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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Year 4

Welcome to the Cyan and Magenta Class page!



Metacognition Launch Day - w/b 14.10.24


During our Metacognition Launch Day, children dived into facts about the brain! We learnt about the different parts of the brain and what they control, through a song. We then used salt dough to create the brain structure with our parents and labelled each part. Throughout the day we used many different thinking frames. We ended the day by learning about a healthy lifestyle, assisted by Healthy Huw and created a fruit stick to represent healthy eating.

Art - w/b 07.10.24


This week during their art lesson, the children explored Ancient Egyptian patterns. They used a thinking move called ‘zoom in’ to choose a pattern they would like to focus on and they sketched that pattern in detail.

Science - w/b 30.09.24


In year 4, the children have been exploring electrical circuits during science lessons and creating simple series circuits. They identified parts of the circuit such as wires, lightbulbs, buzzers and switches. Children were also able to identify what conductors and insulators are.

Reading - W/B 23.09.24


During Guided Reading lessons, the children in year 4 looked at a poem by Moniza Alvi called ‘Indian Cooking’. The children read the poem and annotated new vocabulary which they came across. Some words that children learned were ‘keema, ghee and khir’.

Mathematics - w/b 16.09.24


This term during our mathematics lessons, we will be focussing on place value in four-digit numbers. So far, we have been using manipulatives such as diennes and place value counters. We have begun to use Gattegno charts to build numbers with our partners and write down the whole numbers. Furthermore, we tested our partners by giving them numbers to build on the chart.

English - w/b 09.09.24


During our English lessons this week, the children have explored poems inspired by the poet John Lyons. They looked at and performed one of his poems ‘Grandma’s Sugarcake’ before thinking about their own favourite food and writing a poem about that.

Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24


This week we welcomed our new pupils in Year 4. They took part in a range of activities such as creating their own poems in English, exploring some new mathematics games and playing handball in PE. It has been a great start to the new school year.

Welcome to the Cyan and Magenta Class page!



PSHCE - w/b 08.07.24


In PSHCE, the children have been creating fact files about Malala Yousafzai. They gathered all their information first before deciding what they are going to add to their fact file about her. They looked at her achievements, her early life and what she is currently doing.

Computing - w/b 01.07.24


The children were using Scratch to create algorithms and codes for the sprite. They learnt how to make repeated loops. The children enjoyed exploring how to make the sprite move. They used their prior knowledge about Scratch to make the dinosaurs move.

Art- W/B 24.06.2024

This week in Topic, the children began to look at Art. Using their knowledge of their previous English work, Fly, Eagle Fly, the children created eagles using the printmaking methods. The children were introduced to printmaking and some of the artists who used it before making comparisons between them. 

Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24


This week in Mathematics Year 4 they started their new topic: Shapes. They have used their prior knowledge about angles and applied this knowledge to their new learning. They recapped their understanding on right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. The children were able to differentiate between the different angles.

English - w/b 10.06.24


This week in year 4, the children began to write their first draft of their diary entry based on the novel ‘Varjak Paw’. The pupils are writing from the perspective of Varjak, when he tried to escape from the house and was unsuccessful. Before writing their first draft, they all worked collaboratively to do their plan.

RE - w/b 03.06.24


In RE Year 4 learnt about marriage in different religions. They created a poem about marriage. They looked at the different practices that take place in a marriage. They have now got a better understanding of what marriage looks like in different religions and how it is celebrated. They looked at the similarities and differences between them.

French - w/b 20.05.24


This week in French, the children have been consolidating their learning for the unit ‘The Carnival of Animals’ (Le Carnaval des Animaux). The children have created sentences using the animals they have learned in French alongside their habitat. To challenge themselves, some of the children were able to describe the characteristics of that animal. For example; ‘La tortue est faible’ (the turtle is weak) and ‘Le lion habite en Afrique’ (The lion's habitat is Africa).

Oracy - w/b 13.05.24


During our Oracy lesson, the children discussed an image and talked about what they could see; they saw either a duck or a rabbit. They had to justify what they saw first backed up with evidence and reasons. The children also discussed statements and used different sentence openers to show whether or not they agree or disagree with the statement. They were able to make a point and back it up with evidence and reasons.

PSHCE - w/b 06.05.24


This week in PSHCE, the children have been looking at what alcohol is and the effects it may have on your body, especially the liver. Children then explored reasons why some people may choose to drink alcohol before writing a poem about some of the things that a person may experience if they carry on drinking alcohol.

Geography - w/b 29.04.24


This week in Geography, the children have been looking at settlements. Using recycled materials such as cardboard and boxes, the children were able to design their own settlements. Some of the children even bought items from home to use in their creation of their settlements. 

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24


For Earth day, the children in year 4 created posters about Earth Day and Greta Thunburg using recycled materials such as cereal boxes. The children used chromebooks to conduct research and find out who Greta Thunburg is and what she has done for the environment. By the end of the day, the children created their own pledges on what they would like to do moving forward to help protect the planet.  Finally, they created door hangers to celebrate Earth Day!


Computing - w/b 22.04.24


In Computing we looked at how digital images can be changed. We discussed how we can crop images. We also discussed how editing photos can be unethical. We discussed what the difference between ethical and unethical is. We learnt about photo editing and explored how some photos have been edited. We learnt about the photo editing technique. We explored how to improve images and make them look more presentable.

English - w/b 15.04.24


In English, this week the children have been exploring the front cover of their new text ‘Fly Eagle Fly’. The children have been using inferencing skills and making predictions of what they think the text might be about, based on the front cover. Also, the children had an opportunity to ask questions based on why certain features have been added on the front cover.

Art - w/b 25.03.24


This week the children in year 4 have been working really hard to create their iconic landmarks using pointillism. The children drew their landmarks and thought about the colours, tints and shades. Then they used blending and pointillism to complete their final piece. They also evaluated their final piece identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their work.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24


In mathematics this week, the children in year 4 explored subtracting fractions. They have been using their knowledge of improper fractions and mixed numbers in order to solve subtracting fractions problems and attempt two step word problems. By the end of the week, the children will attempt a fractions task which will prepare them for their end of block assessment next week.

Computing - w/b 11.03.24


This week in Computing, year 4 looked at data. We looked at data loggers and analysed the features of a data logger. After identifying the features of a data logger, we noticed that these data loggers have sensors measuring light, sound and temperature. We then identified the different units of measure used for the sensors, for example, sound is measured in decibels, light is measured in lux and temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.

French - w/b 04.03.24


In French, the children in year 4 have been looking at the unit ‘Les animaux’ (the animals). In this unit, the children have learned 10 animals in French and they are able to pronounce them and write them in French. The children have been using their knowledge of English phonics to compare how sounds differ in French.

Reading - w/b 26.02.24


This week in Guided Reading the children have been reading texts about WW2. The children defined the key vocabulary and summarised the text. During DEAR time, Year 4 swapped classes and we listened to the teacher read a book to the class. The children have also been doing different activities during soft start to celebrate book week.

RE - w/b 19.02.24


During RE Day, the children in Year 4 explored Humanism and different religions and worldviews. They had a local Humanist come and explain to the children how they view the world. The children then had a better understanding of Humanism and they were able to explain how it is similar and different from other religions and worldviews they had studied.

PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24


This week, the children have been celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. In celebration of this, the children have been completing a sheet everyday telling their teachers what they wish we knew about them. They have been writing facts about things they like and they do not like in order for their teachers to get to know them better. 

Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24


This week in mathematics the children in year 4 have started a new unit, length and perimeter. The children have explored a variety of measuring units such as kilometres, metres and centimetres and they are looking at which measure is appropriate to measure certain objects.

Design Technology - w/b 22.01.24


In year 4, the children have been looking at ‘Turning on a light’ in Design Technology. They started creating their plan, thinking about what item they want to produce, who it is for and what the purpose might be. The pupils have been putting their imagination skills to the test by trying to figure out how they can make their objects light up in the dark.

Reading - w/b 15.01.24


The children in year4 have been consolidating their understanding of reciprocal reading. We have been working on our inference and comprehension skills to help them deepen our understanding of the text that we are looking at. We have also been creating story maps and summaries of the book ‘Iron Man’ and we used our reading skills to apply this skill.

English - w/b 08.01.24


This week in Year 4, the children have been looking at a new book called ‘Iron Man’. We began by reading the blurb and making predictions based on the blurb and the front cover of the book, before reading the first chapter. Later in the week, we will be attempting to create a 3D model of the Iron Man to put in our class.

Christmas - w/b 11.12.23


This week in Year 4, the children have been watching a pantomime performance as we are approaching Christmas. They enjoyed a wonderful performance of Peter Pan which the children were able to interact with.

Science - w/b 04.12.23


This week in Science, pupils in Year 4 have been creating presentations on classification. At the end of the week, they will be shared with the rest of the class. The children have been thinking about what classification is, why it is important and they have given some examples of how they would classify certain living things.

Computing - w/b 27.11.23


In Year 4, the children have been looking at PowerPoint and the features it has. We are going to be using PowerPoint to create a presentation on classification, which is our topic in Science and we are going to be sharing it with our class.

DT - w/b 20.11.23


In Year 4, the children have been looking at Moving Monsters in DT. They have decided who they are creating the moving monster for, what they want to create and what is the purpose for their moving monster. The children also looked at some images of pneumatic toys to support their learning.

Oracy - w/b 13.11.23


This week the pupils in Year 4 have been working hard in using the Oracy framework across all subjects. As part of Anti-bullying week, they discussed what is meant by bullying, being a bystander and an upstander. They also discussed why ‘Children in Need’ is a charity and events take place every year in November. The children watched a video about how Pudsey raised money for an event, which gave them a better understanding of what is meant by ‘Children in Need’.

PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23


This week, pupils in year 4 have been doing some yoga to help them regulate their emotions. They have enjoyed practising the different moves. The children felt calm after doing some yoga. As a follow-up, they discussed how yoga helps with mental health and well-being.

RE - w/b 30.10.23


In RE, the Year 4 children looked at what Puja is and how often it is carried out at home. They also looked at the different items which can be placed on a Puja tray and the children were able to discuss what they thought each item represented.

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23


This term, the children in Year 4 have been thinking about their dreams and goals. They have discussed how they would achieve their goals. They set themselves SMART targets to ensure that they work hard to achieve their goals. They also discussed how to deal with disappointment and what you can do to help overcome it.

Art - w/b 09.10.23


This week Year 4 have been working really hard to make their reliefs based on Egyptian symbols. They worked in pairs to layer their relief to give it depth and dimension. Then they used 'modroc' to give it more depth. They also began to paint their reliefs.

Science - w/b 02.10.23


This week in science the children looked at sounds and how different sounds are created. We conducted an experiment where the children had to find out the pitch of certain instruments to see which one had a higher or lower pitch.

Reading - w/b 25.09.23


Children in year 4 have been enjoying reading their DEAR time books; Cyan class is currently reading ‘James and the Giant Peach’ whilst Magenta class is reading ‘THE BFG’. 

We are really enjoying reading Roald Dahl’s books. We have started making predictions about the characters in the story. We have also enjoyed sharing book reviews with each other.


Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23


In mathematics the children have been looking at place value. They have been using manipulatives such as base 10 and place value counters to help them represent and partition numbers up to 10,000.

English - w/b 11.09.23


This week in year 4, the children looked at a poet named John Lyons and the poetic features he uses. The children then performed their own versions of the poem. By doing this, the children were getting an understanding of why people write poems.

Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23


Pupils in Year 4 had a very good start to the term. We participated in a range of exciting team building activities to help us settle in. This was an opportunity to show off our creativity and resilience!

Welcome to the Cyan and Magenta Class page!



PHSCE - w/b 10.07.23


We’ve had a thoughtful week this week, reflecting on the way in which changes can be both positive and negative and the changes that we have to cope with and look forward to in our school lives in the not too distant future!  What advice would you give us about coping with changes that we might find tricky?

Computing - w/b 03.07.23


This week in computing, we learned about the potential influence and negative impact that edited photos may have on individuals. The focus of this lesson is to ensure that we think critically about the images that we share and are shared with them. There is no right or wrong opinion here, but the importance comes from learners hearing that some views are different to our own and to consider that sometimes it may not be the ‘right’ thing to do to retouch an image. We had a debate discussing this matter. 


Art - w/b 26.06.23


We’ve had a wonderful art week inspired by the life and works of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter who struggled terribly with physical ill-health during her life and who said “I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best.” We’ve used photographs of ourselves to paint a self portrait which we then embellished with tissue paper crowns of flowers and you might even see some wildlife in our backgrounds, too!

Mathematics - w/b 19.06.23

In mathematics, we have been learning about decimals and have been using our place value charts to get a better understanding of the value of tenths and hundredths. We now know that 10 hundredths make 1 tenth and 10 tenths make 1 one. With our new knowledge that we have acquired, we can now compare decimal numbers using the following symbols: > (greater than), < (less than) and = (equal to).

RE - w/b 12.06.23


On RE Day, our unit was: What makes me the person I am? It was an invigorating day filled with exciting discussions, artefacts and religious stories. We listened to the story about the Prophet Muhammad and Guru Nanak and compared the moral behind the stories as well as compare the way in which both prophets were similar. Later in the day, we looked at a report published by the Newham Council that highlights the issues in our local community: Manor Park. As a cohort, we were concerned with the issues regarding; health, wellbeing, environment and climate and decided to write a plan to help resolve these matters. The plans that we wrote not only involved the actions of our school community, but also our local religious communities.

Reading - w/b 05.06.23


We love reading!  Here we are in our favourite place to read- our book corner.  This is us holding our free choice books- ones that we have chosen because something has piqued our interest.  Can you see any books that you’ve read in our hands?


French - w/b 22.08.23


In French, we have been introduced to the names of animals. We reviewed the phrases that we knew already (le poisson, le coucou) and the cognates (le lion, le kangourou, l’éléphant), insisting on correct pronunciation. We then learned new phrases and practised them with our partners.

Oracy - w/b 15.05.23


We’ve taken our oracy skills out and about onto the streets of London this week!  We had a fantastic trip into the City of London to do a sketching skyscrapers walking tour.  We used our oracy skills to talk about what we could see, how it linked to our art project from the last half term and our opinions about the  amazing architecture and history all around us.  We even wrote a poem inspired by the Lloyds of London building and gave an impromptu performance of it!  If you would like to do the tour like us, or another one especially for families, you can get the free map here:

Coronation Celebrations - w/b 08.05.23


We  had a wonderful day commemorating the historical event of King Charles III coronation.

We started the day off by making face masks of the royal family, then we created flags adorned with decorations linked to the monarchy and finally we worked in teams to fill a silhouette of the King with images and words which we thought were ‘royal’.  In the afternoon we had a lovely tea party and used our vocabulary skills to have a coronation themed session of Countdown! We had to find the longest word that we could and then explain how it linked to King Charles or the monarchy generally.


Climate Week - w/b 01.05.23


We have had a spectacular Climate Week! We have taken part in exciting experiments, learnt interesting facts about pollution and watched a phenomenal show about climate change inside a humongous dome! After learning some fascinating but also shocking facts about the lack of recycling that occurs in Newham, we wrote a persuasive letter to the Newham Council to help improve the way we recycle. In science, we learned some interesting facts about the impact of climate change and how we as homosapians contribute to this. One of our experiments was learning how to make recycled paper out of shredded paper. The process was memorable and we now have acquired some basic knowledge of how we can help our world. 


RE Day - w/b 24.04.23


We had a great day working in teams of 3 to create our own books all about the way in which marriage is valued and celebrated in different religions.  We looked at the clothing, ceremonies and traditions associated with different faiths and their wedding ceremonies and even came up with some of our own symbols to depict the stages of a Hindu wedding celebration and created a free verse shape poem that shows our understanding of marriage.

English - w/b 17.04.23


We’ve started delving into our new book for this term, ‘Fly, Eagle, Fly!’ It’s a traditional tale which originates from west Africa but the version we are reading has been translated into English.  We’ve been looking into the plot of the story on a surface level but then discussing the way in which it has a hidden meaning and the moral that the tale is trying to teach us, that we should spread our wings and soar!



Art - w/b 27.03.23


This week in Art we have moved on from sketching our iconic London landmark to painting it.  We have been inspired by the work of renowned French artist, George Seurat, who was a pioneer of the Pointillist movement- a style of painting which uses dots to create a sense of colour, light and shade.  We’re looking forward to seeing how our masterpieces turn out and then comparing them to the real landmarks which we will go and visit when the weather gets better and have a walking tour around the City of London.  Have you seen any of our landmarks before?


Mathematics - w/b 20.03.23


This term in mathematics, we have been focusing on multiplication and division. This week, we have learned various methods to help us solve complex multiplication problems. We have learned efficient methods that have taught us how to partition multiplicands into tens and ones, allowing us to multiply the numbers mentally.  We have also learned how to use counters to help us recognise that multiplication is repeated addition. 


Computing - w/b 13.03.23


In computing, we have been learning about HTML codes and how the HTML codes create web pages. We have learned how to form the correct tags (markup language) and use them on an index page. We are now very confident at inputting the HTML codes which can produce: titles, line breaks, images as well as underlining important or significant phrases.

French - w/b 06.03.23


This half term we’ve started to look at pocket money and what we can buy with it.  We’ve been focusing on our pronunciation and accent.  We’ve also had a flashback to recap our learning from last half term as we performed the song Sur Le Pont D’Avignon in our sharing assembly this week!  Do you remember learning this song when you were at school?

RE Day - w/b 27.02.23


This term in RE, we have learned about Easter and how Christians celebrate it around the world. We looked at verses within the Bible which show different versions of the last supper and Palm Sunday. We looked at special objects for this time of year and how they play a part in the celebration of Easter around the world. To summarise our learning, we wrote a poem about Easter and why it is still significant to Christians today.

Oracy - w/b 20.02.23


Every time we speak and listen we’re using our oracy skills.  However during this week the lessons where we have particularly focussed on certain styles of speaking have been in English where we debated whether the monarchy should be abolished, in PSHCE where we discussed people who were special to us and in this, our reading lessons, where we stood up and presented our answers using point, evidence and explanation.

PHSCE - w/b 06.02.23


This week in year four, we have been learning about the importance of looking after our wellbeing in order to improve our mental health. In PSHCE, we reviewed our learning about affirmations and why affirmations are a great tool to help us regulate our emotions as well as elevate our self confidence. Throughout the week, we have been writing affirmations and doing mindfulness activities in support of Children’s Mental Health Week.


Mathematics - w/b 30.01.23


In mathematics, we have moved onto our new topic: multiplication and division. Using place value charts, we have explored the meaning of multiplying by ten and now understand that the number becomes ten times bigger and moves one column to the left. We used place value charts and dice to help us with understanding this concept.

History - w/b 23.01.23


We have come to the end of our history topic of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, finishing off with a bang by creating a poem in rhyming couplets about King Alfred the Great and debating whether the Vikings were history’s greatest invaders!  Which side of the argument would you have debated in favour of and why?

Reading - w/b 16.01.23


We’ve been making great use of our Butterfly Lion themed book corner, enjoying each other’s company, sharing our love of the books that we’re reading for  pleasure and discussing between us the book that we’re reading at the moment in English - Ted Hughes’, The Iron Man.  We’ve also been finding out more about animals and their quirky features in our guided reading sessions and this week have been looking at the way in which animals communicate with each other and with humans.  We summarised our learning through the writing of a haiku, a form of poetry which originates from Japan and has three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables.  Some of us even rose to the challenge of creating a shield designed with an illustration to depict our poem!

English - w/b 09.01.23


We have started to delve into Ted Hughes’ The Iron Man and looked at the variety of front covers different editions have, what happens in the first chapter and analysed the text to give us the description of the title character to make models of him!

See whether you can work out which materials we used to make our iron men and estimate how tall you think they are!


Science - w/b 05.12.22


In science, we have been learning about all living things. At the beginning of term, we learned about Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification system which is known as Taxonomy.  Then we learned how to classify animals using Venn diagrams. Using our prior knowledge of animal groups, we chose to classify a group of animals according to their physical features. The key words that we used to describe these animals were: reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, birds, vertebrates and invertebrates.

Computing - w/b 28.11.22


This term in computing, our unit has been ‘We are Musicians’. We have become familiar with a software called 'Isle of Tune' and have attempted to create a piece of music. The car plays the notes or beats as it passes the street furniture, some sounds vary in pitch, and repeating loops occur as the car travels round roads that loop back on themselves. We have learned how to create our own island by dragging and dropping elements onto the interface and independently experimenting with the tools.

Design Technology - w/b 21.11.22


We’ve just started our new project in design and technology which is all about moving monsters.  So far we’ve learned who we’re making our design for, the purpose it needs to serve and come up with some preliminary ideas about what we would make to solve the problem.  The challenge that we were set was to create something which would scare away monsters under a bed!  Ask us over the coming weeks how we’ve developed our designs, tested them and evaluated how well they’ve worked compared to the design brief we were given.

RE - w/b 14.11.22


During RE Day, we learned about Christianity and the importance of the Bible to Christians. In groups, we learned how the Bible beliefs are expressed through stories, laws, proverbs and sayings. We used our reasoning robot powers by demonstrating great oracy skills, and made links between the sayings of different religious groups and discussed how they are similar and different.

French - w/b 07.11.22


We've had great fun practising our French pronunciation of different types of weather and the clothes we need to wear with them, this week. To capture the new vocabulary we learned, we drew the articles of clothing and added a sentence to match them.

PHSCE - w/b 31.10.22


In PHSCE we have learned about the importance of affirmations and how they can help build our self-esteem. We learned that an affirmation is a positive statement that you can read or say to yourself out loud every day or when you’re feeling down. We made our own affirmations in our lesson to help us have a positive mindset going forward with our learning.

Black History Month - w/b 17.10.22


We’ve had an amazing time focussing our learning on Black History this week- we’ve looked at the lyrics of Bob Marley, the ideas surrounding equality and human rights, created wordles to capture the names of people and places as well as words and phrases that we associate with Black History, debated whether Black History Month should be needed in the UK and looked at the history behind sub Saharan African masks, using what we’d learned to design and create our own interpretation of them.  Have a look at some of the things that we’ve created this week and ask us about the poets and people that we’ve learned about during the whole of this term: some of them have played a part in Black History, too.


RE - w/b 10.10.22


For RE Day, year four was learning about Hinduism. At the start of the day, we were given artefacts to explore the Hindu faith. During the day, we learned how the beliefs and teachings of the Hindu Dharmic Tradition are similar and different to our own. We also learned how to use the right religious words to describe Hindu rituals, and to describe some of the different ways in which Hindus show their beliefs. Finally, we reflected on some of the things that influence us with those that influence Hindu. To enrich our learning, we will be visiting the Sri Murugan Temple next week!


Science - w/b 03.10.22


In science, we have been learning about sound and how sound travels. This week, we learned that sound travels through vibrations. To explore this further, we conducted an enquiry using a drum, rice and a beater. The rice allowed us to see the vibrations made from the drum whenever we tapped it with the beater. We noticed that when we use more force, the sound becomes louder. We also identified that when we beat the drum more softly, the sound becomes quieter. We have learnt that sound travels through the air into our ears.


Reading = w/b 26.09.22


We’ve been having a great time delving into more poetry from other cultures.  This week we’ve been reading a poem by Moniza Alvi whose family originally comes from Pakistan.  In it, she uses the colours and smells of her mother’s Indian cookery to remember the culture of her family.  We used our own poetry skills to summarise our understanding in the form of a haiku, a Japanese poetry form which uses 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables.

Mathematics - w/b 19.09.22


In mathematics this week, we had our first investigation lesson! Using manipulatives, we explored the pattern and link between adding three consecutive numbers. We noticed that when you add three consecutive numbers together, it is the same as multiplying the second number by 3. For example: 4+5+6 = 15 and that is the same as 5 x 3 = 15. We had a lot of fun exploring this concept and recorded our ideas in our maths journals by using pictorial representations.

English - w/b 12.09.22


We’ve been having great fun with our first English topic of the year- poetry.  We're looking at the work of John Lyons, who originally comes from Trinidad in the Caribbean, and focusing on a great poem called ‘Granny’s Sugarcake’ which you can hear him reading here: John Lyons - Granny's Sugarcake

We’ve performed it in groups, as a class and now we’re using it as inspiration to create our own poetry about food!


Welcome Back! - w/b 05.09.22


We’ve had a brilliant start to the year and really enjoyed seeing each other again after the summer holidays.  We kicked off our History learning with a ‘Now Press Play’ session, started to create our ‘Butterfly Lion’ inspired book corner, which we will also be reading in DEAR time and got stuck into French, poetry and P.E.


Year 3

2021 - 2022

Design and Technology - w/b 11.07.22


Year 3 have enjoyed making sandwich snacks this week during Design and Technology. We used our exploded diagram and instructions from previous lessons to create our sandwich. We thought carefully about what type of ingredients would be filling and be a part of a healthy balanced diet. 


French - w/b 04.07.22


During French this week we learnt about animal names. We watched an animation to find out what different animals are called. We then matched animals to their names and wrote about them. The French words we learnt were le cheval, la souris and le chien.

Science - w/b 27.06.22


During this week's Science session Year 3 have been exploring different types of skeletons such as endo-skeletons, exo-skeletons and hydro-skeletons. The children identified different animals which have these types of skeletons as well as their features such as added protection for exo-skeletons and less flexibility of muscles for endo-skeletons. The classes had an interesting debate regarding whether a tortoise was considered an endo- or exo-skeleton before coming to a shared agreement that it is in fact both. 


Reading - w/b 20.06.22


This week has been an exciting week for Year 3 as we’ve been to the school reading garden and library during DEAR time. We enjoyed reading our favourite books in a peaceful environment. Also, during Guided Reading we have continued to read the non-fiction book Animals in Danger. From this book, we have learned amazing facts about endangered animals such as the Bearded Titi,  Elephant Bird, Darth Vader Jellyfish and the African Coelacanth. During the week we completed vocabulary tasks, unscrambled key words, answered looking, clue and thinking questions as well as answered comprehension questions.

Mathematics - w/b 13.06.22


Year 3 were consolidating their learning about fractions this week before completing their end of year assessments. They were working together in groups to showcase their understanding of unit and non-unit fractions and comparing fractions by either using manipulatives or drawing bar models to give evidence to their points. Many of the children found the sentence stem of when the numerator is the same then the larger the denominator the smaller the fraction to be very helpful when comparing fractions. We then used their understanding in real world contexts such as if they were to have a slice of pizza or cake, if they wanted a larger slice would they choose 1/7 or 1/5. From this a debate ensued and the children reasoned why they believe their opinions were correct.

English - w/b 06.06.22


During this week, Year 3 have been exploring their new Power of Reading book ‘Edward Tulane’. Part of our exploration has been to delve into the character, generating penetrating questions to ask and use hot seating as the character to place ourselves in the shoes of the china rabbit, Edward. The children posed questions such as, ‘Why do you dislike being referred to as it, even though you are a toy?’, ‘How did it make you feel when your golden pocket watch was sucked up into a vacuum cleaner and you were vigorously cleaned by a maid?’.

From this the children followed out discussion guidelines and gave answers which were true to the character.


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - w/b 23.05.22


This week in Year 3 we have been learning about and celebrating the Queen's Jubilee with a whole host of activities including creating clay silhouettes of the Queen and decorating with gems and jewels, bunting in the form of large stamps with the Queen’s head, using artistic talents to create prints of the Queen with block colours and learning about her coronation. We even made a host of English delicacies such as scones, sandwiches, decorated biscuits and even Eton mess for our very successful tea party, which many parents attended. It truly was a celebration worthy of the Queen and her Platinum Jubilee.

History - w/b 09.05.22


During History this week Year 3 have learnt about the Romans. We found out about the roles of men, women, slaves, patricians and plebeians. It was interesting to learn about the inventions of the  intelligent Romans including: laws, roads, bridges, public baths or toilets and concrete. Our activity was to hot seat as a Roman and ask interesting questions using the information we learnt. We also joined a Live Stream with the Museum of London about the Romans. From this, we learnt more fascinating facts about this incredible era in history!

Art - w/b 02.05.22


This week the children created their final pieces of art which incorporated all of the skills they have learned this half term including monoprinting, collography and the use of oil pastels. The children created their own petals using cardboard the week previously, ensuring there were a variety of textures in order to use when printing. They then used the press to print their images using printing ink before adding oil pastels to add to the vibrancy of the petals. During the lessons the children were critiquing their own and their groups' work identifying what they would keep the same and improve for the next time. Have a look at our wonderful class printed flowers.

French - w/b 25.04.22


This week in our French session the children started to learn all about growing items and stating their preference for produce which can be grown in their gardens. They discussed their likes and dislikes by using j’aime and je n’aime pas as well as learning the words for particular vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, watercress, tomatoes and green beans. On the carpet the children identified similarities and differences between the French and English words and how to best pronounce them.

Mathematics - w/b 18.04.22


During Mathematics this week, Year 3 has been exploring equal and unequal parts. We explored how to represent equal/ unequal parts in different ways using cubes and counters. In groups, we discussed our findings. Also, we folded paper in different ways to find equal parts. We also learnt about an inspirational mathematician called Maria Gaetana Agneisi who lived in the 1700s. It was inspirational to discover that she was the first female university professor and the first female to write a mathematics textbook.

Science - w/b 28.03.22


During Science this week, Year 3 has been learning about shadows. We learnt how a shadow is formed and used key vocabulary such as, opaque, light source and block to explain this. The scientific question was ‘What happens to a shadow as you move an object away from  the light source?’.  To conduct this investigation, we used a torch and a pen as the opaque object. We drew a table and bar chart to show our findings. We discovered that the closer an object is to the light source, the bigger the shadow will be. 


English - w/b 21.03.22


During the children’s English sessions this week, they have been working on creating a piece based on the changes in Stratford to link with their geography learning this half term. They were pretending to be statues in Stratford which have seen the changes in the area over the last decade in preparation for the Olympics. Within their writing the children have identified the changes in human and physical features and have included key literary techniques such as fronted adverbials and personification. To aid their narrative the children created a story map to showcase the journey of Stratford over time. 


Reading - w/b 14.03.22


During guided reading Year 3 have been reading ‘The Jungle Book’. We have enjoyed this action-packed adventure story about a little boy called Mowgli who accidentally falls into the hands of a pack of wolves who raise him as their own. As part of our learning, we have analysed key vocabulary in the text, had discussions about our favourite parts, used our retrieval skills to draw an important scene and summarised key events using time conjunctions and powerful adjectives. We are excited to continue reading to find out what happens next. As well as this, we have enjoyed sharing our favourite books during DEAR time. DEAR time is one of our favourite times of the day and we look forward to hearing book recommendations from our friends.


RE - w/b 07.03.22


This week in RE Year 3 learnt about the values and beliefs of Hindus. We watched a video about the daily life of a Hindu. It was interesting to find out about how they worship their gods, how they pray, that they are vegetarians, they celebrate Holi and we found out about their three main gods. We then wrote similarities and differences between Hinduism and other religions. 


Art - w/b 28.02.22


Our topic for Art this term is Vincent van Gogh. We have been enjoying our art workshops with Mr Mutter where we have been learning facts about Vincent van Gogh, analysing his art work and trying out different brush strokes using watercolour paints. 

We then looked at different pictures of flowers to create paintings with different brush strokes. Also, we have been using our pencils in different ways to do observational drawings with different shades. We are looking forward to our next art lesson!


Design and Technology - w/b 07.02.22


Our D&T topic this term is “Greetings Cards”. We have been exploring the role of a designer, looking at how they plan, make prototypes, create their product and evaluate their design. We learnt how it is important to identify a clear target audience and have a specific purpose for your design. We have linked our learning to our previous RE lessons, when thinking of what special celebrations people might receive or give cards for. Our project was to design a pop up card. When creating our final product, we looked back at our plan and discussed what techniques we might change by assessing what went wrong with our prototype. It was important to use the skill of resilience to identify previous mistakes so we can learn from them and create a purposeful final design.

Computing - w/b 31.01.22


For Computing, Year 3 has been learning how to be programmers. During this lesson, the children used the program Scratch to create a background drop and two different sprites. They followed instructions, which allowed them to edit the background and sprites to the way they would like it. Once they did this, they started working on the animations by selecting the correct code from the code section. They also had to think about what the sprites would be doing/saying and how they would move.

History - w/b 24.01.22


This week during history, Year 3 completed their topic on ‘Ancient Egypt’. We enjoyed exploring what life was like during ancient Egyptian times. To do this, we created ancient Egyptian necklaces, created story maps sequencing the daily life of an ancient Egyptian and wrote diary entries as a child living during this time. We learnt that the River Nile was essential to the survival of ancient Egyptians. To challenge ourselves, we had discussions to compare how life was different to today.

Mathematics - w/b 17.01.22


This half-term Year 3 has been focusing on multiplication and division. During this session, the children were using dienes, place value counters and jottings to be able to exchange, when multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Some children also used the partitioning method to help them multiply numbers. The children were able to draw on their knowledge of multiplication facts to make answers 10 times bigger and also explored the commutative.

English - w/b 10.01.22


Our Power of Reading story is called ‘Mama Miti’. This story is set in Kenya so we have been researching facts about the food, clothing, cultures, landscapes, habitats and animals of this amazing African country. We worked with our partners to carry out research and shared our findings with the rest of the class. We used our research to create non-fiction fact files about Kenya. This allowed us to make connections with our previous learning in Geography, when we learned about human and physical geographical features. As a challenge, we compared Kenya to the UK.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! - w/b 13.12.21


Since we are so close to Christmas, the children were treated to a British Christmas tradition where they watched a pantomime. Prior to the pantomime, the children in Mozart and Bach class discussed what a pantomime was and how it is different from a play. During the pantomime the children loved to see the colourful characters and enjoyed the audience participating sections in the classic story of Aladdin with a modern twist. 


Computing - w/b 06.12.21


During computing this week, Year 3 has been learning about how we can use the internet efficiently. We began by discussing various reasons why we use the internet and how we can be safe online. We learnt that we must use key words only to search efficiently on the internet. We researched topics including Prehistoric Britain, Buckingham Palace, Michael Faraday and the human skeleton. Lastly, we presented our research findings to the class. 





Year 3 and 4 Sport Tapscott Handball Competition w/b- 29.11.21

On Friday 3rd of December we welcomed North Beckton Primary and Kensington Primary School to our school to take part in another Sports Tapscott inter-school sports competition.  A great afternoon of handball saw lots of goals and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played we were declared the winners of the competition. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon. 

Eco Day - w/b 29.11.21


During Eco Day the children in Year 3 were posed the BIG question: ‘What are the effects of greenhouse gases?’ From this the children learnt all about greenhouse gases and how they are currently affecting the Earth in a negative manner as well as the steps they can take in order to combat the issues. To round off their learning, the children created posters which showcased their knowledge of greenhouse gases, the effects and the solutions which they posed. The children also created a meat free dish which was linked to their learning in history by making a fruit stew. Prior to this learning the children had an assembly from the vegan society, explaining how eating meat is a large contributor to their carbon footprint.

RE - w/b 22.11.21


This week the children continued their work on symbols and signs and were able to identify the symbols of 6 of the main religions. Following on from the previous week, where children illustrated Islamic symbols, the children looked at quotes from the Christian holy book, the bible and sketched pieces of art which would accompany the quotes. From this the children were then able to articulate why their illustrations would be relevant and meaningful to Christians, adding at least one Christian symbol such as a cross, ichthys or a dove.

Mathematics - w/b 15.11.21


This week we have been doing multiplication using arrays. We created arrays using a range of manipulatives. We identified how many groups there are and how many times each group is being multiplied. This helped us to find the commutative calculation and link multiplication to repeated addition. When solving different problems, we worked in partners and groups so we could talk about the strategies we have used as well as compare answers. A big focus has been to explain our understanding like a reasoning robot and celebrate our mistakes. We are becoming confident with sharing our mistakes to the class and recognising how these mistakes help us to learn. 


Reading - w/b 08.11.21


During guided reading this week we have been reading about Antoine Lavoisier, a scientist from the 1700s. We discovered that he worked in the field of Chemistry during a time when the views of scientists were often ignored. We read the text, explored the key vocabulary and wrote facts files about Antoine Lavoisier. 


We have also been enjoying reading our favourite stories during DEAR time and during soft start. We have shared our favourite book recommendations with our friends.


PE - w/b 02.11.21

This week in PE we have been introduced to dribbling in order to keep control and possession of the ball in basketball.  We have focussed using the correct technique and keeping excellent control of the ball. In addition to this we have even been lucky enough to have some of our parents join us in our lessons.  

French - w/b 18.10.21


This week in French we reviewed our learning from the term. We played a game to order numbers to 10. We had conversations in French, asking each other questions, such as

‘What is your name?’, ‘How old are you?’ and ‘How are you?’. This was a good opportunity to reflect on our French learning from this term.


RE - w/b 11.10.21


In Year 3 the children have been learning all about Judaism including the festivals they celebrate, their holy book and their place of worship. The children acted out scenes from a festival such as Rosh Hashana where they may have dipped apples in honey for a sweet year ahead or build a Sukkah for the festival of Sukkhot. Using a dartboard, the children identified the important artefacts such as the Torah scrolls, menorah, tallit or kippah and were able to use their oracy skills to deliver to the class which they believed may be the most important to Jews. 

Lastly, a guidebook to synagogues had been started by each child, including the features of a non fiction text, adding pictures and captions describing the Eternal Light and the Ark which contains the sacred Torah scrolls. Year 3 loved learning about the Jewish faith and the similarities and differences with other religions.


Science - w/b 04.10.21

During Science this week we conducted an investigation to find out which magnet was the strongest. We used the bar magnet, magnetic marble, horseshoe magnet, wand magnet and ring magnet to test which one would be able to attract the most paper clips. We wrote our predictions and recorded our results in a table. Amazingly, we discovered that the ring magnet was the strongest and it was interesting to discuss whether our predictions were correct or incorrect. We are looking forward to representing our findings on a bar graph next week.

Mathematics - w/b 27.09.21

In Mathematics this week Year 3 have been completing their learning about place value, identifying the 1s, 10s and 100s and counting on in 10s. They have been using a range of manipulatives to help them explain their understanding such as number lines, dienes, counters and Numicon when appropriate. The children have also explained which may be the most efficient methods when solving questions.  


Throughout the topic block the children have been using their reasoning skills deciding whether they agree or disagree with each other and having to justify their choices. As we move towards addition and subtraction, these foundational skills will aid them in understanding the world of mathematics ahead.


English - w/b 20.09.21

In English this week, Year 3 has been exploring the poem ‘Isn’t my name magical?’. We read the poem with expression, annotated the poetic devices and used role play to act out key words. The new vocabulary we focussed on this week are ‘electricity, echoes, whisper, haunted, magical and terror’. We wrote lines for our own identity poems on strips of paper and added them to our working wall. This helped us to brainstorm our ideas before we wrote our poems.

Reading - w/b 13.09.21

This week Mozart and Bach class have been working on a poem called ‘Hurricane’ and to help the children completely understand the poem they have been creating freeze frames. The children have been exploring vocabulary which can be used to describe the devastating destruction caused by the hurricanes, as well as performing actions for an incoming hurricane. They then presented their groups actions using a performance carousel and explained their freeze frames to the class using the fantastic vocabulary which had been generated. They thoroughly enjoyed using this technique and put themselves into the shoes of the characters.

W/b 06.09.21 - Back to school!


Pupils in year 3 had a very strong start to the school year. They already started reading poems about hurricanes, took part in a PE lesson and returned their homework projects to school. 


Year 2



Manor Park Library Visit

This morning, the children in year two walked to Manor Park library and were informed about the Summer Reading Challenge. Children were given their new library cards and able to explore and select two books to borrow. They enjoyed a story session which was led by the library staff. 


Hot Seating

In Literacy this week, year 2 have been hot seating some of the characters from their class text Traction Man. Children really enjoyed getting into role and answering questions as some of the main characters in the story. In addition to this, children were able to think of questions to ask some of the main characters. 


Cooking Rice and Peas

This week we have been celebrating Diversity Week and have been learning about the country Jamaica. As part of our cooking lesson we made rice and peas. We learnt that this dish is one of those that brings Jamaican dishes together, and the method of preparation can make or break the result. So if you’re wondering what to make with jerk chicken, this is the dish for you! In Jamaica, peas actually refer to beans, red kidney beans in particular. Coconut milk and other spices add to the flavor of Jamaican rice and peas, which is often paired with jerk chicken. We linked our learning to literacy and wrote instructions on how to make rice and peas.



Olympic Workshop

Purple and Yellow class had a great time during their Olympics workshop. They explored how the Olympic games started and why they are still important today. Children travelled back in time through role play and acted out different types of games such as running, swimming and boxing. The children enjoyed acting out the chariot race. They experienced what it feels like to be a participant and a host at an Olympic event.


Year 2 Have Been Busy Making Bird Feeders!

This week in our literacy lessons we have been writing instructions on making bird feeders. We used imperative verbs within our instructions, for example, cut, put, and stick. We also used our instructions to follow each step in finally making our bird feeders.


In science we planted some bulbs and set up a comparative test. In our comparative test, we planted the same bulb and compared how they will grow under different conditions. This helped children learn what plants need to grow. Our first plant had water and sunlight, the second plant had only water and no sunlight, the third plant had only sunlight and no water and finally the last plant had no water and no sunlight. Children made predictions on what might happen to the plant and how they will grow  under each condition. We are very excited to see the results of our comparative experiment over the next week.

We love reading in Year 2 14.5.21

This is our DEAR time, where we drop everything and read! Sometimes our teacher reads to us which we really enjoy. 

Number Day!

We have been looking at plants.

This week in our science lesson we started our new topic of Plants.  Within this lesson, we explored various plants that grow in our environment, for example, wild plants like dandelions, brambles, nettle, ivy, dog rose and clover. We also looked at garden plants like lily, iris, grass, sunflower and fuschia. In addition to this, we explored different types of trees, for example, oak, birch, rowan and beech. During the lesson we learnt the different parts of a plant and tree and were able to label the leaves, stem, flower and roots of a plant.

Now Press Play! w/b 29.03.21

On Monday, Year 2 travelled back to 1666 to learn about the Great Fire of London using a program called 'Now Press Play'. They started their journey in the school hall, where they received a set of earphones each. They then travelled back in time and stepped into role as one of the citizens of London in 1666. During their visit, they learnt that the fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane. Their character helped to put out the fire and even met Samuel Pepys!

Have a look at some of the pictures taken during the session!

Our World Book Day Celebrations

Scooter training was great fun.

Year 2 have been very active since they started back this week. Physical education is very important, particularly after the period of lockdown we have just had. The scooters as well as being great fun have also been great physical exercise! 
For the last two weeks, year 2 have been learning how to create their own vehicles during their Design and Technology topic. They first explored what makes a vehicle and how they function. Then they designed their own vehicle and this included how the wheels will work and the decoration. In the second week they used a variety of boxes and equipment to create their planned vehicle. The finished products were great and the children could explain how the vehicle worked and what essential parts the vehicle needs to function correctly. Well done year 2!
Today the children of Sir John Heron took part in Children in Need. Children in Need exists to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. The vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. Sir John Heron pupils raised money and took part in the fitness challenge that was taking part throughout the country. We are very proud of our children and their willingness to help others.
The new book that the children are reading is 'The Magic Finger'. As part of this reading the children recreated scenes from the story. The children decided as a group which scene to recreate. They then decided as a group which characters to play. The teachers were very impressed with their teamwork and the maturity that they used when working together. They then had to freeze altogether and we had to work our what scene they recreated. The children explored using expression in their faces and body language which is a very important skill to use during a freeze frame. Well done year 2!
The children in year 2 have started their computing topic this week. For the first session the children had to work as a team to give each other instructions in order to get through the maze. It was very important that the instructions were precise otherwise they could not make it through the maze. The children struggled at the beginning but then became skilled in giving very precise instructions. The reason they need to do this is because when creating a game in computing they need to program a set of instructions for the game to work. If they are not exact then the game will not work. Well done year 2!

The children in year 2 have been learning about 'Jesus and the stories he told' during our Religious Education lessons. During the lessons we learnt about the various aspects of 'Christianity' and what they symbolise. The children were able to use their artistic side and create their own 'Christian candles' and here are some examples.

Young Scientists

The children in year 2 have been learning about what it means to work scientifically and work through the scientific method. Over the period of 6 weeks the children have come up with an investigation question to ask. They then came up with a prediction on what might happen and then wrote up what equipment they will use and why. The children then went through the experiment and they analysed whether their predictions were correct or incorrect and they wrote this up as a conclusion. We then discussed that scientists, even when their hypothesis is wrong, they learn from the findings of the experiment.

Making Puppets

The children in year 2 have been working very hard this last 2 weeks in designing and making puppets in design and technology. They first planned their puppets and this involved the design and what materials they would use. Then they made them using their plan to help them. The children then showcased the puppets to the rest of the class. Everyone was very impressed with the final product.

Roll on Reading

Reading has always been and always will be at the heart of our learning at Sir John Heron Primary. The children have eagerly taken to our phonics program RWI and have showed resilience when faced with new sounds and words. We are very proud of their hard work. Thank you also to the parents for continuing to read with their children over the national lockdown. Your hard work has shown. Please continue the reading at home so the children can improve even further.

Back to basics!

The year 2 children have come back incredibly eager to see all their friends and to continue with their learning in their new year. The children have been using practical mathematics lessons to embed their new learning. We want to thank the year 2 parents for continuing their learning at home in which must have been a very difficult time for all. It clearly shows in class that the children have learned a great deal while at home! We know that we will continue this partnership this year in order for your children to excel with their learning. It will be a great year!


Howard Hodgkin

The children are currently learning about the artist 'Howard Hodgkin' during their Art topic. The children have looked at the various brush stroke techniques and the style of the art of Howard Hodgkin. The children then created a painting in the style of Howard Hodgkin using frames, colour and the abstract. They also explored colour mixing and looking at tints and shades.

Computing-Boat Race


This week Year 2 have been creating their own computer game. The children worked in groups and followed a set of instructions to ensure the boat around a maze. This was complicated as they needed to follow precise instructions to ensure that the boat did not crash or get blocked inside the maze. They persevered during this session and were able to escape the maze. Well done Year 2!

Computing workshop

Year 2 were treated to a computing workshop this week. They designed their own set of instructions using the Scratch program. First of all, they were shown how to create the instructions on a life size maps. This allowed the children to make their set of instructions more precise. This ensured that when they move to the computer their instructions would allow the 'sprite' to move. They will be expanding on this topic in the coming weeks. 

Henry Moore-Sculpture

This week year 2 have been studying the artist 'Henry Moore'. He created sculptures of the human form and the children created their own sculptures of the human form. To do this the teachers showed the children a variety of examples from his sculptures and other artists for inspiration. The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic.

St Paul's Cathedral Educational Visit

On Wednesday 15th January 2020 Year 2 visited St Paul's Cathedral to learn about the Great Fire of London. In the morning, we had a guided tour of St Paul’s Cathedral where we found out what happened to the old cathedral, which burnt down during the fire in 1666. We also learnt lots about the building of the new cathedral which took nearly 35 years to complete and was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. We climbed over 500 steps to the Stone gallery and the Golden gallery and imagined London on fire! We even saw the site of Pudding Lane from above where the fire began in Thomas Farriner’s bakery. We had a great time and have been really enjoying learning about the Great Fire of London as part of our history work in Year 2.

The Great Fire of London

This term Year 2 are learning about the Great Fire of London and what happened during this period in history. During this lesson the children were sketching out a map of what London looked like in this period of history and how the fire spread. The children are enjoying this topic and are looking forward to their visit to St Paul's Cathedral as part of that.


This week Sir John Heron were visited by the Pantomime. They performed a version of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ which the children thoroughly enjoyed. There was a great deal of audience participation which made the performance even more thrilling.


Nativity rehearsal 13.12.19

This week Year 2 gave a dress rehearsal to the rest of the school. The children were proud of their performance and the teachers were thrilled at the final result. Thank you to the year 1 children who helped with the singing. We look forward to performing to the parents next week.

The Christmas story-6.12.19

The children of year 2 have been learning about the Christmas story through their rehearsal of the nativity. They have worked hard to learn the various songs and dialogue and are looking forward to performing to the parents.

Healthy Eating Workshop

This week Purple class took part in a healthy eating workshop. We had a great deal of parents attend along with the children. As you can see from the pictures the children and parents thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and learned what is healthy and unhealthy to eat or drink. We want to thank all the parents who attended and if any parents want to attend in the future, you are more than welcome!

Falconry UK


This week Year 2 had a real treat! Falconry UK came to visit the EYFS and KS1 to show them a variety of birds. The children were able to see the birds flying and some children were able touch the birds under supervision. The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and were talking about it long after the session. At Sir John Heron Primary we provide the children with a wide variety of enrichment opportunities and this was a welcome addition to the children's experience of the world.

Mathematics Parent Day


Today KS1 invited parents to come into school and observe our mathematics lessons. This was invaluable for both teachers and parents. Teachers were able to effectively show parents how we teach children and parents can now use these strategies with their children at home. At Sir John Heron we value the contribution that parents have in our school and we want them to be as involved as possible in their children's learning. We want to say thank you to all the parents who attended and we hope you will continue to attend our events. 


During the year 2 PHSCE lesson they were learning about the emotion of anger. Children discussed what makes them angry but more importantly they discussed how they could regulate their feelings. They came up with ideas on how they can deal effectively with the emotion of anger. At Sir John Heron we feel lessons such as these are extremely important for children's mental health and well being.

Phonics workshop


At Sir John Heron Primary we provide a wide variety of parent workshops to ensure we are working together to ensure the children get the best education they can. Here you can see one of our teachers showing parents how to teach our phonics program RWI. This will allow the children to make further progress when the school work in partnership with parents. We appreciate all the support we receive from our parents and want to thank them for attending.

"Snail and the Whale" puppets


This week year 2 have been making puppets of characters from the book they are using in English lessons "Snail and the Whale". This made cross-curricular links with their Design and Technology topic "Puppets". As a school, we aim to link our subjects as much as possible in order for the children to not see the subjects as isolated lessons. Their learning becomes more important to them as they know they can use their new knowledge in other contexts.

Christian Candles

Year 2 have been studying Christianity this week in R.E. and decided to be creative. They created their own Christian candles which represent the Christian belief of Jesus as the light of the world. Exploring different faiths allows our children to have respect and tolerance for other cultures with different beliefs. This is one of the fundamental British Values which are embedded within our curriculum.


Year 2 have been learning about what it means to show perseverance in their daily lives during their recent PSHCE lesson. At Sir John Heron we want to create learning opportunities where children can apply skills such as resilience in the real world. 


The Chicks have come to Sir John Heron. Over the next couple of weeks we will watch the chicks grow and learn how to take care of them to become healthy strong chickens. Stay tuned for further exciting updates on the chicks and how they are enjoying their stay at Sir John Heron Primary.

St Stephen's Church

Year 2 recently visited St Stephen's Roman Catholic Church as part of our Religious Education curriculum. We were joined by some of the staff and children from St Winefride's Catholic school. The children kindly took our children, in small groups, on a tour of the church and the important parts which are sacred to Christians. They were very informative and Children from Sir John Heron were asking a great deal of questions as they were very curious. The reason we visit places of worship is because we want to instil in our children a sense of respect of all cultures and religions and this will allow children who are different faiths to get along with each other regardless of their differences. Our children at Sir John Heron epitomise this behaviour and we pride ourselves on the respect each and every one of our children show to each other and members of our community. We want to thank the staff and the children from St Winefride's Primary for their support and for providing a very educational tour for our school community.

Music Matters

At Sir John Heron we pride ourselves on our broad and balanced curriculum. To this end we have a dedicated Music teacher who teaches all year groups throughout the school for sessions every week. Here is Year 2 in their first music lesson learning about rhythm and as you can see they are all taking an active part in the lesson. Please check our dedicated music section on the website for further updates on this exciting subject.

An Active life is a happy life!

Year 2 had their first physical education lesson this week and they enjoyed it thoroughly. They played a variety of games and they worked up a sweat with their hard work. At Sir John Heron primary we pride ourselves on seeing physical exercise as an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle. This is shown through our twice weekly P.E. sessions and our wide variety of sports and fitness clubs that we also offer weekly.  Please check our dedicated P.E. section on our website for further updates on this exciting subject.


Year 2 have had a very exciting first week back with a great deal of learning taking place. A very important piece of learning the children have done is on Anti-bullying. As a class they signed a Anti-bullying charter which states how we will treat everyone in this school and the wider community. They have agreed to use a variety of strategies to tackle the problem of bullying. At Sir John Heron we have a zero tolerance policy on bullying and the staff and the children work together to stop it at all levels. Well done Year 2!

Back to school!

The children were excited to finally back in school after the long break. They were excited to see their friends and their new teachers. They all enjoyed their learning and showed great enthusiasm. We are looking forward to a great year together and taking our learning to the next level. 


Year 2 Graduation

Year 2 celebrated a great day today at our very special graduation. We have all graduated from Year 2 and in September we will begin a new journey in to KS2. This was a very important time for all of us and all our mums and dads came into school to share this great day with us. The children loved seeing their parents supporting all the hard work they have done this year. We wish Year 2 a very successful journey in Year 3!


KS1 visited Barleylands Farm park on Wednesday the 10th of July.  Children got the opportunity see different types of reptiles in the huge Reptile House and awesome birds of prey where children were able to see the birds in action through the flying displays. Children raced around the indoor play area, and enjoyed the outdoor play areas especially bouncing on the jumping pillow. Each class explored the Discovery Barn where there were a variety of animals and took a ride on the Tractor Trailer. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day and so did the adults. We want to thank the parents who gave up their time to attend. Your support is greatly appreciated.

The Planetarium

As part of our space theme the Planetarium came to our school to immerse us in an amazing interactive show on our solar system and wider galaxy. The children were able to tell their teachers about the various aspects of our galaxy such as ‘orions belt’. This type of visit engages the children in ways that aid their learning. 

Year 2 recently went to Manor Park library to increase their love of reading. At Sir John Heron we want all of our children to have a deep love of reading and these visits to Manor Park library play a key role in ensuring this. The children receive a talk from the librarian explaining how to use all the facilities at the library. They take their library cards and are then able to take books out that they are interested in. They were also told about events that are happening regularly such as the family film night. They were also told about the summer reading challenge which is taking place on July the 20th. We would love it if you could attend with your child.

Science Museum

Year 2 recently went on an educational visit to the Science museum. The reason we went was to explore the theme of space as this is our science topic. Children were able to see how humans first went into space and also learnt about the various planets in our solar system. Most excitingly, the children took part in an interactive experience where they got to experience the first moon landing in 3D. This has helped the children experience first hand the exciting realm of space travel. 

Year 2 football festival

This week year 2 took part in the action packed football festival. Teams were made up from our houses and they unveiled our brand new house sport uniforms, which the children were thrilled to wear! The teams were all very competitive and most of all, they had an amazing day. We had an excellent turn out from our parents who were cheering and supporting all the children, not just their own. They are a credit to our school community.

Anti Bulling parent workshop

Year 2 hosted an afternoon for parents to show how our school effectively deals with bullying. The children worked creatively and collaboratively to design their own Anti-bullying super hero. They also came up with superhero names and inspirational quotes that the superhero could say to the bully to adjust their behaviour. We would like to thank the parents who came and took part in our afternoon and joined in with the children so readily. We had a wonderful afternoon together.


During Stem week, year 2 explored the function and purpose of fountains in our world. To engage the children we decided to visit Cabot's square in Canary Wharf and see the wonderful fountain found there. The children explored such questions as 'How do you think the fountain works?' and 'what is the purpose of this fountain?' The children spent time sketching the fountain from different angles to really explore its workings. This visit helped the children be more engaged in their lessons when exploring fountains in the classroom.

STEM week

The Great Fire of London

As part of our topic the 'Great Fire of London' Year 2 created their own model houses. These were then put together to make a scale model of the city of London as seen below. We then recreated the 'Great Fire' in our very own school playground! We had several fire wardens on hand to ensure the children's safety but sadly our houses didn't make the 'Great Fire of Sir John Heron!'

St Paul's Cathedral

Year 2 have recently been learning about the 'Great Fire of London' during their history lessons. As part of this topic Year 2 decided to visit St Paul's Cathedral which took considerable fire damage during the 'Great Fire'. This created a sense of awe and wonder in the children seeing this incredibly beautiful and ornate building in the flesh. The children impressed the adult guide there with their detailed knowledge of the events and made the teachers very proud!

Educational Visit to the Science Museum


Year 2 visited the Science Museum on Friday the 14th of September. It was an amazing opportunity for children to enjoy a unique experience of watching Legend of Apollo in the Discovery Motion Theatre. ​It was the ultimate multi-sensory experience where children were able to see, hear and even feel what it was like to be part of the ground-breaking Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s. Children also explored the different parts of the museum, this included the Wonderlab, Tomorrow's world, Flight and Making the Modern World. All of the experience gave children the chance to imagine what it was like for explorers around the world. We are now using this knowledge and understanding to look into greater depth in our new topic 'Intrepid Explorers'.
