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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

PE and Sports

PE Curriculum

Click on the picture to go to our Curriculum page for PE.



Ball Skills in Year 2 - w/b 21.10.24


This term, the children have been learning how to improve their dribbling skills. This included learning how to keep control of the ball while moving around as well as effectively dribbling a ball. They have also been recapping the skills of passing and receiving the ball whilst playing a game. Finally, teamwork has been one of the main focuses.

Tag Rugby in Year 5 - w/b 14.10.24


This term, the children in year 5 have been learning the skills of Tag rugby. They started their journey by getting accustomed with the basic rules of the game as well as the importance of effectively working as a team. As soon as they became secure in these concepts, they were introduced to different passes in tag rugby, such as a missed pass and a loop pass. 


Handball in Year 3 - w/b 07.10.24


This term, the children in year 3 have been practising their handball skills. So far, they have learnt the basic rules of the game, including the rule of taking three steps maximum before and after dribbling. This week, they focussed on passing the ball effectively to another player. As a challenge, they began to work on defending skills. As always, they kept in mind to play as part of a team.

Invasion Games in Year 4 - w/b 30.09.24


This term, the children in year 4 have been recapping their knowledge from year 3 and applying this. Whilst participating in a game, they have been looking for different spaces to occupy so they can score in a game and working together as a team to ensure when a space is free, it gets filled. The children have been working in small groups to improve their throwing and catching skills.


Jumping in Reception - w/b 23.09.24


In Reception this term, our goal is to master the correct jumping technique. In order to achieve this, we need to swing our arms back, bend our knees and land safely. This week, we played simple games, following instructions in order to embed these skills.

Tag Rugby in Year 6 - w/b 09.09.24


This term, pupils in year 6 are recapping tag rugby. During PE sessions, they will be focusing on consolidating attacking and defending skills. They will apply their prior learning of working as a team to score a try and to win a game of tag rugby. Finally, they will also take it in turns to referee a game of tag rugby.


Sports Day in the SEND provision - w/b 01.07.24


On Friday the pupils in our SEND provision had a great time during their sports day. They participated in activities they were familiar with, such as ramp work and parachuting. There were lots of smiles and encouragement all around. 

Well done for taking part and congratulations to all the children who received medals!


Sports Day Preparation in Reception - w/b 17.06.24


In Reception this week the children have been practising for their upcoming sports day. They have been working on throwing at a long distance as well as a short distance. The children were being patient and careful when balancing a bean bag on their heads and walking along a bench. They can even balance an egg on a spoon! They have also been focusing on teamwork and cheering each other on.

Throwing in Year 3 - w/b 10.06.24


This week in year 3, children were developing their throwing in athletics. Field events in athletics where we use throwing skills include; shot put, javelin and discus. The children have been learning how to stand correctly when throwing the different equipment. They have been working as a team to try and win, and evaluated how they could change their technique in order to win.

Athletics in Year 6 - w/b 03.06.24


This term in PE year 6 will be focusing on competition in athletics. Pupils will run, jump and throw correctly, following the rules in different track and field events. 

The children will be able to identify who should compete in what event and why.

This is also a focus to prepare them for their sports day event.


Dribbling a Ball in Reception - w/b 13.05.24


This term in reception, children are learning about dribbling a ball, using their feet. Skills taught include controlling the ball and the meaning behind this, such as using the inside of their foot when dribbling, and and not their toes. In addition to this, children are taught the rules of a game and how to effectively keep score.

Team Building in Year 2 - w/b 06.05.24


This term, the children in year 2 are developing their team building skills. One of the end outcomes will be that children will understand why we need to work together to be successful. In order to achieve this, children are learning how to help each other become successful in the games. This week children were passing a hoop around the circle without letting go of each other's hands. Children were able to work together successfully.

Cricket in Year 4 - w/b 15.04.24


This week pupils in year 4, pupils have started working with a cricket specialist to learn how this much loved game. In the first lesson, they participated in some group work, and used relay races as warm ups. Over the next few weeks, sessions will continue on Tuesdays. We are looking forward to seeing our future cricket stars develop!


Bat and Ball Skills in Year 2 - w/b 25.03.24


This term in year 2 the children have been learning and developing their overarm and underarm throwing skills. They have been starting to learn basic sports such as tennis, rounders and cricket. They have started to understand the difference between fielding and batting. In these pictures they were playing ‘Racing Rounders’.


Tennis in Year 4 - w/b 18.03.24


In year 4 this term the children have been progressing in their knowledge of tennis. 

This week they have been learning to develop their racket control. They have been focusing on the forehand technique, and using the racket to direct the ball towards a targeted space in order to score a point. 


Gymnastics in Year 1 - w/b 11.03.24


This term the children in year 1 are focussing on movement of large body parts during gymnastics. This week, they created different shapes using their bodies. They have also begun to use the apparatus to help them create these shapes. 

The lessons were also adapted to meet the needs of our SEND friends.


Gymnastics in Year 3 - w/b 04.03.24


In year 3 this term the children are using symmetrical and asymmetrical balance while working in pairs during their gymnastics lessons. 

They are beginning to apply this when using apparatus or during a floor routine.

Children will start to develop sequences in gymnastics next.


Tennis in Year 6 - w/b 26.02.24


This term the pupils in year 6 are focusing on tennis. Currently, they are able to hit the ball over the net, ensuring consistency. Moving forward, the children will explore why we have to control the ball when hitting it over the net. 

They will have opportunities to officiate mini tournaments together on different courts and put their skills into practice.

Finally, they will also have an opportunity to play doubles.


Dance in Reception - w/b 19.02.24


This term in reception the children are focussing on dance.

In lessons, they will learn to understand what big controlled movements are and look like.  Children will learn to travel around the room with confidence.

During this week’s lesson children were listening to Humpty Dumpty and had to generate movements in role, as if they were Humpty Dumpty, the horse or a soldier.


Paralympic Skills in Year 5 - w/b 05.02.24


This term in year 5, the children have been exploring Paralympic sports. During lessons, they have experiencing what it is like to be visually impaired. The children in year 5 have been learning about the rules and principles of Goalball, a game for people who have no sight or are visually impaired.

During this, children were blindfolded and needed to listen for the sound of bells which are located inside the ball.


Year 1 Ball Skills - w/b 29.01.24


In year 1 this term, the children have been learning about different ways of using a ball with their hands. The children have been developing their understanding of aiming the ball and what aiming means. Year 1 has also been looking at different forces and speeds when using their ball.

Year 4 Dance - w/b 22.01.24


This week In year 4 the children have been developing their skills in dance, with a focus on the topic of space. During the session, they have been learning how to respond to the music when making up their routines. Children worked in unison and then combined their ideas with each other. It was noticeable that everyone showed respect whilst observing the group performances.

Year 3 Basketball - w/b 04.12.23


In year 3 this term the children have been learning how to apply their knowledge of passing, receiving and moving to score a goal in basketball. They have been learning about the difference between attacking and defending in a game, as well as using the correct hand techniques when shooting a goal.

Year 1 Gymnastics - w/b 27.11.23


In Year 1 this term the children are participating in gymnastics. So far, they have been learning how to balance and hold this for up to 5 seconds. They are learning about balancing using different points on their body, such as having two feet and one hand on the floor.  


Year 2 Gymnastics - w/b 20.11.23


In year 2 this term the children are participating in gymnastics. So far, they have been learning to jump from a bench and land - using the right technique -  onto the floor. They have also been learning to use different rolls such as a log roll, egg roll, teddy bear roll and a forward roll.

Year 4 Basketball - w/b 13.11.23


In year 4 this term the children are learning to play basketball. Within this unit, they are learning how to apply an understanding of passing, receiving and moving to score a goal against another team. In addition to this, they are also distinguishing the difference between attack and defence. Another skill they will be focussing on, is to work together in order to be successful as a team.

Year 5 Tchoukball - W/B 06.11.23


In year 5 this term the children are learning how to play Tchoukball. Tchoukball is a cross between handball and volleyball, the children will follow the same rule of 3, like in handball. The children will be learning to attack and defend effectively during a game, and the defenders to work together as a team to spread themselves out to cover the scoring zone.

Reception - w/b 30.10.23


In reception this term, children are beginning to learn about different ways of travel around and different positions they can use to get into, around, over and under objects. Children will be working on making their movements sharp and snappy. They will need to remember to keep their toes pointed and hands above their heads when travelling around the room or when creating a routine.

Reception - Jumping and Hopping - w/b 16.10.23


In reception this term the children have been learning how to jump and hop safely.

They have learnt why they need to bend their knees before and after a jump and why they should swing their arms. They have been using the coloured dots to help them with the direction when jumping or hopping.


Year 2 Ball Skills - w/b 09.10.23


In year 2 children are currently focussing on ball skills and dodging. So far, they have been learning effective techniques they can use to dodge a ball or a person. Furthermore, they have been working on their throwing, catching and dribbling skills. Another skill they have been focusing on, is to know  where they should be looking when dribbling a ball and how to control the ball so they do not lose their position within a game. 


Year 3 Handball - w/b 02.10.23


The children in year 3 have been applying their understanding of passing and receiving the ball in order to score a goal in handball. They continue to work successfully as a team and are looking at different tactics.

Year 4 Handball - w/b 25.09.23


The focus in year 4 this term is handball. So far we have learnt the difference between attacking and defending while participating in a team game. We have been working together to understand what it means to be a team and how to be a team player. Added to this, we have been working hard at our passing and receiving skills in order to score a goal. 

Year 1 Running Activities - w/b 18.09.23


In Year 1 this term the focus of the learning is to explore running using different body parts and different techniques. Children will also begin to understand how to run efficiently,  to ensure they are running safely and navigating the surrounding space effectively.

Year 5 Tag Rugby - w/b 11.09.23


To keep in the spirit of the 2023 Rugby World Cup, pupils in year 5 are currently learning how to play tag rugby; a non contact version of rugby. Over the course of the term, children will be learning the rules of the game as well as basic skills, such as passing the ball backwards or sideways. They will also focus on working as a team and using attacking and defending skills to achieve a ‘try’.


Year 3&4 Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling w/b- 03.10.22

On 6th October 5 children from Year 3 and 4 took part in the Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling at the O2 arena. This was an inclusive event which saw over 75 primary aged children from all over the borough take part in a fabulous and fun competition. There was everything to play for with lots of medals and trophies for various different categories such as top teams, highest individual scores etc. Well done to all the children who took part, who came away with a much deserved medal for their efforts. 


Year 5 Orienteering Olympic Park w/b- 26.09.22

This week some of the children from Year 5 scooting club took part in our first inter-school competition of the year at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Starting and finishing at the Timbe Lodge Cafe used their map reading skills to navigate their way alongside the rivers and canals of the park to find the various points of the orienteering course. They also found some time to fit a little bit of play at one of the many playgrounds in the park. We were overjoyed when the final results were announced and we had finished in first place overall. 


Gold School Games Mark w/b- 11.07.22

We are delighted to announce that we, have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. 

We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.

Year 2 Scooter Ride Olympic Park w/b- 27.06.22

This week some of the children from year 2 scooting club took their scooting skills outside of school to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Starting and finishing at the Velodrome the children rode alongside the rivers and canals of the park, and visited many of  main venues from the 2012 Games;  the London Stadium; the London Aquatics Centre, the ArcelorMittal Orbit viewpoint. They also found some time to fit a little bit of play at the many playgrounds in the park.

Year 4&5 Girls Active Festival w/b- 20.06.22

This week 15 children from Year 4 and 5 took part in the Sports Tapscott Girls Active Festival at West Ham Park . The children took part in a range of different activities such as American Football, Parachute, Team building and athletics. Additionally, an amazing performance for Fadeelah in the sprint races saw her finish in 5th place overall.  Well done to all involved on a great effort!

Year 4 Cricket House Point Competition w/b- 09.05.22

This week 24 children from Year 4 took part in our House Point Cricket competition. The children competed against every other house to see who could become the champions. An amazing performance from the Pixies saw them remain undefeated throughout. Well done to all involved on a great effort!

Year 3 Archery House Point Competition w/b- 02.05.22

This week 20 children from Year 3 took part in our House Point Archery competition. The children completed challenges that required them use all of their shooting accuracy and the skills they have developed in their PE lessons this year.  What an amazing performance from the children as they all showed they were Reflection Ninjas throughout to focus and concentrate on the tasks they were set. Well done to the winning house who were the Trolls. 

 Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby Competition w/b- 07.03.22

On Friday 11th March we welcomed Kensington Primary School and North Beckton Primary school to our school to take part in a Tag Rugby Festival. A great afternoon of rugby saw lots of tries and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played our team had won all but one of their matches. This meant that we qualified for the final. In the final we won by 1 try to 0 which saw us finish in first place overall. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon.

 Redbridge Cycling Centre w/b- 28.02.22

This Friday some of the remaining children from our Year 5 and 6 bike club visited Redbridge Cycling Centre to use their purpose built road track. Firstly, the children were give an opportunity to get warmed up on their mountain bikes before they went hit the track for some timed laps and challenges. It was particularly interesting for the children to explore how using their different gears affected how their bike dealt with the various different slopes and gradients they faced.

 Redbridge Cycling Centre w/b- 07.02.22

This Friday some of the children from our Year 5 and 6 bike club visited Redbridge Cycling Centre to use their purpose built road track. Firstly, they were give an opportunity to get warmed up on their bikes before they went hit the track for some laps. Each child completed a total of 4.5km and they even completed some time trials!  


 Archery House Point Competition w/b- 31.01.22

This week 20 children from Year 4 took part in our House Point Archery competition. The children completed challenges that required them use all of their shooting accuracy and the skills they have developed in their PE lessons this half-term.  What an amazing performance from the children as they all showed they were Reflection Ninjas throughout to focus and concentrate on the tasks they were set. Well done to the winning house who were the Elves!

 Sports Tapscott Football Festival w/b- 24.01.22

On Friday 28th January we welcomed Kensington Primary School to our school to take part in a football festival. A great afternoon of football  saw lots of goals and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played our girls team had won all of their matches and our boys team had been defeated in all of their matches. This meant that the overall result saw both teams in a tie for first position. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon. 

 East London Phoenix Visit w/b- 24.01.22

As part of their unit learning about Paralympic Sports Year 6 were fortunate to have a visit from the East London Phoenix Wheelchair Basketball team for their PE lesson today.  The East London Phoenix is one of British WheelChair Basketball's High-Performance Partnerships, and is the University of East London's first sporting franchise in its history. The children were guided through a range of activities by Phoenix player Freya Levy that showed them how to control their wheelchair, dribble the ball in wheelchair basketball and how to successfully complete a chest pass from a wheelchair. To finish the session the children had a question and answers session with Freya who has been part of the Great Britain squad since 2012. 




 Learning Values in PE w/b- 17.01.22


We are so happy to now be able to display our learning value banners in the MUGA.  Our school values are at the core of everything we do not just in PE but throughout the school. They underpin our teaching and learning in PE and help us to ensure that our our pupil's learning in PE is about a lot more than just the physical but also about developing the whole person. 


Our learning values and super powers for Year 2 to Year 6 are:

  • Reasoning Robot
  • Reflection Ninja
  • Resilience Warrior
  • Responsibility Avenger
  • Risk-taking Hero

Archery Year 3 w/b- 07.01.22

This week in PE as part of their Outdoor Adventure Activities unit of work the children in Year 3 have been learning how to shoot an arrow in Archery. It's been so impressive to see the children work together to help each other master the skill. 

Gymnastics Lessons Year 1 and 2 w/b- 07.01.22

This week the children in Year 1 and 2 have been working with Miss Slater from Sports Tapscott to improve their gymnastics. The focus in the lessons has been on creating different balances and gymnastic shapes and most of all controlling our body to hold them still. We even played a balance game where we had to show Miss Slater we could make different letters and numbers using our body. 

Dance Lessons Year 3 w/b- 03.01.22

Today our year 3 children were lucky to have the opportunity to work with a dance specialist funded by our PE and Sport Premium funding to improve their dance skills in PE. Some of key aspects of dance they will be focussing on over the this term are developing sequences with a partner and extending these sequences in character. Today's focus was on the theme of the circus and we started to take on the role of some of the key characters in the circus.


House Point KS1 Mini Olympics Competition w/b- 06.12.21

This week 24 children from Year 2 took part in our House Point Mini Olympics competition. The children completed challenges that required them use their throwing skills, show their incredible speed and balance as well as racing against other teams. A special mention must also go to our sports leaders from year 4 who helped ensure the competition ran so smoothly and encourages their teams all the way. What an amazing performance from the children as they displayed all of our school values. Well done to the winning house who were the Leprechauns! 

Year 3 and 4 Sport Tapscott Handball Competition w/b- 29.11.21

On Friday 3rd of December we welcomed North Beckton Primary and Kensington Primary School to our school to take part in another Sports Tapscott inter-school sports competition.  A great afternoon of handball saw lots of goals and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played we were declared the winners of the competition. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon. 

Year 5 and 6 Little Ilford Football Competition w/b- 29.11.21

It was great to have our year 5 and 6 boys and girls representing us at Little Ilford Football competition this week. Both played 3 matches against very strong teams and you could see them improving as a team every game. Our boys team finished with a total of 4 points overall to finish in second place. Our girls team finished in third place overall after some fantastic performances. Well done to everybody! 


KS1 Mini Olympics  w/b- 22.11.21

This week 10 children from Year 2 represented the school at the Sport Tapscott Mini Olympics competition. The children completed the standing long jump, speed bounce, chest push and target throw challenges. What an amazing performance from the children as they displayed all of our school values. Well done to everybody who took part. 


Bike Ride to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park  w/b- 15.11.21

This week some of the children from Year 5 and 6 bike club took their biking skills outside of school to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Starting and finishing at the Greenway the children rode alongside the rivers and canals of the park, and visited many of  main venues from the 2012 Games;  the London Stadium; the London Aquatics Centre, the ArcelorMittal Orbit viewpoint. We also cycled across to the Hackney Marshes playing area to play a game of Rounders. Overall the children covered a total distance of 8km each on their ride.  

Parents in PE Mozart Class w/b- 08.11.21

This week in PE in Mozart Class we have been introduced to the chest pass in order to keep possession of the ball in basketball.  We have focussed on using the correct technique and having good communication with our teammates. In addition to this we have even been lucky enough to have some of our parents join us in our lessons to show us their own basketball skills.  


University of East London  Sport in Our Future Event Day- w/b 08.11.21

On Wednesday 10th November we once again visited the University of East London for the Sport in Your Future Event day. The day provided the children with an insight into higher education and what potential routes into higher education exist for them. As well as a discussion with current students from the university we also got the opportunities to play some sports such as Netball and Football and take in a university basketball match.



Parents in PE- w/b 02.11.21

This week in PE Bach Class we have been introduced to dribbling in order to keep control and possession of the ball in basketball.  We have focussed using the correct technique and keeping excellent control of the ball. In addition to this we have even been lucky enough to have some of our parents join us in our lessons.  

Bike Clubs 

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning Bike and Scooter club takes place before school. Children are given the opportunity to use the school bikes to learn how to ride for the first time and to hone their bike skills. 


Year 5 and 6 House Point Competition

The first House Point competition took place on 22nd October in the MUGA. Handball was the chosen sport and the standard of play was incredible on the day. A fiercely fought competition saw the Pixies crowned winners at the end. Well done to all the children involved. 


University of East London Sport in Your Future Day 

On Wednesday 13th October we visited the University of East London for the Sport in Your Future Event day. The day provided the children with an insight into higher education and what potential routes into higher education exist for them. As well as a discussion with current students from the university we also got the opportunities to play some sports such as Volleyball and football and take in a university basketball match. 

 Year 5&6 Handball Competition 

On Friday 8th of October we welcomed North Beckton Primary and Kensington Primary School to our school to take part in the first inter-school sports competition of the year.  A great afternoon of handball saw lots of goals and plenty of determination from all the children involved. After the all the matches had been played we were declared the winners of the competition. Well done to all the children involved and look out for the next inter-school competition which will be taking place soon. 




Family Friday Bike Session Reception

On Friday we welcomed our parents into school to help us learn how to ride our bikes. We focussed on improving our balance on our bikes and being able to glide on our bikes. Some of us even managed to use our pedals to ride our bike over a further distance! It was such an exciting morning. Thank you to all the parents who attended. 



Wimbledon Tennis Championships comes to the MUGA!

This half term the children in Year 6 have focused on Net/Wall and in particular tennis. As part of this the children have learned how to not only play the sport of tennis but also how to officiate their own matches. As a result of this, during their PE lesson yesterday the children were able to create their own Wimbledon Tennis Championships. 

Morning Bike Club

As part of our commitment to all things biking at school we have used some of our Sports Premium money to create our very own bike course. The children have really enjoyed challenging themselves in bike club this week and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to take on the ramps. 



Sports Clubs - take a look at photos from our Sports and Bike Clubs

Spring 2021 - Take a look at some of our PE sessions so far this year!

Autumn 2020 - Take a look at some of our PE sessions!



Orienteering Year 5 and 6  


As part of their Outdoor Adventure Activities unit in PE this half-term the children in year 5 and 6 have been learning all about orienteering. The children have learned a number of key skills including how to set a map correctly, how to read a map and how to find a control on both star orienteering maps and loop orienteering maps.  The children have even designed their own star orienteering maps. How many of the twenty red and white control points can you find around the school grounds?

Biking Road Skills 

As part of our commitment to all things biking at Sir John Heron we are planning a number of local cycles. This week in PE Jesse Owens class have been analysing each others performance, looking at key skills such as observation and braking and giving feedback to each other to make sure we are 'road ready' to safely ride on the roads. We look forward to announcing the first of our bike road trips very shortly. Watch this space! 

Girls Active Festival 

On Friday 31st January, some of our Year 5 and 6 girls travelled to UEL to take part in the second girls active festival of the year. This time the focus was on sports hall athletics, with each girl taking part in five different events. Overall our team highest score came in the 'speedbounce' event which was a test of speed and agility. Well done to all the girls who participated in the competition.

Dr Bike Session 

As part of our commitment to biking at Sir John Heron a group of year 5 children received training on how to maintain and upkeep the school bikes. The children were taught skills including fixing a chain, pumping tyres, adjusting saddles and how to use allen keys to make minor adjustments. These children will continue to ensure that all bikes in school are in working order for all the upcoming biking activities in school.

PE and Sport November 2019

At Sir John Heron Primary School we pride ourselves on the range of different opportunities we offer our children to be active learners. Please have a look at the range of activities that took place in November!


Still image for this video

Inclusive Sports Festival


On Thursday 14th November some of our pupils took part in an Inclusive sports festival hosted by Sports Tapscott at Newham Leisure Centre. The children participated in a range of activities such as Boccia, New Age Kurling, Seated Volleyball and Balloon Tennis activities. All the children had a fantastic time and came away with smiles on their faces having thoroughly enjoyed the activities.

University of East London School Sports Event 


On Wednesday 13th November it was the turn of 15 children from Year 6 to attend the University of East London to take part in a school sports event. The aim of the day was to drive the aspiration of those involved to access Higher Education and an active lifestyle.

The children participated in different sessions such as volleyball and football all facilitated by University of East London elite sports scholars. The children also had an opportunity to question the elite sports scholars on a range of topics such as their university studies, future career choices and what it takes to become an elite athlete. To finish off the day we watched an inter varsity basketball match. 

UEL School Sports Event 


On Wednesday 6th November 15 children from Year 5 attended the University of East London to take part in a school sports event. The aim of the day was to drive the aspiration of those involved to access Higher Education and an active lifestyle.

The children participated in different sessions such as athletics and football all facilitated by UEL elite sports scholars. The children also had an opportunity to question the elite sports scholars on a range of topics such as their university studies, future career choices and what it takes to become an elite athlete. To finish off the day we watched an inter varsity volleyball match and cheered UEL on to victory!

Year 5 and 6 Boys Tag Rugby Champions


On Friday 1st November, our Boys Tag Rugby teams attended the Sports Tapscott Tag Rugby competition at West Ham United Beckton. Our teams were placed in different groups and played five matches each. After playing all of their games one of our teams finished as the overall champion with a record of four victories and one defeat. Well done to all the squad for their determination and resilience both in their training sessions and in the competition itself, they truly are excellent role models for everyone at our school.

Year 5 and 6 Girls Active Festival Champions


On Friday 11th October, some of our Year 5 and 6 girls took part in the Sports Tapscott Girls Active Festival.  The girls played against five different schools in dodgeball matches and won all of their games to ensure that they finished in first position overall. Well done to all the girls for the resilience they showed on the day.

Year 6 Healthy Living Parent Workshop 


On Wednesday 2nd October our first parents workshop of the year took place. The workshop focused on healthy living, what it means to be healthy, why it is important to reduce our sugar intake and how to make healthy snack and drink choices. The workshop also finished with all the children and parents making a healthy snack of a watermelon pizza with a range of toppings such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. 

Year 5 and 6 Boys Inter House Tag Rugby Competition - 02.10.19!


We were all very excited about the return of our House Point Inter-Sport Competitions for this academic year. These memorable competitions provide our pupils with the opportunity to compete against each other whilst representing their house point team. One of the most exciting parts of the competition is the chance to wear our special house point sports kit, which is definitely an honour!

Well done to all the children who took part in the Year 5 and 6 Boys Tag Rugby competition on 2nd October 2019.  The standard of rugby was exceptionally high and it was clear to see the improvements the boys have made in their Tag Rugby in their PE lessons this year. A massive thank you to all the parents/carers and siblings who also came to show their support. What a great atmosphere!  Congratulations to the Trolls who were the winning team and earned 600 house points for their house.

Year 5 and 6 Girls -Tag Rugby Champions 27.09.19!

Our first inter school sports competition of the year was a Sports Tapscott Girls Tag Rugby competition at West Ham United Beckton. The girls braved the adverse weather conditions to win all of their games and claimed our first winners trophy and medals of the year. Well done to all the squad for their determination and resilience both in their training sessions and in the competition itself, they truly are excellent role models for everyone at our school.



Girls Ambassador Launch

A major goal of the PE and Sports team at Sir John Heron this year is to continue to get as many girls in our school active and participating in the various sports opportunities that are on offer. As part of this some of our Year 5 and 6 girls attended the Sports Tapscott launch of Girls Active on Friday 20th September. The main objective of Girls Active is to allow girls to become role models within their school, setting up leadership groups which focus on how they could make PE and physical activity more appealing to their peers. We are really proud of the girls who took part and look forward to seeing them lead physical activity in our MUGA at lunchtime. See the photos below for a taste of our session at Sports Tapscott!



Girls Tag Rugby


Well done to our Year 5 and 6 Girls Tag Rugby squad who have been training every Tuesday after school for their upcoming Sports Tapscott Girls Tag Rugby competition on 27th September. Their attitude, behaviour, respect and determination stand out and make them excellent role models for the other children in our school.

PE in Year 2 

Week 2

In their first PE lesson of the year the children in Year 2 were focused on improving their static balancing skills. The children played a game called Popping Pirates which required them to balance different pieces of equipment on different body parts. The children really enjoyed the game and are already looking forward to improving on their performance in their next PE lesson.


Year 6 Team Building


This week as part of their PE lesson both Year 6 classes participated in a range of different team building challenges. Some of the activities the children completed included: marble run, shoe tower and around the hoop. Team building activities can help increase pupil motivation and nurture a successful growth mindset throughout their learning. As well as this, they can improve communication skills. Here at Sir John Heron we believe these skills are essential for all children to fulfil their potential.




Year 6 Girls Tennis Competition

Well done to all the children who took part in the Year 6 Girls Inter-house Tennis competition  on 3rd April 2019! The Leprechaun house were the winning team and won a total of 600 points for their house! Take a look at the results below and check out the highlights video of the competition!

Year 6 Girls Tennis Competition

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Year 6 Boys Inter-house Tennis Competition

Congratulations to the Trolls who won the Year 6 Boys Inter-house Tennis competition on 27th March 2019! Well done to all of the children who took part!

Take a look at the final results below, and view the highlights video of the competition:


Year 6 Boys Tennis Competition

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