Learning at Home
Arrangements for Remote Learning
Instructions for using Google Classroom
Video tutorial on how to use Google
Video tutorial on how to access my learning on Google Classroom
Video tutorial of how to submit work on Google Classroom
Video tutorial on how to see feedback from my teacher on Google classroom
RWI (phonics) guidance
Click below for more information and the sound sets:
Making a Oxford Owl account - guide for parents/carers
You do not need to print off the resources put on the school website for home learning and it's better if you don't for the environment! Instead children can have the activities on screen in front of them and then complete each activity (such as writing the answers down) on piece of paper.
Downloadable learning packs for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
- TTS has home learning packs for EYFS, KS1 and KS2: Click here to access
- Collins has English, maths and science study books for KS2 and English and maths books for KS1: Click here to access