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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.


Aims of the MFL Curriculum

“Together We Learn. Together We Achieve” is embedded into all elements of school life and learning at Sir John Heron Primary including in the MFL curriculum and lessons. French is an important part of the school’s broad and balanced curriculum. We believe it is important that all KS2 children have access to a coherently sequenced MFL curriculum which is relevant to their needs and interests and equips children with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their next stage of education and prepares them for life in modern 21st century Britain.


French plays an important role in working towards the aims of the school’s curriculum. The aims include ensuring children master a range of knowledge and skills, are provided with vocabulary rich learning and are encouraged to use their oracy skills to pronounce words in French.


The aims of MFL are to enable children to:

  • Develop their French vocabulary
  • Use their oracy skills
  • Develop their understanding of the importance of learning another language
  • To be able to use their knowledge of vocabulary to translate words from English to French


How MFL is taught at SJH

  • French is taught once a week for KS2 pupils.
  • The objectives follow that of the National Curriculum objectives set out for KS2.
  • Topics have been sequenced and mapped out carefully for all year groups to ensure that the skills and knowledge acquired is progressive.
  • Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and use partner talk to enrich their learning.


Assessment of MFL 

  • At the end of the unit, the children will undertake a knowledge test on the unit they have studied. The assessment consists of a range of questions based on the topic the children have learned.
  • Once the unit is finished, the children will also complete a self-assessment sheet indicating how confident they feel with their learning. This allows the class teachers to identify any gaps which can be filled within the new unit of work.