Late/Absence Procedures
Running Late? |
Morning registration is at 08.50am. If your child arrives to school after this time, they will be marked on the register as late. If, for any reason, your child is late for school, you should bring them to the main school office where they will be signed in and given a late pass.
Procedure for absence |
If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must inform the main office by 8.30am to inform us of the reason why.
You can report an absence by either:
- Ringing the school on 020 8514 9860;
- Emailing us on;
- Completing the Contact Form below.
If an absence is sickness related, we strongly recommend that children are only absent from school if they are suffering from a severe illness, such as vomiting, diarrhoea or a contagious disease, such as chicken pox.
If your child is absent for more than three consecutive days, we will need to see medical evidence, such as medical cards, prescriptions or medication, in order to authorise the absence.
All medical appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible, however, if this is not possible, please ensure you collect an appointment slip as proof of the appointment. Please bring the appointment slip, along with any proof of medication (if applicable), to the main school office on your child’s return to school. Without proof of appointment, the school is unable to consider the absence “authorised” and this will be marked on your child’s register as an “unauthorised absence.”
Should you book an appointment in advance, please inform the main school office as soon as possible, and no later than the morning of the appointment. This ensures that the teacher is aware of the appointment and can take steps in the event of PE / assembly or special events to ensure that your child is prepared to leave.
Contact Form |
Reporting your child absent from school
Please complete the form below stating your child/ren's name(s), class, and the reason for their absence. If your child is unwell, please clearly state the symptoms of your child.