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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Year 4

Welcome to the Cyan and Magenta Class page!



Computing - w/b 25.11.24


This term in computing, the pupils in year 4 are creating audio productions. To start with, we formed groups and thought about our podcast idea. We then recorded our podcasts, using the Chromebooks. During this process, we took turns to deliver a line each. Next week we will be editing our recordings by adding sound effects; we cannot wait!


Geography - w/b 18.11.24


This week, the children in year 4 conducted some fieldwork around our school. During the session, they collected data based on what services our school has on offer for staff, pupils and visitors. They then created a presentation based on the data they collected. Some of these services include the dinner hall, staff room, library and playground, to name but a few.

Oracy - w/b 11.11.24


This week, children in year 4 presented their MP speeches to their classmates. Prior to this, all children in year 4 had the opportunity to stand as candidates and created persuasive speeches. After the speeches were successfully delivered, their peers nominated who they believed would be the best school MP based on the points covered in the speeches.

PSHCE - w/b 04.11.24


This week, the pupils in  year 4 explored what an affirmation is and how it can impact our mental state and well-being. We came up with our own affirmations using positive words to strengthen our mind set, such as; 

‘I believe in myself!’ 

‘I am friendly!’ 

‘I have a good heart!’


RE Day - w/b 21.10.24


This week during RE day, pupils in year 4 learnt about Hinduism. We recapped what we learnt during our recent visit to the local mandir. Following this, we explored artefacts that are used in the religion and learnt about what these are used for. We became experts on the rituals of puja and presented this to the rest of the class, using physical skills to project our voices and linguistic skills to use key vocabulary.

Metacognition Launch Day - w/b 14.10.24


During our Metacognition Launch Day, children dived into facts about the brain! We learnt about the different parts of the brain and what they control, through a song. We then used salt dough to create the brain structure with our parents and labelled each part. Throughout the day we used many different thinking frames. We ended the day by learning about a healthy lifestyle, assisted by Healthy Huw and created a fruit stick to represent healthy eating.

Art - w/b 07.10.24


This week during their art lesson, the children explored Ancient Egyptian patterns. They used a thinking move called ‘zoom in’ to choose a pattern they would like to focus on and they sketched that pattern in detail.

Science - w/b 30.09.24


In year 4, the children have been exploring electrical circuits during science lessons and creating simple series circuits. They identified parts of the circuit such as wires, lightbulbs, buzzers and switches. Children were also able to identify what conductors and insulators are.

Reading - W/B 23.09.24


During Guided Reading lessons, the children in year 4 looked at a poem by Moniza Alvi called ‘Indian Cooking’. The children read the poem and annotated new vocabulary which they came across. Some words that children learned were ‘keema, ghee and khir’.

Mathematics - w/b 16.09.24


This term during our mathematics lessons, we will be focussing on place value in four-digit numbers. So far, we have been using manipulatives such as diennes and place value counters. We have begun to use Gattegno charts to build numbers with our partners and write down the whole numbers. Furthermore, we tested our partners by giving them numbers to build on the chart.

English - w/b 09.09.24


During our English lessons this week, the children have explored poems inspired by the poet John Lyons. They looked at and performed one of his poems ‘Grandma’s Sugarcake’ before thinking about their own favourite food and writing a poem about that.

Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24


This week we welcomed our new pupils in Year 4. They took part in a range of activities such as creating their own poems in English, exploring some new mathematics games and playing handball in PE. It has been a great start to the new school year.

Welcome to the Cyan and Magenta Class page!



PSHCE - w/b 08.07.24


In PSHCE, the children have been creating fact files about Malala Yousafzai. They gathered all their information first before deciding what they are going to add to their fact file about her. They looked at her achievements, her early life and what she is currently doing.

Computing - w/b 01.07.24


The children were using Scratch to create algorithms and codes for the sprite. They learnt how to make repeated loops. The children enjoyed exploring how to make the sprite move. They used their prior knowledge about Scratch to make the dinosaurs move.

Art- W/B 24.06.2024

This week in Topic, the children began to look at Art. Using their knowledge of their previous English work, Fly, Eagle Fly, the children created eagles using the printmaking methods. The children were introduced to printmaking and some of the artists who used it before making comparisons between them. 

Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24


This week in Mathematics Year 4 they started their new topic: Shapes. They have used their prior knowledge about angles and applied this knowledge to their new learning. They recapped their understanding on right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. The children were able to differentiate between the different angles.

English - w/b 10.06.24


This week in year 4, the children began to write their first draft of their diary entry based on the novel ‘Varjak Paw’. The pupils are writing from the perspective of Varjak, when he tried to escape from the house and was unsuccessful. Before writing their first draft, they all worked collaboratively to do their plan.

RE - w/b 03.06.24


In RE Year 4 learnt about marriage in different religions. They created a poem about marriage. They looked at the different practices that take place in a marriage. They have now got a better understanding of what marriage looks like in different religions and how it is celebrated. They looked at the similarities and differences between them.

French - w/b 20.05.24


This week in French, the children have been consolidating their learning for the unit ‘The Carnival of Animals’ (Le Carnaval des Animaux). The children have created sentences using the animals they have learned in French alongside their habitat. To challenge themselves, some of the children were able to describe the characteristics of that animal. For example; ‘La tortue est faible’ (the turtle is weak) and ‘Le lion habite en Afrique’ (The lion's habitat is Africa).

Oracy - w/b 13.05.24


During our Oracy lesson, the children discussed an image and talked about what they could see; they saw either a duck or a rabbit. They had to justify what they saw first backed up with evidence and reasons. The children also discussed statements and used different sentence openers to show whether or not they agree or disagree with the statement. They were able to make a point and back it up with evidence and reasons.

PSHCE - w/b 06.05.24


This week in PSHCE, the children have been looking at what alcohol is and the effects it may have on your body, especially the liver. Children then explored reasons why some people may choose to drink alcohol before writing a poem about some of the things that a person may experience if they carry on drinking alcohol.

Geography - w/b 29.04.24


This week in Geography, the children have been looking at settlements. Using recycled materials such as cardboard and boxes, the children were able to design their own settlements. Some of the children even bought items from home to use in their creation of their settlements. 

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24


For Earth day, the children in year 4 created posters about Earth Day and Greta Thunburg using recycled materials such as cereal boxes. The children used chromebooks to conduct research and find out who Greta Thunburg is and what she has done for the environment. By the end of the day, the children created their own pledges on what they would like to do moving forward to help protect the planet.  Finally, they created door hangers to celebrate Earth Day!


Computing - w/b 22.04.24


In Computing we looked at how digital images can be changed. We discussed how we can crop images. We also discussed how editing photos can be unethical. We discussed what the difference between ethical and unethical is. We learnt about photo editing and explored how some photos have been edited. We learnt about the photo editing technique. We explored how to improve images and make them look more presentable.

English - w/b 15.04.24


In English, this week the children have been exploring the front cover of their new text ‘Fly Eagle Fly’. The children have been using inferencing skills and making predictions of what they think the text might be about, based on the front cover. Also, the children had an opportunity to ask questions based on why certain features have been added on the front cover.

Art - w/b 25.03.24


This week the children in year 4 have been working really hard to create their iconic landmarks using pointillism. The children drew their landmarks and thought about the colours, tints and shades. Then they used blending and pointillism to complete their final piece. They also evaluated their final piece identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their work.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24


In mathematics this week, the children in year 4 explored subtracting fractions. They have been using their knowledge of improper fractions and mixed numbers in order to solve subtracting fractions problems and attempt two step word problems. By the end of the week, the children will attempt a fractions task which will prepare them for their end of block assessment next week.

Computing - w/b 11.03.24


This week in Computing, year 4 looked at data. We looked at data loggers and analysed the features of a data logger. After identifying the features of a data logger, we noticed that these data loggers have sensors measuring light, sound and temperature. We then identified the different units of measure used for the sensors, for example, sound is measured in decibels, light is measured in lux and temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.

French - w/b 04.03.24


In French, the children in year 4 have been looking at the unit ‘Les animaux’ (the animals). In this unit, the children have learned 10 animals in French and they are able to pronounce them and write them in French. The children have been using their knowledge of English phonics to compare how sounds differ in French.

Reading - w/b 26.02.24


This week in Guided Reading the children have been reading texts about WW2. The children defined the key vocabulary and summarised the text. During DEAR time, Year 4 swapped classes and we listened to the teacher read a book to the class. The children have also been doing different activities during soft start to celebrate book week.

RE - w/b 19.02.24


During RE Day, the children in Year 4 explored Humanism and different religions and worldviews. They had a local Humanist come and explain to the children how they view the world. The children then had a better understanding of Humanism and they were able to explain how it is similar and different from other religions and worldviews they had studied.

PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24


This week, the children have been celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. In celebration of this, the children have been completing a sheet everyday telling their teachers what they wish we knew about them. They have been writing facts about things they like and they do not like in order for their teachers to get to know them better. 

Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24


This week in mathematics the children in year 4 have started a new unit, length and perimeter. The children have explored a variety of measuring units such as kilometres, metres and centimetres and they are looking at which measure is appropriate to measure certain objects.

Design Technology - w/b 22.01.24


In year 4, the children have been looking at ‘Turning on a light’ in Design Technology. They started creating their plan, thinking about what item they want to produce, who it is for and what the purpose might be. The pupils have been putting their imagination skills to the test by trying to figure out how they can make their objects light up in the dark.

Reading - w/b 15.01.24


The children in year4 have been consolidating their understanding of reciprocal reading. We have been working on our inference and comprehension skills to help them deepen our understanding of the text that we are looking at. We have also been creating story maps and summaries of the book ‘Iron Man’ and we used our reading skills to apply this skill.

English - w/b 08.01.24


This week in Year 4, the children have been looking at a new book called ‘Iron Man’. We began by reading the blurb and making predictions based on the blurb and the front cover of the book, before reading the first chapter. Later in the week, we will be attempting to create a 3D model of the Iron Man to put in our class.

Christmas - w/b 11.12.23


This week in Year 4, the children have been watching a pantomime performance as we are approaching Christmas. They enjoyed a wonderful performance of Peter Pan which the children were able to interact with.

Science - w/b 04.12.23


This week in Science, pupils in Year 4 have been creating presentations on classification. At the end of the week, they will be shared with the rest of the class. The children have been thinking about what classification is, why it is important and they have given some examples of how they would classify certain living things.

Computing - w/b 27.11.23


In Year 4, the children have been looking at PowerPoint and the features it has. We are going to be using PowerPoint to create a presentation on classification, which is our topic in Science and we are going to be sharing it with our class.

DT - w/b 20.11.23


In Year 4, the children have been looking at Moving Monsters in DT. They have decided who they are creating the moving monster for, what they want to create and what is the purpose for their moving monster. The children also looked at some images of pneumatic toys to support their learning.

Oracy - w/b 13.11.23


This week the pupils in Year 4 have been working hard in using the Oracy framework across all subjects. As part of Anti-bullying week, they discussed what is meant by bullying, being a bystander and an upstander. They also discussed why ‘Children in Need’ is a charity and events take place every year in November. The children watched a video about how Pudsey raised money for an event, which gave them a better understanding of what is meant by ‘Children in Need’.

PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23


This week, pupils in year 4 have been doing some yoga to help them regulate their emotions. They have enjoyed practising the different moves. The children felt calm after doing some yoga. As a follow-up, they discussed how yoga helps with mental health and well-being.

RE - w/b 30.10.23


In RE, the Year 4 children looked at what Puja is and how often it is carried out at home. They also looked at the different items which can be placed on a Puja tray and the children were able to discuss what they thought each item represented.

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23


This term, the children in Year 4 have been thinking about their dreams and goals. They have discussed how they would achieve their goals. They set themselves SMART targets to ensure that they work hard to achieve their goals. They also discussed how to deal with disappointment and what you can do to help overcome it.

Art - w/b 09.10.23


This week Year 4 have been working really hard to make their reliefs based on Egyptian symbols. They worked in pairs to layer their relief to give it depth and dimension. Then they used 'modroc' to give it more depth. They also began to paint their reliefs.

Science - w/b 02.10.23


This week in science the children looked at sounds and how different sounds are created. We conducted an experiment where the children had to find out the pitch of certain instruments to see which one had a higher or lower pitch.

Reading - w/b 25.09.23


Children in year 4 have been enjoying reading their DEAR time books; Cyan class is currently reading ‘James and the Giant Peach’ whilst Magenta class is reading ‘THE BFG’. 

We are really enjoying reading Roald Dahl’s books. We have started making predictions about the characters in the story. We have also enjoyed sharing book reviews with each other.


Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23


In mathematics the children have been looking at place value. They have been using manipulatives such as base 10 and place value counters to help them represent and partition numbers up to 10,000.

English - w/b 11.09.23


This week in year 4, the children looked at a poet named John Lyons and the poetic features he uses. The children then performed their own versions of the poem. By doing this, the children were getting an understanding of why people write poems.

Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23


Pupils in Year 4 had a very good start to the term. We participated in a range of exciting team building activities to help us settle in. This was an opportunity to show off our creativity and resilience!
