulary. In Year 4 the children have been writing diary entries as one of the characters in the story. They have thought about the features of a diary entry as well as the character’s thoughts and feelings. 


During DEAR time children have been doing book reviews to their classmates. The children have provided a recommendation and used their reasoning skills to encourage their classmates to read the books that are being shared with them. 


PE - w/b 02.11.21

This week in PE we have been learning to refine our dribbling in order to keep control and possession of the ball. We have focussed on identifying space when dribbling and what options we have what we receive the ball in basketball. In addition to this we have started to play small sided basketball games. 





French - w/b 18.10.21


In French, Year4  have been learning how to count to 30 in French. We have focussed on oracy and pronunciation this term. Children are beginning to write and recall their own sentences based on our learning in French.


In French, children learnt how to say doll, console, teddy bear and balloon in French. We have had discussions about pocket money and described the cost of objects. Children also described their opinions about the object using the sentence starters taught in the lesson. 


RE - w/b 11.10.21


In RE this week, we have been focusing on the importance of symbolism in Hinduism. We looked at a range of objects and tried to identify the meanings behind these everyday items. For example, a diva lamp is used to symbolise light and is often used in the Hindu festival of Diwali. During the lesson, we extended our vocabulary of key words including the names of deities and Gods such as Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.


Science - w/b 04.10.21


This term in Science, we are learning about sound. So far on our learning journey, we have explored how different sounds travel. 


The children have carried out scientific enquiries where they have investigated pitch, using different instruments. The children have also learnt new scientific vocabulary throughout the week. The children have started to note down their findings from the enquiry.


Mathematics - w/b 27.09.21

In Mathematics this week  Year 4 have been learning about finding 1, 10,100, 1000 more or less of a number. The children have also been working on identifying values on a number line. In every Mathematics lesson the children do flashback 4 to recap and revisit topics that they have learnt before. This is also a great opportunity for children to share ideas and learn from each other. The children have also been using manipulatives to help answer questions in the Mathematics workbooks.

Both classes in Year 4 have been learning more about how to represent numbers pictorially and as a concrete representation. Children have used their prior knowledge to help them answer the questions. As we are coming to the end of this unit the children have become much more confident in understanding place values. They have also been resilient and used key vocabulary taught as well as this they also used their reasoning skills to answer questions. Reasoning is one of the school's values.


English - w/b 20.09.21


In English this week, Year 4 have been exploring the poem ‘Grandma’s Sugarcake.’ We annotated the poetic devices used in this poem. We also discussed how John Lyons uses non-standard English. The children have worked hard to identify what John Lyon was writing. They were all following Sir John Heron’s value of resilience. 


The children also used their drama skills and performed a ‘Performance Carousel’ for the poem ‘Grandma’s Sugarcake’ which was a great success. The children worked collaboratively as a group. Using the work of John Lyon the children wrote their own poem about a food type following the structure of the poem of. Just like any other writing, the children proofread and edited their first draft, before redrafting and finally publishing their poems. Children used a combination of standard English and non-standard English. They also used the new vocabulary learnt in our poetry unit.


Reading - w/b 13.09.21

On Monday, in Guided reading we read a poem called ‘Chocolate Cake.’ Both classes used what they have learnt in English to identify the poetic vocabulary used in this poem. We focussed on drama in reading. We have really enjoyed reading the poem chocolate cake. We explored the ‘Drama Contract’ and all agreed to adhere to it. During Guided Reading we presented our group’s actions using a performance carousel and explained our freeze frames to the class, using the key vocabulary which we had generated. We thoroughly enjoyed using this technique and put ourselves into the shoes of the characters.

W/b 06.09.21 - Back to school!


Pupils in year 4 had a very strong start to the school year. They already started working hard on place value in mathematics and returned their homework projects to school. 


Year 3

2020 - 2021

English - w/b 12.07.21


This term we have been exploring the story ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. We have discussed and brainstormed Edward’s complex relationships with characters in the story, created an illustrated character description, hot seated as Edward and written thought bubbles describing one of the tragic events. Now that it is the end of term we have been writing an extended piece of writing of an autobiography as Edward Tulane. We explored the features of autobiographies and have been redrafting and publishing our writing this week. 


PHSCE - w/b 05.07.21


In PHSCE this week, we have been learning about the fascinating and inspirational life of Anne Frank. We explored key events that occurred during her life and the discrimination that she and her family faced during World War II. We had a long discussion about how Jewish people might have felt when Hitler forced them to wear a yellow star in public. We then moved onto creating our own fact file about Anne Frank.

History - w/b 28.06.21


We are learning about the amazing Romans! We discovered fascinating facts about what the Romans are famous for inventing, how Rome grew from a city to an empire and we compared life during the ancient Rome times to life today. We found out about the story of Remus and Romulus- two brothers who were banished from the land Alba Langa so that they did not earn their right of one day becoming king. When learning about this story we shared our moral views on whether the actions of all the characters were right or wrong. We enjoyed writing the story in our own words and adding colourful illustrations to go with each key event. We are looking forward to creating mosaic art next week!


Let the Olympic Games begin! - w/b 21.06.21


This week in Year 3 we attended an Olympic workshop. This was an amazing opportunity for us to broaden our knowledge on the Olympics as we have already been exploring the Olympic games during our guided reading sessions. We found the workshop exciting, especially since we had prior knowledge of the Ancient Greek Olympics and were able to impress our visitors with the interesting facts we had learnt. We really enjoyed the interactive tasks and role-play during the workshop and look forward to learning more about the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

Diversity Week - India - w/b 14.06.21


This week has been a very exciting week! As part of diversity week Year 3 have been celebrating the diverse cultures and traditions of India. We started the week with learning Indian greetings and carrying out research on India. We learnt about the geographical location, landscapes, population, cities, languages, religions and traditional foods of India. We enjoyed creating holiday brochures persuading people to visit India, we wrote fact files about Indian animals, we found out about Anish Kapoor and Mahatma Gandhi and created our own flags of India.

One of our favourite activities this week was making a traditional Indian dish of masala pasta. 


Mathematics - w/b 07.06.21

In Mathematics this week, we have been exploring money. We were able to recognise different notes and coins as well as tell each other the value of each. We used the notations £ and p in the correct context and also started to add and subtract different amounts. We found that converting pounds to pence and pence to pounds helped us to do this. We used key mathematical terminology such as coins, pound, pence, money, notation, addition, subtraction, part, whole, commutative, amount, sum and equal.

Great Big School Clean - w/b 07.06.21


On Thursday, year 3 pupils took part in the ‘Keep Britain Tidy's Great Big School Clean’ event. Staff from Manor Park library, as well as members from Newham’s Recycling team accompanied our pupils to Little Ilford Park, where we were briefed about health and safety, split into groups, and set off to find and collect litter. We were shocked to fill five large bags!

Litter ranged from empty cans, chocolate wrappers, plastic bags, empty crisp packets to name but a few. After having a brief discussion about the serious effects of litter on the environment, we enjoyed a drink of water and a piece of fruit (making sure we bin our litter!). We decided to become more vocal about litter when we are at home and with our friends outside of school. 


English - w/b 24.05.21


This week in English we have been exploring the topic of ‘recycling’. 

We researched facts about why recycling is important for the environment, we found out what materials can be recycled, how they are recycled and we discussed the changes we can make in our own lives to ensure that we are looking after the planet. We have been writing information leaflets about the importance of recycling. We enjoyed writing a catchy slogan and drawing illustrations for our leaflets. We linked our learning to our knowledge from our guided reading topic of ‘Endangered Animals’. We explained how animals are at risk of becoming endangered if their habitats are destroyed and recycling can help to protect the environments where animals live.


Get Active! - w/b 17.05.21


During ‘Get Active’ this week, Year 3 we discussed different types of ways to get active and stay healthy. We tried various exercises and yoga activities. Our favourite type of activity is dancing! We enjoyed boogieing to our favourite tunes on Just Dance Kids. We also participated in daily dance competitions where the person who followed all the moves accurately and enthusiastically won a dance award which was created by our teachers. We also participated in a Now Press Play session where we had further opportunities to get active while acting out different scenes in the story. We really enjoy our active sessions and look forward to them every day!


PHSCE - w/b 10.05.21


In PHSCE this week we discussed emotions and suggested ways people can deal with their emotions. We listened to the story ‘The Heart and the Bottle’ and discussed how the character was feeling very low. As a class, we thought of different strategies we can use if we feel sad to help us feel better. Then we planned a design for a pebble of positivity. Our pebble design included bright pictures and an inspirational quote. We look forward to painting our pebbles!


Art - w/b 04.05.21

This week we have been exploring Van Gogh’s painting styles and techniques. We delved deep into a famous painting by Van Gogh called, ‘Starry Night’. We annotated this painting using key vocabulary such as, tone, shade, mood, texture, highlight, colour mixing and brush strokes. We then moved on to create our own textured background in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.

Falconry Workshop - w/b 26.04.21


Reading - w/b 26.04.21


We have been reading an exciting non-fiction book called ‘Animals in Danger’. This week we have analysed the key vocabulary in this book. In partners, we created a vocabulary brainstorm defining key words we are learning, such as, vertebrates, invertebrates, classified, ventured, perished, extinct and endangered. We found out all about the animals that have been hunted to extinction. For example, we learnt about the Elephant Bird which has sadly become extinct as it was commonly hunted for its meat and eggs. Due to its size and weight it was unable to fly or run away fast enough from hunters. We have also answered comprehension questions to demonstrate our understanding of the text. This helped us to use the skill of retrieval by referring to evidence from the text. We enjoyed showing our understanding of the animals in danger by writing our own fact files. 


Mathematics - w/b 19.04.21


Finding a quarter

In Year 3 we have been learning about Fractions. This week we have started looking at unit fractions. During this lesson, we used counters to help us find a quarter of different values. In our discussions, we used key mathematical language such as (fraction, unit fraction, numerator, denominator, vinculum, quarter)

Easter Holiday Homework Projects - w/b 19.04.21

During the Easter holiday, pupils were asked by their teachers to design and make an ancient stone circle or a replica of Stonehenge, using recyclable materials that they had at home. Some pupils even used play dough to create their model. Have a look at some of the wonderful models created by our artistic year 3 pupils!

English - w/b 29.03.21


In Year 3 we have been researching facts about reptiles. We found out about the Komodo dragon, Iguana, Chameleon and crocodiles. We used chrome books to find out interesting information and created brainstorms showing our findings. We have then used our research to write non-chronological reports. We ensured we had all the features of a report including, facts, subheadings, labelled pictures and captions. We are looking forward to publishing our reports.

Now Press Play! w/b 29.03.21

On Tuesday, Year 3 travelled back in time to meet Mary Anning, a famous English fossil collector and amateur palaeontologist, using a program called 'Now Press Play'. They started their journey in the school hall, where they received a set of earphones each. They became a character who travelled back to a time to meet Mary and help her collect dinosaur teeth and scales. During their visit, they met scientist, learnt about different dinosaurs and even escaped a meteor that killed off the dinosaurs! It was very enjoyable and pupils were also able to use the knowledge they already had of prehistoric Britain, as they studied this back in the Autumn term.

Have a look at some of the pictures taken during the session!


Computing - w/b 22.03.21

In Year 3 we have been exploring Scratch. We have looked at the different features and purpose of Scratch. We made an attempt at creating our own animation on scratch. We made sure that we included a background and also changed our sprites. Then we moved onto adding sounds and discovering ways in which we could make our sprite move and speak. We used the ‘control, looks, motions and sound’ features on Scratch to do this. When our animation wasn’t going accordingly, we searched for potential issues that may have been caused and debugged these in order to make our animations work. In order to do this, we had to follow an algorithm.

Science: Rocks and Soils - w/b 15.03.21

In Year 3 we have been exploring rocks and soils. We have looked at real rocks and sorted them into groups based on their characteristics. We then went on a fact hunt around the classroom to find out about types of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock. This helped us to explore the properties of rocks and their uses. We then created rock fact files to explain what we have learnt.

Back to School! w/b 08.03.21


We are very excited to be back at school, and made a great start! This morning, the year 3 pupils became fashion designers, when they used newspaper, masking tape, clothes pegs and scissors to design and create an outfit. After all the groups completed their designs, each class held a fashion show, showcasing their creations. The children did a great job working together in teams. 

Keep watching this space for more exciting learning!

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 30.11.2020

DT - w/b 30.11.2020

In DT this term we have been designing and creating our own photo frames. We started off the design process by creating a detailed sketch of our photo frame and writing instructions on how to make them. Then we used our plans to construct our photo frames using wooden lolly sticks. Next, we evaluated our design and discussed what we would do differently next time. We are now going to implement changes to our frames to make them even better. Some of our changes include, making a stand to make our structure stable and creating multiple compartments to add more than one photo in our frames.

English - w/b 23.11.2020


In English this week we have researched facts about dinosaurs. We created posters in partners giving information about the dinosaur’s diet, weight, appearance and other interesting facts. We presented our work to the class which allowed us to develop our speaking and listening skills. Then we used our research to write non-fiction reports on dinosaurs. We wrote our introductions and information on the terrifying tyrannosaurus rex as a guided write on whiteboards. Then we began writing our non-fiction texts in our books. We look forward to publishing our work into books next week.

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 02.11.2020

Guided Reading - w/b 02.11.2020



In Guided Reading this term, we are exploring a non-fiction text called Science Shocks. We have been delving into this factual and informative text and have learnt some fascinating facts about some of the most famous and inspiring scientists to ever exist. This week, we looked at a scientist called, ‘Antoine Lavoisier’. Lavoisier was a pioneer in Chemistry. Did you know that he helped establish the metric system of measurements?!


We made a word bank of all the interesting and unfamiliar words we found in the text. Some of these words include; legacy, tax, theory, guillotined and French Revolution. We used a website called ‘Wordsmyth’ to find out the definition of each word and used each one in a sentence of our own. We then moved onto answering comprehension questions and inferring what we learnt from the text.

Computing - w/b 19.10.2020

In Computing we have been focusing on Online Safety. We designed posters informing people about how they can stay safe online. We discussed the importance of protecting your personal information, how we should not talk to strangers online, which games are appropriate for our age group and what to do if we see a pop up on our screens. We also discussed what cyber bullying is and what somebody can do if they are experiencing this.


We also used role play to show our understanding of online safety. We discussed what is happening in various scenarios where you must be safe online and discussed what the solutions to the problems are. We created freeze frames in groups to show different scenarios where somebody must be safe online. We are looking forward to creating a digital vocabulary mat about Online Safety.

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 12.10.2020

PHSCE - w/b 12.10.2020


This week in Year 3 we have been creating our dream school. We discussed the rules and routines we’d have in place at our ideal school, we also mentioned how we’d make people feel welcome and valued at our dream school. We used key vocabulary such as, community, rules, routines, consequences, reward and praise to explain our ideas.

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 05.10.2020

Science 'Forces' - w/b 05.10.2020


In Science our topic is ‘Forces and Magnets’. We found out which objects are magnetic and which are non-magnetic. We made predictions about how we will sort them and explained our ideas by describing the properties of the objects. We sorted the objects and explained our findings using key vocabulary such as, magnetic, non-magnetic, attract and repel. We have also conducted experiments to test how the speed of a toy car will be affected when pushed along different surfaces. We enjoy presenting our results in different ways such as drawing, writing or on a bar graph.

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 28.09.2020

English 'Gorilla' - w/b 28.09.2020


This week in Year 3 we have been focusing on writing, editing and redrafting our very own non-fiction factfile about Chimpanzees and Orangutans. This links to the book we have been focusing on this term called, ‘Gorilla’. We enjoyed finding some amazing facts about these wonderful creatures. We displayed resilience when structuring our writing, ensuring that we had included all the features of a factfile.


We have been summarising key events from the story ‘Gorilla’ and have plotted these on a graph. This created a cross-curricular link between English and Mathematics where we were able to practice plotting data on a graph according to whether each key event from the story was negative, neutral or positive.

This Week's Photo Moments - w/b 21.09.2020

Mathematics - w/b 21.09.2020


This week we focused on place value of numbers and addition using the column method. We enjoyed going to the playground and creating a human number line by ordering ourselves in ascending and descending order. This involved team work and using our place value knowledge.

We used dienes to help us when adding, using the column method. We also focused on our presentation and lining up the hundreds, tens and ones neatly in our books.


We have applied our mathematics knowledge in Art as we have been looking at famous buildings. We were inspired by the role of an architect and how they need to use their mathematics skills when designing buildings. We applied the skills of measuring, accuracy and problem solving when creating our own 3D buildings using spaghetti and play dough.

Geography: Our European Neighbours - w/b 14.09.2020


During Geography this week we explored the countries in Europe. We looked for the different countries in Europe using an atlas. We also used an atlas to find the capital cities of each country and labelled these on our own maps. We played a game where we identified the capital cities of each of the countries in Europe. We look forward to learning lots more about our European neighbours in Geography.



11/03/2020- Science Day Workshop

On Wednesday 11th March we celebrated Science Day by taking part in a science workshop which demonstrated how science can be used in a fun and interactive way. In addition to this, we looked at the properties of materials and conducted an investigation to determine which materials would be best suited for an umbrella and why.

4/03/2020- PSHCE/DT: Mental Health 

This week Mozart class had their topic afternoon where they were joined by parents to find out more about how they can look after their own mental health. We discussed the story of the animals and the monster and thought about how the monster felt after being neglected and taunted by the other animals. We created our own sock puppets based on the animals in the story and thought about how these puppets can help us to manage our worries.

27/02/2020- The National Gallery

On Thursday 27th February Mozart class had the pleasure of travelling into central London to visit the National Gallery. This educational visit was specifically linked to our topic of art, which includes learning about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We were amazed by the pieces of art we saw at the gallery as they were the original art work of Van Gogh. We were fortunate enough to have a guided tour by a member of the National Gallery. The guide gave us a detailed workshop about Vincent Van Gogh's art work and we expressed how each painting made us feel.

 14/2/2020-Computing: Safer Internet Day

This week we looked at E-safety and identified different issues that we may come across online. We worked in pairs using a website called Comic Strip Maker to create our own comic strips about online safety. We also linked our comic strips to some of the school values such as being resilient online, being vigilant and taking the necessary steps to avoid any safety issues online.

14/2/2020-Science: Rocks and Soils

This week in science we explored the three main types of rocks; Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We then came up with some of our own enquiry questions about these rocks. We hope to investigate and hopefully find the answers to our questions.

7/02/2020- Computing: E-safety


In computing we looked at E-safety and identified different issues that we may come across online. We suggested solutions to each of the problems and created posters including all the information we had learnt in the lesson. We worked in groups and came up with some interesting facts and ideas about E-safety. We also linked these to some of the school values such as being resilient online as well as being vigilant and taking the necessary steps to avoid any safety issues online.

7/02/2020- Role play in literacy

In literacy we were preparing ourselves to write a narrative as the main character from the story. We discussed the picture book in detail, thinking about the themes and patterns that we found throughout the book. We then got into role as Tracy and acted out her character from various scenes in the story. We were able to use hand gestures and facial expressions to enhance our emotions and feelings as Tracy.

31/1/2020- Art: Exploring symbols

During art this week we explored different symbols on maps and around the school and discussed what each symbol might represent. We went on a journey around school to find symbols which we took pictures of and will use to create a map of our journey around school.

29/1/2020- Computing: Scratch Workshop

This week we had a special Scratch workshop. We learned more about the programme, ‘Scratch’ and understood the different types of features that can be found on it. We then had our own turns at using the chrome books to explore Scratch and created our very own animations.

21/1/2020- Art: Aboriginal Journeys

During art this week we explored Aboriginal art. We identified symbols used by the Aborigines in their paintings and discussed what they might represent. We also learnt that the art was usually created on rocks, in caves and on their bodies and almost always had a story behind them. Some Aborigines even thought that they could connect with the spirit world through their paintings. We created our own Aboriginal inspired paintings using dots as this was a recurring pattern in Aboriginal artwork that we saw. We used inspiration from Aboriginal symbols and explained the journey of our painting to our peers.

20/1/2020- PSHCE: Identifying Conflict

In PSHCE this week we discussed the different types of conflict that may occur in different families. We also discussed how we would resolve these conflicts. We then created freeze frames of different conflicts happening and used our reasoning skills to explain why this was occurring and how it could be prevented.

13/01/2020- Ideal city

In literacy this week we have been looking at our local area and how it can be further improved for the local residents, both old and young. In class we made our ideal cities using a range of resources. We thought about what features we would like to include in our idea cities, for example, an active park, a local library, access to shops and banks etc.

8/1/2020-Science: Investigating Friction

During this lesson, we tested the distance that a toy car travels on different surfaces as a way of investigating friction. The three surfaces we tested the speed of the toy car on included, sand, tissue paper and carpet. We conducted the experiment twice for each surface to make it a fair test. We also used a stopwatch to time the length of time it took for the toy car to travel across the surface.

9/1/2020-Geography: Countries of the World


In this topic lesson we used atlases to explore the countries that exist in the different continents of the world. We worked in pairs and solved various riddles and matched them to the countries they belonged to. This really upskilled our atlas using skills.

9/12/2019- Literacy: Pebble in my Pocket

In this particular lesson we created a timeline of the text ‘Pebble in my Pocket’. We ordered the story in chronological order. We also summarised the text using the book to help us.

4/12/2019- DT: Strengthening Paper


This week in Year 3 we explored different ways of strengthening paper. We rolled, twisted and folded our pieces of paper to see which method was the most effective in strengthening the paper. We wanted a more stable photograph frame and were looking at ways to make a strong structure for a more sturdy and stable photograph frame.

3/12/19- PSHCE: Cosmic Kids Yoga


This week in Year 3 we had a go at doing some yoga in our classroom. We really enjoyed this experience as it helped us feel calm and re-energised. We discussed what mindfulness is and how to take care of our mental health.

25/11/2019- Mood Tracker  in Mathematics

This week in Year 3 we have been tracking our mood each day using a mood tracker. We had to draw a table to record our mood on each day and we also created a key which tells us what mood we’re in and what colour we can shade our mood tracker in for each day. We will continue to monitor our mood using the mood tracker and compare how our mood changes over the coming weeks and what action we can take to look after ourselves as a result of this.


18/11/2019- PSHCE- Keeping Safe

In PSHCE we’ve been finding out about the people that keep us safe and help us in hospitals. We know that in a hospital there are many different types of people that can help us; doctors, nurses, paramedics, health support workers etc. With this knowledge, we created freeze frames showing different scenes in a hospital/ambulance.


11/11/2019- Computing in Year 3

In computing we have been looking at the issues surrounding online safety. We have been learning about how to stay safe when online. On Monday, we recreated some scenarios regarding an online safety issue and represented this issue in the form of a freeze frame. We then had discussions on how each particular issue could be resolved.

6/11/2019- SJH Healthy Eating Workshop


On Wednesday, Bach class took part in a healthy eating workshop in which they learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods and the impact unhealthy foods can have on your body. They discovered how much sugar was present in some fizzy drinks and were shocked to find that a can of Pepsi has eight teaspoons of sugar! They were joined by their parents and carers and towards the end of the session they got to make their own fruit pizzas, a much healthier option of food which they were happy to enjoy!

8/11/2019- Prehistoric Britain: Stonehenge


For the last two weeks, Year 3 have been learning about Prehistoric Britain in their history lessons. They have been focusing on the Stone Age and have explored a particular monument that was built and used during the Stone Age. This monument is called Stonehenge. On Friday afternoon, they made their very own silhouettes of Stonehenge using watercolour paints and black sugar paper.      

30/10/2019- Wellbeing Workshop


On Wednesday Mozart Class took part in a wellbeing workshop. During the workshop, the children discussed different feelings and emotions that they go through regularly. They created freeze frames to show how they can deal with their emotions when feeling worried. The children were given the opportunity to discuss, as a class, issues that may cause stress and worry and who they can talk to when these feelings occur. The workshop was very helpful and the children left the workshop knowing that ‘It's OK to have worries. You just need to find the right tools to help you overcome them’.

18/10/2019-Re-designing St. Basil’s Cathedral

In topic this week we have been exploring St. Basil’s Cathedral as one of our famous buildings. St. Basil’s Cathedral is a famous building located in Russia and has a very distinct and vibrant design on it. We traced around a picture of the cathedral and started to design our own version of the cathedral using different types of lines, colours and patterns.

16/10/2019-Creating 3D shapes.

This week in mathematics, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. During this particular lesson, we created a range of different 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows. We also identified the features of each shape such as, the number of faces, edges and vertices each 3D shape had.

9/10/2019-Art: Famous Buildings


This week in Year 3, we have been looking at famous buildings around the world. We have explored what buildings are and what they are used for. We have sketched our own buildings and have re-created our sketches using straws and plasticine to create our own buildings. We annotated our sketches and named our buildings.

8/10/19- Biography on Sir Isaac Newton


This week in science we have been learning about the famous scientist and philosopher, Sir Isaac Newton. We discovered that Isaac Newton is well known for discovering the law of gravity. We carried out a research project on Isaac Newton and wrote a biography based on his life.

04/10/2019- The Star of David


In Year 3, we have been exploring Judaism. This week we found out why the Star of David is important to Jewish people. We also got an opportunity to create our own Star of David using lolly sticks and other materials. We enjoyed this experience of being able to link our creations back to Jewish beliefs.

04/10/2019- Gorilla by Anthony Brown


In Year 3, we have started exploring the book, ‘Gorilla’. To begin with, we explored the character of Hannah in the text. We wrote down some questions that we would ask Hannah and eventually took to the hot seat. Hot seating is when a person takes on the role of a character whilst seated. We asked Hannah, who was on the hot seat, various  questions to delve deeper into the character. We ensured that our questions started with, who, what, when, where, why and how.

Let’s Learn Languages Together!

Year 3 have been learning French as part of their Modern Foreign Languages sessions. The topic we are focusing on this term is called ‘Moi’ which means me/all about myself. The children had an opportunity to practice their spoken language by listening to and having a go at pronouncing some French words and key vocabulary relating to the topic of ‘Moi’. The children had flashcards which they had to use in their activity to match up the images with actions whilst using the correct French terminology. The children have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions as did the teachers, we hope that our enthusiasm for learning and speaking different languages continues to grow.

Illustrations in the style of Henri Rousseau

In literacy Year 3 have been looking at a poem called, ‘For Forest’ by Grace Nichols. This week we tried to interpret what we think the forest looks like in our own way using oil pastels. We made sure that we included the types of animals, trees and climate we would find in a forest. We based our artwork on the designs of Henri Rousseau’s art. He was a famous painter who painted forests and other tropical areas of greenery in an abstract way. We took inspiration from this artist and displayed our artwork on our literacy working walls for all to see.

A visit to East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue

What a fantastic visit we’ve had today in year 3! Pupils in year 3 were fortunate enough to visit East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue as part of their enrichment linked to RE themed term. We took two buses to arrive at South Woodford, where the synagogue is located. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by Rabbi David, who enhanced our knowledge about one of the key religions in the world, Judaism. We were fascinated to learn that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have many similarities, for example, all three faiths have a special religious day during the week and have a religious book with key teachings. We learnt many interesting facts about Judaism, for example, hello in Hebrew is ‘Shalom’, the religious book for Jewish people is called the Torah and Shabbat is a day of prayer for Jews.

A Visit from the Poet: Francesca Beard


On Wednesday 11th September, a Malaysian poet called Francesca Beard visited us at Sir John Heron Primary School. We were fortunate enough to have a poetry workshop with Francesca, who gave us lots of tips and ideas to help create our own poems. We were given an introduction to the various features of poems and how these can be used effectively. We also had the opportunity to listen to Francesca perform some of her own poems. At the end of the lesson, some of us were able to take to the stage and perform our own poems.


A year 3 pupil reading her poem

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Ordering and comparing numbers in year 3

This week pupils in year 3 have been exploring numbers and the number system. We have been busy learning about the value of each digit in numbers up to 1000. We have compared numbers and ordered numbers in ascending and descending order. In addition to this, we have used manipulatives such as Dienes to create three digit numbers. This was a great resource in helping us to develop our understanding of place value. In our Active Maths session this week, we created a human number line and placed numbers in order. We worked in groups to compare, and order numbers on a number line.  

Ordering numbers on a number line



8th July 2019

Planetarium Experience


This term we have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 moon landing. We have been exploring the life of Neil Armstrong who was the first man on the moon. On Monday 8th July we took a trip to intergalactic space as we took part in an interactive Planetarium experience in the atrium. We discovered facts about the different planets and were fortunate enough to experience 3D visuals!     

4th July 2019

Year 3’s End of Year Visit to Stubbers!


On Thursday 4th July, Year 3 visited Stubbers adventure centre. We took part in orienteering, team building, rock climbing and raft building activities. The instructors at the facility were extremely helpful and briefed us on health and safety rules before starting each activity. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as the British sun shone brightly upon us. We were able to develop our team building skills further through taking part in these carefully planned out activities. It is a visit we won’t forget!        

1st July 2019

Space Workshop


This term we have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 moon landing. We have been exploring the life of Neil Armstrong who was the first man on the moon. On Monday 1st July we took a trip to intergalactic space as we took part in an interactive workshop in the atrium. We discovered facts that were out of this world and even had a go at some role play during the session. We can’t wait to delve deeper into space to see the adventures that are yet to be uncovered!                  

28th June 2019

Manor Park Library – Summer Reading Challenge


Year 3 visited Manor Park Library to find out more about the summer reading challenge, ‘Space chase’. Most of us collected our new library cards and also signed up to the summer reading challenge. We also got the opportunity to borrow some books of our choice. Our teachers then read to us and we explored some of the other books available at Manor Park Library.         

16th May 2019

Year 3 Football Festival 

This term we have been celebrating the Women’s World Cup. As part of this, we visited Little Ilford Park and took part in competitive tournaments in teams of girls and boys. Each team had a referee and two goal keepers. Everyone actively took part in the tournaments and there was a real team spirit.

Summer Term-Mathematics

During this mathematics lesson, pupils worked in groups to find out information and record the data that they found using a tally chart. Pupils came up with creative ideas such as, who is your favourite superhero? What is your favourite movie? What is your favourite season? Pupils had the freedom to choose the information that they wanted to explore in their groups.



Parents/carers and pupils from Year 3 participated in a creative PSHCE lesson, focusing on anti-bullying, on Wednesday 1st May. During the session, participants created a mirror image of how they would like to see themselves. They learnt about taking responsibility and speak out if they witness bullying of any kind, and developed skills in knowing what to do if they find themselves in the role of a bystander. The Hub was buzzing with excited pupils, as well as parents/carers!

When asked if parents/carers would recommend the session to other families, one parent said:

‘Yes, because it’s an important topic and everybody with a child will have knowledge on what bullying is.’

Geography Themed Term: Our Local Area

This term in geography, Year 3 have been looking at their local area (Manor Park) and comparing it to a different region of the UK (Cornwall). During this lesson, Year 3 re-created their local area using cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes and a range of different materials. These were used to create buildings and key features within Manor Park. We identified the different features of the local area and included these in our designs.

Spring Term Art Block-Famous Buildings

This term in topic, Year 3 have been exploring Famous buildings. As part of this, we have hosted a topic afternoon where we invited our friends and family to join and help us to construct our own buildings. We explored many different types of buildings from different parts of the world. We even had an opportunity to sketch and research the famous buildings into our books. Next, we designed and sketched our own building and constructed them with the support of our parents during our topic workshop. We used spaghetti and plasticine to construct our buildings. We thoroughly enjoyed this art block and look forward to the next one.

Constructing Buildings

History Themed Term

During history themed term, Year 3 have been learning about the Romans. As part of their learning they had an educational visit to the Museum of London, where they explored a range of artefacts from the Roman era. When they were back at school, they used the educational visit as a follow up lesson to extend their learning in art and used clay to create their own Roman artefacts. They thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty and loved showcasing their artefacts around the classroom. 

Roman artefacts made from clay

History-The Romans

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Here is a pupil in year 3 reflecting on his learning in history.


September 2018

In maths, we have been using Dienes to enhance our understanding about place value in three digit numbers. We know how 100, 10 and 1 are represented using manipulatives like Dienes. We can identify the value of each digit within a three digit number.

During our Active Maths session we took part in an activity which required us to place three digit numbers on a number line. We used our chronological skills to ensure the numbers were placed correctly and in order onto the number line. ​

In History lessons, Year 3 have become Archaeologists and have been exploring Prehistoric Britain. They have been researching the Mesolithic Era of the Stone Age and have created their own antler headdresses!