Year 3
Welcome to the Violet and Indigo Class page!
English - w/b 09.09.24
It has been a week filled with poetry in year 3! The pupils started off by exploring a range of poems, before rehearsing these whilst using drama skills to create actions. One such poem is ‘Hurricane’:
‘Gather in the clothesline
Pull down the blinds
Big wind rising
Coming up the mountain.’
Welcome back! - w/b 02.09.24
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been settling in really well back into the new school year. They were learning how to represent numbers from 1 - 100, using various manipulatives.
Welcome to the Violet and Indigo Class page!
PSHCE - w/b 08.07.24
This week in year 3 we looked at some of our worries and questions about moving to year 4. We discussed strategies to help us deal with the change. We discussed our emotions and feelings about going to year 4 and having a new teacher and classroom.
Computing - w/b 01.07.24
This week, the children in year 3 have enjoyed learning more about publishing while using a computer. They discussed key vocabulary and what is meant by the terms text and image. They were all resilient warriors when trying to create the front cover of a magazine and to create content for inside the magazine.
Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been learning about different types of angles as part of geometry. They have been looking at how angles are formed and identified right hand angles. They have also been learning how to compare angles and what acute and obtuse angles are. They have been Reflection Ninjas by ensuring that they focus on one thing at a time. Well done Year 3 for being great mathematicians!
English - w/b 10.06.24
We had a great week of learning new things; this week exploring our new text ‘Edward Tulane’. We started off by exploring the illustrations which reflect the character’s feelings. We then discussed our ideas and predictions with our partners. We also read the 1st and 2nd chapters of the book and explored the different events that happened to Edward Tulane. We are going to write thought bubbles about what he was thinking when the dog got hold of him and held Edward in his mouth.
RE - w/b 03.06.24
As part of RE day, year 3 children learnt about Sikh sayings and beliefs. They enjoyed exploring different artefacts in groups to support their learning of the five Ks. It was interesting to investigate what each symbol represented regarding Sikh beliefs. Children also studied a hymn written by one of the Gurus and spent time thinking about what the hymn is about.
French - w/b 20.05.24
This term, the children in year 3 have been learning vegetable names in French. So far their learning journey has involved learning the names of the vegetables through songs, videos and some other exciting activities. The children have also been working on pronouncing the words correctly in French. They had great fun telling their partners which vegetables they like and don't like in French.
Oracy - w/b 13.05.24
Oracy lessons this term have been very enjoyable for year 3 pupils! They have been practising physical, linguistic, cognitive, and social and emotional skills through role play, hot seating, debate, oracy games and discussions during the lesson and across other subjects also. This has allowed children to build their confidence to speak in front of an audience but also to share their views and ideas with the rest of the class. Furthermore, they understand the importance behind listening in order to respond appropriately to others, as well as to speak fluently in a range of contexts. It is lovely to see the shy speakers of the class find their voice and confidence!
PSHCE - w/b 06.05.24
This term we are learning about keeping ourselves healthy. During this week’s PSHCE lesson we learned about medicine and the importance of being careful around medicine. We explored how medicines should be used properly and that it can be harmful to our bodies if not used correctly.
Geography - w/b 29.04.24
Topic for this term in Geography is ‘Rainforests'. Year 3 pupils have been engaging in lots of immersive learning to help imagine what it is like to walk through a rainforest. They are able to identify where the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are located on a map. They listened to audios of sounds you can hear in a rainforest and tried to guess what they would find in a rainforest based on those sounds. Their recent learning has been about the layers of the rainforest. Learning about the rainforest has been an amazing experience for them so far!
Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24
During Earth Day, the children in year 3 made their own posters about why we should recycle and why this is important. The children included information on the posters about how to recycle and how it affects the environment. They also made toys using recycled items, such as cereal boxes, plastic bottles and containers, highlighting ways to reuse items and repurpose them. The children looked at the different recycle symbols so they are aware of what can and cannot be recycled and also if the item needs to be washed/rinsed first.
Computing - w/b 22.04.24
This week, the pupils in year 3 have been learning about keeping safe on the internet as part of Computing. They learnt how to be respectful to others while using the internet. We talked about what to do when people send inappropriate messages and how it would make people feel. The children were very confident to come up with the steps to save and report cyber bullying. The children used chrome books to carry out this activity. Well done Year 3, you have all successfully proven that you can carry out your own research!
English - w/b 15.04.24
In English, the children in year 3 have started reading a book called ‘One Plastic Bag’. So far their learning journey has involved being creative by producing something purposeful using a plastic bag. They have read part of the book and used their imagination and thinking skills to predict what might happen next in the story. The children have also been carrying out research about Gambia, which is where the story is set, whilst also comparing how life in Gambia is different to their own. They are currently creating posters about recycling. Great work so far year 3… keep it up!
Art - w/b 25.03.24
During art lessons this term, children in year 3 have been learning about the artist Van Gough. They have been exploring the different styles of art produced by this artist and have been creating their own pieces by sketching, followed by painting. They have learnt different techniques of shading by using the hatching and cross hatching method to emphasise shadow and light. They are definitely artists in the making!
Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24
The children in year 3 have been tackling fractions like true mathematicians! They are able to divide shapes into equal parts to understand what fractions represent, use colourful diagrams to identify and understand equivalent fractions, as well as number lines and bar models to enhance their understanding of fractions better.
Children found fractions a struggle to begin with, but are now ready to tackle any fraction challenge that comes their way!
Computing - w/b 11.03.24
This week, the pupils in year 3 have been learning about network engineering as part of Computing. They learnt how to look up IP addresses and create their own algorithm. The children discussed what the internet is used for and why the internet is necessary for their learning. They explored the internet and conducted research about something new. We also taught them how to be more specific on what to type into the search engine when researching their chosen topic. The children used chrome books to carry out this activity. Well done Year 3, you have all successfully proven that you can carry out your own research!
French - w/b 04.03.24
Children in Year 3 have been expanding their French vocabulary and enhancing their learning through watching French videos, listening to French songs and practising forming sentences. So far they have learnt numbers from 1 to 20, the months of the year and are currently learning the names of the colours. All children have been enjoying French lessons and being able to communicate words in a different language.
Reading - w/b 26.02.24
This week, the pupils in year 3 have been exploring a range of books. We usually have the opportunity to read in the book corner during ‘Soft Start’ or ‘DEAR Time’. We are very passionate about reading and sharing books with our friends. ‘DEAR Time’ is the highlight of our day when we often read books to our classmates. At the moment we are reading ‘The boy who made the world disappear’ by Ben Miller.
RE - w/b 19.02.24
During RE day, year 3 learnt how Jewish people celebrate their beliefs at home and in the Synagogue and discovered the importance of the two symbols of the Jewish faith. The children researched how Jewish lifestyle is influenced by their beliefs and celebrations. They were given an opportunity to express their own ideas and beliefs related to the values shown during the celebrations such as forgiveness, generosity and loyalty. Children enjoyed looking at the artefacts and discussing the purpose behind each artefact.
PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24
We had a great time celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. During the course of the week, we explored ways to improve our own mental health and talked about how we could look after our peers’. We also talked about what we could do when we feel worried and overwhelmed. Each morning we completed a mental health tracker in our books.
Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24
In mathematics this week we have started to learn about units of measurement, particularly focusing on millimetre, centimetre and metre. The children were measuring different objects in the classroom and decided which unit of measurement would be best suited for each object. They have been using rulers and understanding the importance of using a ruler accurately to be able to get a precise measurement of their chosen object.
History - w/b 22.01.24
We had a great week of learning about the ancient Egyptians this week. We started by exploring a range of facts about Egypt and the ancient Egyptians. We watched videos to familiarise ourselves on how life would have been if we lived as ancient Egyptians. We enjoyed Hot Seat the Pharos and was fascinated by their gods. We had great fun creating ancient Egyptian jewellery and also making timelines. Writing a diary entry as Tutankhamun was amazing.
Reading - w/b 15.01.24
Children have been reading a wide range of texts during DEAR time. In guided reading this week they are reading about the Kenyan political activist Wangari Maathai. They have been expanding their vocabulary by identifying new words and looking them up in the dictionary. This week David from Indigo class has won a reading award and a book for making progress in his reading and trying his best to read questions during lesson time.
English - w/b 08.01.24
We had a great week of learning new things; this week exploring our new text ‘Mama Miti’. We started off by exploring the illustrations which reflect African culture. We then used this as inspiration to paint our interpretations of the text. Then we started creating a fact file about Kenya.
Christmas - w/b 11.12.23
Children in year 3 have been creating shell structures to gift April (a character from a book we are reading) for Christmas. They have been practicing drawing the nets for their shell structures. Their shell structures were created using coloured cards, straws and tape.
Great job year 3, your shell structures look brilliant... I'm sure April will appreciate the hard work that has gone into making them. Keep up the good work!
Science - w/b 04.12.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been very fortunate to visit the Science Museum in London. They found it very interesting to explore different scientific inventions at the museum. The children asked lots of questions and were particularly fascinated by the ‘Space’ exhibition. They used their risk taking skills (Risk taking Hero) to stay focused on the different themes that were explored as they walked through the museum.
Computing - w/b 27.11.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been learning about network engineering as part of Computing. They learnt how to look up IP addresses and create their own algorithm. The children discussed what the internet is used for and why the internet is necessary for their learning. They explored the internet and conducted research about something new. We also taught them how to be more specific on what to type into the search engine when researching their chosen topic. The children used chrome books to carry out this activity. Well done Year 3, you have all successfully proven that you can carry out your own research!
Geography - w/b 20.11.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been doing geography as part of their topic work. They learned about the different countries in Europe. They explored the capital cities as well as physical and human features of some of these countries. We also taught them how to use compasses and to use the coordinate points on a map to find a place. The children also chose 2 countries to compare and wrote a report to document the similarities and differences. Well done Year 3, you worked hard during geography this week!
Oracy - w/b 13.11.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been working on their social and emotional skills as part of Oracy. During our literacy lesson we explored illustrations created by illustrator and author Lucy Farfort. The children had to practise sharing their thoughts with a partner using their Oracy skills. The children were great at implementing skills such as looking at the person talking, taking turns when sharing ideas and they were also encouraged to project their voices. Well done Year 3, you have shown that you are mastering those skills very well!
PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been learning about healthy eating. They have the opportunity to share their thoughts on what kind of food we as humans need to eat in order to be healthy. We also explored what kind of food would be classed as unhealthy and the reasons for it. During the PHSCE lesson children had the opportunity to take part in a range of activities to develop their understanding of healthy eating. Well done Year 3, you are now ready to make healthy food choices!
RE - w/b 30.10.23
In RE, the pupils in Year 3 have been Learning about Jesus and Buddha. They had the opportunity to share their own religious experiences as well as learning about other people’s religions. They were very excited to look at the similarities and the differences between their own religion, Christianity and Buddhism. During the lessons children had the opportunity to take part in a range of activities to develop their understanding. Well done Year 3; you were very respectful towards other people’s religious views!
PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been thinking about their dreams and goals for the future during their PHSCE lesson. As part of our Black History Month celebrations, we explored the dreams and goals of significant black people who made a change to the world's outlook on different culture groups. The children found it very inspiring to have seen how people have worked on their dreams and how they succeeded. Well done year 3, you all have learned how to respect each other and other cultures around you.
Art - w/b 09.10.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been learning about Aboriginal Art. They have been exploring different pieces of art and discussed their observations with members in a group. They used their reasoning skills (Reasoning Robots) to explain their thoughts about the different marks that they have seen. After looking at the art work they were inspired to create their own marks. Well done Year 3 for being excellent artists!
Science - w/b 02.10.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been learning about forces and magnets as part of Science. This week they explored magnet poles and found out how it works. They carried out an experiment and used the magnets and paper clips to find out how strong the magnetic force could be. They used their risk taking skills ( Risk taking Hero) to break up the experiment in smaller parts. Well done Year 3, you worked hard during your experiment this week!
Reading - w/b 25.09.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been exploring a range of books. We usually have the opportunity to read in the book corner during Soft Start of DEAR time. We are very passionate about reading and sharing books with our friends. DEAR time is the highlight of our day when we will often read books to our classmates. At the moment we are reading ‘Ratburger’ by David Walliams.
Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23
This week, the pupils in Year 3 have been making numbers up to 1,000 using manipulatives. They have been identifying the correct place value of 3-digit numbers and they have also been learning about how to partition numbers in many different ways. They have been Reflection Ninjas by ensuring that they focus on one thing at a time. Well done Year 3 for being great Mathematicians!
English - w/b 11.09.23
We had a great week of learning new things! This week the pupils in Year 3 have been exploring the features of a poem. We explored a few different poems and looked at the different features in each poem. Together with their partners they created phrases and put it together in stanzas to create a new poem. Then they wrote their own poems as part of their literacy learning this week. Well done Year 3, great writing this week!
Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23
Welcome back to Year 3! This week Year 3 have been working together to settle into their new class and key stage. They have participated in team activities and created some fantastic pieces of work together. They have started the school year with a positive learning attitude. Well done Year 3!
Welcome to the Violet and Indigo Class page!
PHSCE - w/b 10.07.23
This week in Year3 we looked at some of our worries and questions about Year4. We discussed strategies to help us deal with the change. The children discussed their emotions and feelings about going to Year4, getting a new teacher and a new classroom.
Computing - w/b 03.07.23
This week, Year 3 have enjoyed learning more about Scratch. We discussed key vocabulary and discussed what is meant by the term algorithm. We were all resilient warriors when trying to make the sprite move and follow the algorithm that we have given the sprite.
Art - w/b 26.06.23
Year3 have been working really hard in class. Year3 have been looking at Georgia O’Keeffe and her artwork. We analysed Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork and have worked hard to create a collaborative art piece for display. We used the oracy framework focussing on social and emotional. We worked in groups to create a zoomed in flower inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe. Year3 have really enjoyed art week and art lessons this term!
Mathematics - w/b 19.06.23
This week, Year3 have been learning about time. We looked at quarter to and quarter past, months in a year and hours in a day. We have been using clocks to help us tell the time. We have learnt a rhyme to help us remember how many days there are in a month. We also have been practising how to read the time in flashback4 during Maths time.
RE - w/b 12.06.23
Year 3 have enjoyed RE this week! Our topic is ‘What do Sikhi sayings tell us about Sikhi beliefs?’ During the week we explored Sikh artefacts and learnt about the 5 K’s. We found out about the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib and what it teaches Sikh people. We discussed the meanings of different sayings such as ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’, ‘the early bird catches the worm’ and ‘when the going gets tough, the tough gets going’. We created our own scenarios for these sayings and drew a picture of them in cartoon form.
Reading - w/b 05.06.23
During Guided Reading this week year 3 have been reading a text on ‘Animals in Danger’. We learnt key vocabulary such as species, endangered, extinct, vertebrates, invertebrates, expedition and zoologist. We played an unscrambled game to review the definitions of the key words. We answered looking, clue and thinking questions to deepen our understanding and wrote a summary of the text. To extend our knowledge some of us enjoyed doing our own research at home on endangered animals.
French - w/b 22.05.23
Our topic in French is Ca Pousse which means growing things . We have been learning about the names of fruit and vegetables. We played a game with our partner where we matched the name of the vegetable to the correct picture. We reviewed our learning from this term to complete this activity.
Oracy - w/b 15.05.23
During this week Year 3 have been working hard to improve their Oracy skills. We started off the week by researching the pros and cons of using plastic. We wrote down facts to help us when debating this topic. We came to a class consensus that it would be incredibly difficult to completely avoid plastic as it has many benefits, but we should work together to minimise our use of it in order to protect our environment. We also used our Oracy skills in Guided Reading when discussing our text of the week on fossils. We answered looking, clue and thinking questions in partners before sharing our responses to the class. We also enjoyed unscrambling key vocabulary which allowed us to discuss the meanings of new and exciting words.
Coronation Celebrations - w/b 08.05.23
Y3 enjoyed celebrating the King’s Coronation. We decorated our classrooms by creating buntings for our tea party. We spoke about the Coronation and why it is a significant time in History. We also did mindful colouring and wordsearches. We created a crown using a collage of photos related to this Historic period. We really enjoyed our tea party in the afternoon. We ate sandwiches, cake and fruits. It was such a memorable day!!
Climate Week - w/b 01.05.23
Year 3 topic for Climate Week was ‘Save our bees.’ In Science we carried out a Science investigation to show how bees collect nectar and pollen from wildflowers. We discussed why bees are so important for our environment. We also discussed the environmental factors of pollination. In English we also discussed why there is a decline in bees and what we can do to save the bees.
RE Day - w/b 24.04.23
We had a great day working in teams of 3 to create our own books all about the way in which marriage is valued and celebrated in different religions. We looked at the clothing, ceremonies and traditions associated with different faiths and their wedding ceremonies and even came up with some of our own symbols to depict the stages of a HIndu wedding celebration and designed a wedding day based on our own beliefs.
English - w/b 17.04.23
During English this week Year 3 began reading their new Power of Reading text One Plastic Bag. This is about the importance of caring for the planet as a woman named Isatou from Gambia sets out to improve the environment through recycling. We started off making predictions about the story. We researched facts about Gambia and created posters explaining the importance of recycling.
Art - w/b 27.03.23
Our Art topic in Year 3 is Vincent van Gogh. We have been exploring the techniques he used in his art work and practised thick/ thin marks, cross hatching using complementary colours and using thick layers of paint to create texture. This week we produced a fact file about his life and created our final pieces inspired by his style of art.
Mathematics - w/b 20.03.23
We have been using manipulatives to do our statistics lessons. We have been learning how to read tables and present data using tables and bar charts. We have learnt how to read tables and bar charts.
English - w/b 13.03.23
In Year 3 we have been reading our Power of Reading book Krindlekrax. This is an exciting story about a mysterious lizard who lurks in the sewers and only comes out at night. We read up to chapter 12 and made predictions about what will happen next to write our own version of chapter 13. Using our illustrated story map, we wrote our first draft of our own chapter. Then we began editing and redrafting our writing. We focussed on using exciting adjectives, fronted adverbials, different conjunctions and subordinate clauses in our writing.
French - w/b 06.03.23
In French we recapped our prior learning about celebrations and sports. We practised counting 1-10. We began to recall the different colours and translated them into English.