Welcome to Nursery!
Mathematics - W.B: 13.01.25
This week in the nursery the children have been making bear faces using the coloured shapes. They have been learning and naming the shapes and colours that they used. They were also challenged to count the sides and corners of the shapes. They have really enjoyed this activity.
Communication and Language W.B: 6.01.25
This week the children have been challenging themselves to thread the pipe cleaners through the holes of the singing harp from the story Jack and the Beanstalk. They have been saying some of the words from the story during their play. It has been a lot of fun.
Christmas - W.B 16.12.24
The nursery children have been learning and exploring Christmas. They were super excited to take part in the baking activity. They followed a recipe, added the ingredients, took turns to mix the ingredients together and they chose the cookie cutter to cut out their biscuits. Once the biscuits were baked they decorated their biscuits and then they took them home to enjoy them with their families.
Understanding the World - W.B - 9.12.24
This week the children have been learning about Christmas. They have been decorating a mini Christmas tree with a range of mini decorations. Another activity they did was placing counters on a Christmas tree which looked like baubles and they counted how many they placed on the tree. They also painted their own trees and did some Christmas tree sponge paintings where they decorated it using some creative materials. We have been listening to a range of Christmas music and the children have really enjoyed dancing to the music.
Fine Motor Skills W.B: 2.12.24
This week the children have been exploring ‘Tap a Shape’ in the nursery to improve our fine and gross motor skills. They placed the shapes onto the board, they put the pin in and then they used the hammer to hammer the pin down. This needed a lot of concentration and being safe when using the hammer. Using a hammer is a life skill, they were also learning their shapes and colours during this fun activity.
Expressive Arts and Design W.B - 25.11.24
This week the children have been making marks in the salt using a paintbrush. They copied some of the marks to reveal the hidden rainbow colours under the salt. They have been learning their colours as well as making big and small marks in the salt.
Topic - W/B: 18.11.24
The nursery children have really enjoyed exploring around our Investigation Area this week. They have been feeling and looking at some real autumn objects using the magnifying glasses. They have also been making marks and drawing what they saw. They are learning to take turns to explore the different objects.
Communication and Language - W.B 11.11.24
In the nursery the children go for small groups called Box Clever. In this group the children explore a themed box for example ‘At the Hospital’ and they pretend to be doctors and nurses and take care of their patients. They take turns and are encouraged to share and play together using simple words. This group encourages the children to build friendships, confidence and it also develops their speaking and language skills.
Understanding the World - w/b 04.11.24
This week the children have been learning about the festival of lights; Diwali. To start, they watched a few videos about Diwali, which helped them to create their own Rangoli Patterns. Following this, they created Mehndi designs and finally used mark making skills to create colourful fireworks in the playground, using chalk
Personal, Social and Emotional Development - W.B 14.10.24
In the Nursery, we have a regulation trolley to help the children manage their own emotions and support their peers. The activities on the trolley have really helped the children settle into the nursery and focus on their positive behaviours.
Black History Month - W/B 07.10.24
This week we have been learning about Black History Month. We decided that we would create ourselves using play dough. To start, we explored the different colours of play dough to choose from. We then looked in the mirror to find our own skin tones. We created ourselves and realised that we all look different and are beautiful just the way we are!
Understanding the World - W/B 30.09.24
The children really enjoyed exploring the Jelly Baff this week. They squashed and squeezed the jelly to mould it. Then they hid the owls in the jelly and they had to find them. It was fun and very messy!
Reading - W/B 23.09.24
The children really enjoyed exploring a range of books in the garden. They are learning how to turn the pages and they are beginning to look at the pictures to retell the story.
Mathematics - W/B - 16.09.24
This week in the nursery the children have enjoyed singing a range of number songs and they have also enjoyed wearing the number hats during their singing. They explored the new musical instruments and they used their fingers to help with their counting.
Communication and Language - W/B 09.09.24
This week the children having been retelling the story 'Animal Boogie' using our special animals puppets. They held the different animals, made different animal noises and enjoyed dancing with them. They are beginning to repeat some simple phrases from the story.
Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24
The children have settled right back into the nursery. They have been exploring new activities inside the classroom, as well as outside. We are also welcoming some new children every day and we hope they love and enjoy their time here as much as we do!
Welcome to Nursery!
Expressive Arts and Design - w/b 08.07.24
This week the children have been using the watercolour paints to create their own masterpieces. They had to learn that they needed a little bit of water and lots of paint to make the colour stand out in a bright fashion. They thought about what they would paint and their paintings looked amazing!
Visit to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - w/b 01.07.24
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the children in nursery visited the Queen Elizabeth Park for their end of year celebrations. On both days, they set off in the morning, travelling by bus to Stratford. On the way there, they spotted many buildings, trees and cars! Upon arrival, they walked all the way to the Olympic Park. The rain decided to greet them on both days, but that certainly did not stop all the fun! The Olympic Park has so much to offer; green spaces, a playground and sheltered area to enjoy scrumptious lunch! On the way back to school, some of the children fell asleep on the bus, proving that they enjoyed a jam-packed day!
Communication and Language W/B 24.06.2024
This week in Nursery we have been making kites. We talked about our design and selected different resources to make our kites. We spoke about shapes, colour and functionality.
Number - w/b 17.06.24
This week we have been learning about shapes in and around the nursery. We enjoyed making different modes of transport using the 2D shapes to fit in with our topic; journeys. Currently, we are learning about the 4 basic shapes: square, triangle, circle and rectangle. We counted how many sides and corners each shape has. We also did some shape printing outside in the garden and we looked at a semi-circle too. It was so much fun!
Physical Development - w/b 10.06.24
This week the children have been exploring physical development in different areas of the nursery. They have been practising their batting skills and enjoy hitting the hanging ball. They used the tweezers to challenge themselves to pick up the different shaped pasta. They love climbing up the logs and then jumping off the logs. They love playing racing games to see who can run the fastest. Physical development is very important and it is covered in all areas of the children’s learning.
Understanding the World - w/b 03.06.24
This week in the nursery garden the children helped to set up our new Pizza Shop themed Mud Kitchen. They had so much fun mixing the soil and adding the toppings to their pizzas. They placed their pizza into the oven and then they pretended to eat their pizza and share this with their peers.
Physical Development - w/b 20.05.24
The children love singing and dancing in the nursery every day. They choose the songs they like and they move their bodies to the music. Some of the children try to copy the hand movements that they see in the video. It is so much fun!
Communication and Language - w/b 13.05.24
Communication and Language Development is an ongoing focus in the nursery. While the children are exploring and playing they speak to each other and they repeat a range of new words as well as well established words they have heard from their peers or their teachers. They enjoy pretending to wash the cars and speak about this activity. There was a lot of talk around the jelly area as the children pretend to make food for the superheroes. When the children are blowing bubbles they speak about which bubbles are big and small, which bubbles float high up or pop. They also enjoy running around and jumping in and out of the hoops talking about who is going faster or slower.
PSED - w/b 06.05.24
This week, children developed their understanding of being part of a community by exploring a globe. They used magnifying glasses to find the different countries and identified the colours they saw. They were shocked to see so much blue for the sea! They found London in the pink area.
Messy Play - w/b 29.04.24
The children had so much fun exploring shaving foam in the outdoor provision this week. They got a bit messy but luckily they remembered to wear their aprons! Using their fine motor skills, they made lots of marks in the shaving foam and they loved the smell of it too.
Understanding of the World: Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24
Earlier this week, we celebrated Earth Day. For this, the children in the nursery planted their own sunflower seeds with the help of children from year 5. First, the children poured the soil into their pots and then they hid the sunflower seed in the soil. They really enjoyed the activity and will be looking after their planted seed at home, providing it with water and sunlight.
Writing - w/b 15.04.24
The children in the nursery love to make marks during messy play and they enjoy drawing pictures of familiar objects and people. Some children have been practising tracing over patterns and some have been tracing over their sounds. During these sessions, they usually choose their own sheets and activities. They are great at being ‘Tryatopses’, as they really enjoy completing their work!
Easter - w/b 25.03.24
Easter is an important Christian festival. It’s when Christians celebrate Jesus’ love for mankind. We took part in lots of fun activities and we made some delicious chocolate nests. We watched the chocolate melt, we mixed the cereal in with the chocolate and then we decorated it with little chicks and chocolate eggs.
Number - w/b 18.03.24
Numbers are everywhere in the nursery… we sing lots of number songs, we explore the big numicon shapes outside and we count the big circles to find out what number it is. We also count the number blocks outside, we count our jumping, the fruit, the children when we line up …numbers and counting is a lot of fun!
Fine Motor Skills - w/b 11.03.24
This week the children have been learning some life skills which are really important in order to support their development. They have been learning how to do their zips up not only on a little zip but on their jackets too. They have been practising to do the buttons up on a colourful butterfly and at the same time they were learning their colours by matching the loop to the button. The trickiest one was doing the shoelaces and they really enjoyed trying to tie the laces up. We will definitely be revisiting this activity again.
Physical Development - w/b 04.03.24
Physical development in the nursery takes place every day inside and outside. The children enjoy copying some large body movements outside and they use their fine motor skills to thread the colourful beads inside to make a necklace or a bracelet.
Reading - w/b 26.02.24
The children love to read in the nursery, they read a range of books in the classroom and in the outside area. They also used the props outside to act out a story this week and they found it really funny!
Understanding the World - w/b 19.02.24
We enjoy exploring the natural materials in our nursery, linked to ‘Understanding the World’. In our provision, we have some farm animals in the mud, as well as animal masks. During free flow, we enjoy playing with the animals and singing lots of animal songs too!
Personal, Social and Emotional Development - w/b 05.02.24
Every day, the nursery children help themselves to the activities on the Self-Regulation trolley when they are unsure of how they are feeling. They spend some time exploring and playing with the activities so they can regulate how they are feeling. The activities on the trolley have really been helping and settling the new children.
Number and Numerical Patterns - w/b 29.01.24
The children have been really busy in the nursery this week. They have been exploring our mud kitchen with the new tools and they have really enjoyed pretending to cook some food for their friends. They have been learning how to share and how to take care of the area by tidying it up daily. Through sharing and sorting, they have developed their take on numerical patterns.
Pre- writing Skills - w/b 22.01.24
In the nursery we are always learning through play so while we are doing some fine motor activities it is helping us develop our pre-writing skills. It is making our fingers and hands stronger while we are playing with the magnetic toys and while we are sorting the coloured links by colour. It is a lot of fun!
Reading - w/b 15.01.24
The children in the Nursery love to read, this week we read a range of books in the garden reading area. Currently, we are learning how to handle books carefully and learning how to turn pages one at a time. We enjoy looking at the pictures to retell the story!
Communication and Language - w/b 08.01.24
This week in the nursery the children have been settling back after the festive break. They have taken part in lots of new activities involving using their communication skills and they have even welcomed some new friends too! They have been learning to share and take turns, using language. It’s been a fun week back!
Christmas - w/b 11.12.23
This week we have been learning all about Christmas. We made some paper chains outside and decorated the mini Christmas tree with sparkly decorations. We used coloured counters to decorate a small tree and we counted how many we used. We also made a wish list and posted it into the Christmas post box. We enjoyed exploring lots of fun activities…Christmas is just so much fun!
Understanding the World - w/b 04.12.23
This week in Understanding the World we observed what happens to ice when left in a tray over a period of time. We took turns to touch the ice and used pipettes to drop some food colouring onto it. Following this, we witnessed the ice change colour! Although it was really cold, we held it in our warm hands to see if it would melt. Playing with the ice was so much fun!
The Tiger who came to tea - w/b 27.11.23
This week we read the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ The children created their own tiger patterns, using orange and black cubes. They also used strips of black and orange paper to create more tiger patterns. Adding onto this, they retold the story by looking at the pictures and by joining in with the story during carpet time.
Understanding the World - w/b 20.11.23
This week we have been exploring everything linked to the season we are in; autumn! We used magnifying glasses to look closely at the leaves, conkers and some bark in our ‘Autumn area’. We went on an autumn hunt in the garden and then we made our own collages using the leaves and other natural items that we found.
Diwali - w/b 13.11.23
This week in the nursery we have been celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights. We made Rangoli patterns in the pink sand and we made some colourful bracelets using some coloured beads. We drew some fireworks on black paper using different coloured chalk. Our favourite activity was cooking some vegetable rice, we enjoyed chopping the carrots, onions and the potatoes. We took it home to enjoy with our families,
Celebrations - w/b 06.11.23
In nursery, we have been reading the story ‘Happy Birthday, Cupcake!’ We looked at the pictures and we enjoyed retelling the story. We then helped to transform our role play house into a birthday party house, where we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Cupcake and to our friends. We loved the party hats and we took turns to cut our new birthday cake. Using play dough, we made some cupcakes and we added sprinkles and candles. What a fantastic celebration we had!
Healthy Teeth - w/b 30.10.23
This week we have been learning the simple steps on how to brush our teeth. We explored brushing the big teeth with toothpaste and toothbrushes. We are very excited that the dentist will be coming to visit us this Friday.
PHSCE - w/b 16.20.23
In the nursery we explored activities around Black History Month and Diversity. We enjoyed making our hand prints for ‘Our Kindness Tree’ which is very colourful!
Knowledge and Understanding of the World - w/b 09.10.23
The children have really enjoyed retelling the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and this week they drew/painted their own butterflies, based on part of the story. They used their fine motor skills to correctly grip their pencil/paintbrush and even mixed paint to create their preferred colours!
Science - w/b 02.10.23
In science this week we mixed cornflour with some food colouring and water to see what will happen. Some of the cornflour turned really hard and some of it turned to liquid. It was really fun but so messy!
Reading - w/b 25.09.23
Reading is lots of fun. The children love looking at a range of books in the nursery. They are learning to turn the pages and they enjoy looking at the pictures to tell the story.
Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23
In the Nursery, mathematics is everywhere. This week we made shapes and patterns using elastic bands. We used some colourful blocks to build towers; learning how to construct tall and short towers. We also sang a range of number songs during our carpet time and our favourite song was ‘Five little monkeys swinging in the tree’.
Mark Making - w/b 11.09.23
Mark Making is lots of fun in the nursery. We use our fine motor skills to help develop these skills. This week, we made patterns in salt, drew with cars and crayons and we made rainbow marks on the drawing pads!
Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23
It has been an exciting week back at nursery and we have had some new friends starting too. We are learning how to share our toys. We cannot wait to learn some new skills and to become confident learners!