Year 1
Welcome to the Green and Orange Class Page!
Computing - w/b 10.02.25
In Computing this week, the children have been working with a floor robot called Beebot, learning how to program it to move forwards and backwards. They observed how the Beebot follows fixed commands, moving the same distance each time, which helped them understand that robots operate with clear, repeatable instructions. The children also began thinking about starting the Beebot from the same position each time, using fixed commands to predict the robot’s movements and outcomes. It’s been a great introduction to programming and understanding how precise instructions can guide technology!

Design Technology - w/b 03.02.25
In our Design Technology lessons this term, we’ve been learning all about Eating More Fruit and Vegetables. We had a fun time sorting pictures of healthy and unhealthy foods, exploring the variety of fruits and vegetables available to us. We learned that healthy foods provide the essential nutrients and vitamins needed to grow strong and stay energetic. During our discussions, we talked about all the delicious dishes we can make, from fruity smoothies to colorful salads. We discovered that eating a variety of healthy foods helps us feel better and keeps our bodies in top shape!

Science - W.B: 27.01.25
Today, children embarked on a thrilling exploration around the school, searching for objects made from different materials. They roamed through classrooms, hallways, and the playground, keen to discover what everyday items were made of. The children examined each object closely, using their senses to observe its texture, colour, and weight.
They were encouraged to describe the properties they noticed, discussing how some objects felt smooth or rough, light or heavy. This engaging activity not only helped them learn about different materials but also sparked their imaginations and developed their observational skills.

Reading - W/B: 20.01.25
We had a fantastic time listening to the delightful story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts. Stanley is a curious plastic bag who floats in the sea. Unfortunately, some sea creatures mistake him for a jellyfish and swallow him! But don’t worry—at the end of the story, a kind boy rescues Stanley and turns him into an amazing kite.
We enjoyed the story so much that we decided to act out some of our favourite parts! It was so much fun pretending to be Stanley and the sea animals. We also used our imaginations to write our own version of the ending, which was a wonderful way to express our creativity.
As a special activity, we created our own crafts using plastic bags, just like Stanley. We made kites, pompoms, vest tops, dresses, parachute, bracelets and a lot more, all from just a plastic bag!

Mathematics - W/B: 13.01.25
Today, children engaged in a fun activity using a number line and a dice. They rolled the dice and then had to find one more and one less than the number they rolled. They used phrases like "one jump forward" and "one jump backward" to describe their moves. They wrote their calculations on a whiteboard and shared their findings with the class. It was a great way to promote collaborative learning!

English - W.B: 06.01.25
This week for our new book ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ by Sarah Roberts, we went on an exhilarating adventure as we dived deep into the magical world beneath the waves! We were swept into the sea with a splash and a splosh, embarking on a journey filled with incredible discoveries. As little explorers like Stanley, we used our senses to uncover the marvels of the ocean. We bumped into jellyfish with long, wiggly tentacles. We waved hello to friendly turtles with hard shells, and watched gigantic whales gliding gracefully. We felt the cold of the icy waves crashing around us as we floated away.

Christmas - WB 16.12.24
In preparation for our Christmas party, we engaged in festive activities that were both creative and enjoyable. We made our very own Christmas hats, allowing us to express our unique style while getting into the festive spirit. We were excited to collaborate and share ideas, resulting in a delightful array of decorations.
Additionally, we completed engaging Christmas activity worksheets that included puzzles, colouring and festive-themed challenges, which we found to be great fun to complete. To make our session even merrier, we listened to a selection of cheerful Christmas songs throughout the activities. The combination of festive music and engaging tasks filled our classroom with an uplifting atmosphere.

Science - W.B: 09.12.24
During our science lessons, we have been learning about the human body. At the start of term, we analysed and observed the changes that take place from one stage of life to the next. Later in the term, we learned how to identify the different parts of our body using the correct scientific names. In the last few weeks, we have been learning about the five senses and have been conducting simple experiments to help us understand how our senses work. Then we explored animals and learned how to classify them into different groups. We explored the features of these groups and looked at the similarities and differences between these animals by exploring the physical features of each group. We learned what carnivores, herbivores and omnivores eat and used the Chromebooks to conduct some research.

Design and Technology - W.B: 2.12.24
In Design and Technology this term, we have been having lots of fun exploring moving pictures found in a variety of books! We took an exciting trip to our school library and our reception classroom, searching for books that featured different mechanisms. A mechanism is a special part that helps something move, and we discovered some fascinating examples.
We found books with pivots, levers, sliders, linkages, rotating parts, and even pop-up mechanisms! After our adventure in discovering these fantastic moving features, we decided to have a go at creating some of our own paper springs and sliders.
Although we faced a few hiccups along the way, these little mistakes taught us valuable lessons. Each attempt made us better and more confident as we tried again! We can’t wait to keep improving our design skills and create even more fun moving pictures!

Computing W.B - 25.11.24
This week in computing, we’ve had a brilliant time diving into the basics of using a computer! We kicked off our lessons by learning how to switch on a computer, which sounds simple, but it’s super important to get the hang of. Everyone used their own login details to access the school system, which made it feel a bit more personal and exciting.
There were a few moments when things got a bit tricky. For example, some of us had a bit of a struggle with the login process. But the good thing was that we helped each other out and worked together to get our teacher logged on when they faced the same challenges. It’s great to see everyone collaborating and supporting one another. By the end of the week, we all felt a lot more confident and ready to tackle the next steps in our computing journey. Can’t wait for what’s next!

Topic - W/B: 18.11.24
For our Geography topic ‘My World’, we had a fantastic time exploring the human and physical features of our local area! We looked at lots of pictures and used the categorising thinking frames to sort them into two exciting groups: human features and physical features.
We discovered that human features are things made by people, like our school, parks, and shops. We also found out that physical features are the beautiful things in nature, like rivers, trees, and hills. Working together, we discussed about what makes our community special and how these features connect to our lives. It was so much fun learning about our surroundings.

Oracy - W.B: 11.11.24
This week, we focused on enhancing our oracy skills by presenting information about our favourite games. We introduced our chosen game, provided a description, and concluded with an interesting fact.
One game that many of us particularly enjoy is Snakes and Ladders. This wonderful board game is a staple in our homes, bringing together family and friends in a spirit of friendly competition. The aim is simple: be the first player to reach the finish square.
What makes Snakes and Ladders appealing is its accessibility; it is easy for anyone to learn and participate. As we play, we not only have a great time, but we also cheer each other on, fostering teamwork and friendship.
Practising our oracy skills in this way not only builds our confidence in speaking but also allows us to share the joy of our favourite games with one another.

PSHCE W.B - 4.11.24
During our PSHCE lessons this week, we aimed to explain why traffic can be dangerous and how we can keep ourselves safe when crossing the road. We engaged in a thoughtful discussion about our observations and actions when approaching a crossing. We examined the concept of traffic and explored the importance of prioritising safety in these scenarios.
We were encouraged to consider what actions to take when we hear a car approaching and the crucial practice of looking both ways before crossing the street. Using a sequencing thinking frame, we ordered the steps necessary for safe road crossing. Additionally, we categorised various pictures to distinguish between safe and unsafe crossing situations.

RE Day W/B: 21.10.24
This week in RE, we had an exciting time learning about Christianity and what it means to belong to this faith. We discovered that many Christians baptise their new born babies as a special way to welcome them into the Church family.
To make our learning more fun, we acted out the baptism ceremony together. This helped us remember how important this occasion is, and we used a sequencing thinking frame to keep track of everything that happens during the ceremony.
Through our acting and discussions, we learned about the love, community, and acceptance that are important in Christianity. It was a wonderful experience that reminded us of the many different beliefs in our world and how they help shape our communities. Overall, it was a fantastic lesson that brought us all closer together!

PSHCE - W.B 14.10.24
Today in our PSHCE lesson, we delved into the theme of overcoming obstacles. We explored how we might feel when confronted with challenges and what emotions might arise during such moments. We reflected on the various feelings that could accompany these experiences, such as frustration, fear, or even determination.
After sharing our thoughts with a partner, we expressed our emotions by writing them down in a speech bubble. This encouraged everyone to articulate their feelings and understand that it is perfectly normal to encounter difficulties. We discussed how the sense of achievement and relief can wash over us when we successfully overcome these hurdles.
By learning to articulate our feelings, we are better equipped to support ourselves and each other in facing future obstacles.

Art - W/B 07.10.24
This week we learnt about the artist called Piet Mondrian and his life. We found out that he was a famous Dutch artist, who was seen as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. One of his pieces, called Victory Boogie-Woogie, is incomplete, because he died before he could finish it. His work inspired us to paint using different strokes.

Science - W/B 30.09.24
This term in science, we have been exploring the fascinating world of weather. Our journey has involved learning how to observe and describe various weather conditions, as well as identifying the key symbols that represent the weather for each day. Today, we put our skills to the test by reporting the weather forecast.
Clad in our warm coats, we ventured outside to observe the current weather. We carefully noted what we saw, describing aspects such as the temperature, cloud cover, and wind conditions. Each of us took on the role of a weather expert, sharing our observations and insights with the class.

Reading - W/B 23.09.24
This term in Guided Reading we have been looking at poetry that is about our local area and London. Today we performed a poem called ‘Around London’. To make our performance more interesting, we tried to use facial expressions and actions. As a challenge, we tried to use a different tone of voice.

Mathematics - W/B 16.09.24
For Mathematics this week we have been learning to count on from any number. We worked in pairs by rolling a dice. We made the number using counters on a ten frame. We then counted on from that number to ten. We thought carefully about what numbers we will say and what numbers we won’t say when we count on to 10. For example, when we roll a 4, we won’t say the numbers 1, 2 and 3 but we will say the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. It was great fun to learn counting on from numbers this way!

English - W/B 09.09.24
During our English lessons this week, we have been learning about poetry. Our poetry book is called ‘Thinker’ by Eloise Greenfield. Thinker isn’t just an average puppy. He is a poet and so is his owner, Jace, and together they turn the world around them into poetry. As a year group, we are exploring the physical features of Thinker and have been thinking of adjectives to describe his character. On a large piece of paper, we wrote down different adjectives to describe Thinker and his features. Later in the week, we will use the adjectives to help us write a poem about him.

Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24
This week, Year 1 settled into their new classes and demonstrated a very positive attitude towards their learning. It’s been lovely to see how quickly the children have adapted to their new classroom environment. They’ve picked up on the routines and learning responsibilities with such enthusiasm.
From the very first day, it was clear that the children were eager to dive into their lessons. They participated in a number of group activities, showcasing teamwork and cooperation, which has been a joy to witness. It’s wonderful to see their little faces light up with excitement as they build new friendships and tackle new challenges together.
What a great start to the year! With this level of enthusiasm, there's no doubt that Year 1 is set for an exciting and successful term ahead. Let’s keep that spirit alive as we embark on this learning journey together!

Welcome to the Green and Orange Class Page!
PSHCE - w/b 08.07.24
Last week for PSHCE, Year 1 worked collaboratively to create a poster with a positive change they want to make to the school. Each pupil took on a different leadership role to ensure they are all making a contribution to the group work. There was a leader, writer, thinker, drawer and supporter in each group and they worked so hard to make sure they were focused and on task!

Computing - w/b 01.07.24
In Year 1, we have learnt about online safety and how to use technology. We have been using a program called Scratch where we can choose our sprite (character) and our background. We have been working in pairs to create our own moving story.

Topic W/B 24.06.2024
This term for topic we looked at past and present in relation to transport. We went to the Young V&A museum to explore different types of toys and transport. We used knowledge of our new learning to create our own modes of transport. We used different materials to create our transport vehicles and explain whether it belonged to the past, present or future! We used recyclable materials, Lego and newspaper to make our vehicle and also tested them out to see if they work!

Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24
For mathematics this week we were looking at tens and refining our ten times tables. We used a mixture of ten numicons and base ten to help us play our game. Our partner closed their eyes while we secretly made a number. They then had to use their ten times table to discover what the number was and write down how many tens are needed to make that number!

English - w/b 10.06.24
The pupils in year 1 have dived right into a new book this term called ‘Emily Brown and the Thing’. To help us become the character we took a trip to our Forest School and used our senses to explore. We did this to feel like we were in the woods where Emily Brown and Stanley go on an adventure!

RE - w/b 03.06.24
In year 1 we learnt about Islam during our RE day. We used our senses to explore artefacts that belong to this religion. We learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam and why it is important to Muslims. We were also able to share our own knowledge with the rest of the class.

PE - w/b 20.05.24
For ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’, pupils in year 1 really enjoyed participating in yoga disco sessions during soft start! They took action to improve their mental well-being by engaging in an active session to get their body and mind pumping. We are continuing with this every day to ensure we are taking time out to unwind!

Oracy and mathematics - w/b 13.05.24
This week, pupils in year 1 worked on their linguistic oracy skills, using key vocabulary such as fraction, half, share, cut, ingredients, etc. We have moved onto learning about fractions and halving so we made delicious cheese sandwiches! We used a knife to carefully cut our ingredients in half before putting our sandwiches together. We made sure we worked with our partner to ensure that our whole was cut into two equal parts!

PSHCE - w/b 06.04.24
This week for PSHCE, Year 1 discussed which medicine can help them when they are feeling poorly and how to use them safely. We created posters showing how we used the medicine and talking about a time that it made us feel better when we were not feeling well. We used our Social and Emotional skills to share these with our partners.

Mathematics - w/b 29.04.24
In mathematics we have been looking at capacity and volume. We used a hose pipe outside to fill up different sized containers and see which one has a greater capacity. This helped us consolidate our learning further as we were able to see ourselves how much water a container needed to reach maximum capacity.

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24
Thanks to pupils from year 5, we had some very enjoyable activities planned for Earth day. We learnt about all the different ways we can help the environment and protect our planet, for example switching off the lights, turning the taps off when we are not using them and not littering! Our activity was to paint a class tree using handprints and we painted the apples using our fingers!

English - w/b 15.04.24
This term in year 1, we are looking at a new book called ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’. We started off this week by looking at the illustrations from the book and making inferences about where we think the story might be based on. We used our geography skills to locate the country where the story is set in on the globe and linked it to our knowledge of the equator.

Art - w/b 25.03.24
In our art lessons this term, pupils in year 1 have been looking at an artist called Mary Heilmann. She is a contemporary abstract painter who uses geometric shapes to inspire her work. We thought about our journey to school and what shapes could represent these objects. For example, a rectangle for a car or a square for a house. We created our final piece using Mary Heilmann as our inspiration.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24
In Year 1 we have been learning how to group objects into groups of 10 to help us count easily. This has helped us with understanding how many tens and ones are in a number. We were also able to apply our ten times table when counting how many sticks our class had collected, it was 142!

Computing - w/b 11.03.24
In Year 1, we used our Computing skills in PHSCE to record a video of ourselves. In the video we explained who can help us in our school community and who we can go to if we are stuck. We recorded these videos so we can help everyone in the school community!

PE - w/b 04.03.24
In PE this term, we have been doing dance and our topic is Zoo animals. We looked at big animals and how they move, as well as small animals and how they move. We used our whole body to move like elephants, giraffes, monkeys, rabbits, snakes, frogs and loads more!

Reading - w/b 26.02.24
This week is Book Week! We have had a terrific start to our week: we visited Manor Park library. At the library, we met librarians who told us lots of information about the library and how it works. We were then read to by the librarians, one of the stories was written by Benjamin Zephaniah: a British poet. After our introduction at the library, we were given the opportunity to roam around the library and read as many books as we like.

RE - w/b 19.02.24
Last term, we learnt the story of Krishna as part of our RE day. We created masks from the story and used our Oracy skills to act it out. In this lesson we worked on improving our physical skills by using our facial expressions to show what the characters in the story could be feeling.

PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24
For children’s mental health week we have been paying more attention to how we feel, what is causing these feelings and how we can make each other feel better. We are so excited to create our worry monsters with our parents on Friday! Here are some of the things we wrote that we wish our teacher knew about us…

Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24
In Year 1, we have been using our number bonds to 10 to make our number bonds to 20. We also worked systematically to ensure that we found all the number bonds and did not miss any out! We used our Social and Emotional skills to work with our partners and check if they got them correct!

History - w/b 22.01.24
The children in year 1 have been looking at Florence Nightingale in History this term. We used Now Press Play to act out Florence Nightingale’s life. This helped us learn a lot of facts about her such as why she became a nurse, how she became a nurse and the impact she had on nursing. She took care of wounded soldiers because she was determined to be a good nurse. When she returned back to England from Crimea, she was awarded a medal for her amazing work!

Reading - w/b 15.01.24
In Guided Reading, we have been learning about plants. We have recently discovered that there are two different types of tree: deciduous and evergreen. We now know the difference between a deciduous tree and an evergreen tree. As a follow-up task, we described those differences and used sentence stems from our book to help us remember.

English - w/b 08.01.24
In English, we have been introduced to our new book ‘Grace and Family’ by Mary Hoffman. ‘Grace and Family’ is the sequel to the popular ‘Amazing Grace’ and tells the story of Grace and her trip to Africa to see her dad in Gambia. In the Gambia, she meets his family and explores new relationships and a new culture. This week, we explored the feelings of the main character Grace and created a mood graph.

Christmas - w/b 11.12.23
This week, the children in year 1 took part in a STEM quiz which featured 10-questions, and all questions were multiple choice. The children worked individually, in pairs, or in small groups. It challenged their understanding of science, mathematics as well as design and technology. They thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the quiz with Dr Imrose, who was the host. They also watched a pantomime earlier this week and they thought it was absolutely awesome!

Science - w/b 04.12.23
In science, we have been learning about the human body. At the start of term, we were asked to bring baby pictures of ourselves into class so we could analyse and observe the changes that have taken place from one stage of life to the other. Later in the term, we learned how to identify the different parts of our body using the correct scientific names. In the last few weeks, we have been learning about the five senses and have been conducting simple experiments to help us understand how our senses work. In our last experiment, we were asked to use our sense of hearing to help determine whether the sound of a whistle is louder when we are closer to it or quieter. We also realised that the sound of the whistle can appear louder when we close our eyes and this is because our vision can defer the intensity of the sounds that we hear.

Writing a Letter - w/b 27.11.23
In English, we have been learning about the features of a letter. Our book is called ‘Look Up’ and our task was to write a letter pretending to be the main character: Rocket. We worked collaboratively to produce a plan and wrote down what we thought Rocket might like for Christmas. This plan will help us tomorrow when we are writing our letter to Santa.

Geography - w/b 20.11.23
For Geography this term, the pupils in Year 1 have been learning about ‘Me and My World’. They learnt their school address, drew a local area map and learnt about the countries that make up the UK. In order to draw a local area map, it was important that children observed what they saw around the school. They learnt road names and shop names and were able to create a map key to help read their map.

Oracy - w/b 13.11.23
This week in Mathematics, we used our Linguistic Skills to use the correct vocabulary when showing our workings out. We used number lines to visualise the jumps we needed to make and used this to write out our calculations. We worked with our partners to find all the fact families for our calculation.
PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23
In PHSCE, we have learned about road safety and how we should cross the road when there is traffic. We now realise as pedestrians that it is important to look both ways before we cross the road and we should also wait for the traffic light to indicate when it is safe to travel from one side of the road to the other.

RE - w/b 30.10.23
On RE Day we learned about Christianity and how people from this faith welcome people into the church. We learned that Christians perform a baptism ceremony for new born babies but some Christians welcome babies and people into the faith of Christianity by performing a dedication ceremony. We learned about the differences between the ceremonies and then created a freeze frame to show what a baptism looks like.

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23
In PHSCE we have been focusing on influential figures to celebrate Black History Month. This week we looked at Martin Luther King and his speech called ‘I have a dream’. Martin Luther King’s dream was for everyone to be treated equally because everyone has rights! This inspired us to think about our own dreams and write it down in our dream jar.