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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Physical Education and Sport

Physical Education at Sir John Heron 

What we learn in Physical Education

Physical Education plays a very important part in life at Sir John Heron Primary, each class receives two PE lessons in the curriculum per week. Our high quality PE curriculum offers a wide variety of activities both in and out of curriculum time. Our children learn that being active is fun and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of their school life our children learn and explore basic movement skills, such as riding balance bikes, and they develop these skills throughout their time at Sir John Heron and leave as confident movers able to participate in a range of activities.


At Foundation Stage and KS1, our children experience dance, games, athletics, gymnastics and lessons in fundamental movement and multi-skills. At KS2, pupils progressively begin to apply their fundamental skills in a range of different contexts and also have lessons in swimming at the London Aquatics Centre which include water confidence, safety and stroke technique. Our children enjoy outdoor and adventurous activities through residentials and planned workshops to link with the PE Curriculum.


At Sir John Heron, we use the Complete PE Scheme of Work. 


You can view the PE learning journey below:

Sport at Sir John Heron 

Not only do we offer children lots of opportunities to get involved in sport in our after-school activities and House Point competitions, we also work closely with the Sport Tapscott Partnership to offer and provide exciting opportunities for them to compete against other schools on a regular basis. Being a member of the Sport Tapscott Partnership also allows us to continually equip staff with the know-how to deliver exceptional sports sessions that are fun and engaging.
