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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.


Safeguarding and Child Protection at Sir John Heron


Child protection is about keeping children and young people safe from physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. The schools, early years settings and childminders in Manor Park all work closely together to make sure that all the children and young people in our neighbourhood are kept safe, well and thrive.


We all work together to protect children and young people from:

• physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.

• extremism of any kind

• the harm caused by domestic violence


The Safeguarding of our School Community is of the utmost importance. Please read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which can be found under our school policies here.

Together, we can tackle child abuse


The Government's campaign 'Together, we can tackle child abuse' aims to raise awareness of the signs of child abuse and increase confidence in knowing how to report concerns. The types of child abuse are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.


The simple mnemonic, "ABC", is used to remind people of the signs of abuse they should look out for:

  • Appearance: such as unusual injuries or consistently poor hygiene
  • Behaviour: such as being withdrawn, overly anxious, disruptive, self-harming or sudden changes in behaviour
  • Communication: such as talking aggressively, using sexual language or becoming secretive


If you are concerned about child abuse, report it. 


If you have a concern about child abuse, you can report this using the Click CEOP button. For more information on what Click CEOP is or to report abuse, visit our Click CEOP page here.


Together we can tackle child abuse - the four types of child abuse

Keeping children and young people safe is everyone's responsibility. We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect. Right now, some people do not report suspected child abuse and neglect because they're worried about being wrong.

The school complies with the guidance detailed within the Department for Education's Keeping Children Safe in Education document. Please also refer to the guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children.


Translations of Keeping Children Safe in Education is available in Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu and Somali. To read the translated document, please follow this link.


Our Safeguarding Team is made up of:


Designated Safeguarding Leads


Ms N. Ishaq - Headteacher

Ms H Shah - Deputy Headteacher

Miss C. Bekker - Assistant Headteacher

Mr N. Kundu- Assistant Headteacher (Safeguarding Manager)

Mrs F Patel - Safeguarding and Outreach Manager


Our Governor Safeguarding Links are Ms Jannat Haider and Mr Wayne Wathen-Howell - Governors can be contacted via the school office. 


You need to be aware that it is a statutory requirement for all schools, early years settings and childminders to pass on information to Children’s Social Care if they are concerned about a child’s welfare or safety. We will usually discuss these concerns with parents/ carers first and request consent before contacting Children’s Social Care, unless a child is at risk of immediate harm.


If you are ever worried about a child, then please talk to the Designated Safeguarding Leads: Ms Ishaq, Ms Shah, Miss Bekker, Mr Kundu and Mrs Patel, or phone Newham’s safeguarding team on 020 3373 4600. If a child is in immediate danger you should phone the police on 999.


If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, this must be reported to the Headteacher, Ms Ishaq.


Staff and volunteers 

Our staff, and those working in school on a voluntary basis, are recruited in line with Safer Recruitment Procedures. The school ensures that all appropriate checks are carried out on all staff and volunteers. Visitors to the school are asked to read our "Information for visitors leaflet" which outlines our Safeguarding Procedures on entry to the school.


Our staff receive annual Safeguarding Training in addition to specific training, including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Training and Prevent Duty Training.

Safeguarding in the curriculum


At Sir John Heron, we endeavour to give children the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe. This includes being able to identify risk and know how to access support if needed. Please click on 'Safeguarding Curriculum Overview' for further information on the content of the school's safeguarding curriculum. 

Early Help

We understand that all families go through ups and downs. We are here to offer help, support and guidance if things get difficult. Timely support can often stop a small problem from becoming a big issue that might negatively impact on your child.


Please contact Mrs Patel for further information. 



Don't forget that children can also contact ChildLine on 0800 1111 if they need to talk to someone:
