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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Year 6


Welcome to the Silver and Bronze Class page!



Mathematics - w/b 13.01.25


In mathematics, we have been focussing on finding fractions of an amount. In addition to this, we learnt how to multiply, divide, add and subtract fractions. We also put all our skills to the test and completed SATs style questions. 

By Jemmar Bennet


Role Play in Year 6 - w/b 06.01.25


In our history topic, we are learning about crime and punishment in different periods. This week, we learnt about how crime was dealt with during the Anglo-Saxon period. After finding out about the various punishments that were used, we created a court in the classroom. Some of us were the jury, and others worked in groups to bring different cases to the court. Once the evidence had been presented, the jury had to decide whether the accused was guilty or innocent. If they were guilty, a suitable punishment had to be imposed! As we participated in this role play, we made sure that we used our Oracy skills carefully.

Christmas - w/b 16.12.24


This Tuesday, we had the chance to enjoy a delightful pantomime performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. The show was full of humour, heart, and unexpected surprises, making it a truly memorable experience. From the very beginning, the audience was transported into a magical world with a fairy introducing the classic story. Little did we know, the fun was just about to begin!

The plot unfolded with plenty of laughs and playful antics. A villainous witch appeared on stage, demanding the last three months of rent from Jack and his aunt. Unfortunately, they were struggling to make ends meet, and the pressure was on. The suspense built as they faced the possibility of losing everything, and that’s when the decision to sell their cow was made—though it wasn’t an easy choice for young Jack. You could feel the sadness in the air, especially from the nephew who was visibly upset about parting with their beloved cow.

Enter the witch again, offering ‘special’ beans in exchange for the cow. Of course, we soon found out that these beans weren’t as magical as they seemed—they were, in fact, just ordinary beans! This left Aunt and Jack feeling a bit disappointed, but they promised to return for their cow once they were back on their feet.

And just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the fairy from the beginning appeared once more. She cast a powerful spell, and in an amazing twist, the cow magically returned! The audience erupted in applause and laughter as the fairy’s charm brought the cow back to life.

The show wasn’t just full of magical moments—it was also packed with silly dances, colourful costumes, and lots of laughter. It was the perfect mix of humour and heart, with plenty of surprises along the way. We couldn’t stop laughing at the playful exchanges between the characters and the ridiculous scenarios they found themselves in. The whole performance was a whirlwind of joy, from start to finish.

Watching the pantomime was an unforgettable experience, and I’m so glad we got to be a part of it. If you ever have the chance to see a pantomime, especially Jack and the Beanstalk, I highly recommend it. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy a mix of humour, magic, and storytelling!

Science - w/b 09.12.24


Benjamin Franklin and Electricity

Henry, a visitor from the Benjamin Franklin Museum, taught us about static electricity and Benjamin Franklin’s life and discoveries. We were mainly learning about when lightning strikes and how to survive it. We found out that the lightning rod, a structure that protects a building from a direct lighting strike, is one of his inventions. The lightning rod absorbs the lightning coming down it, and leads into the soil which will  neutralise the energy. 


By Walid Said in Silver Class.


French - w/b 2.12.24


We’ve been having a tres amusant time in French this half term and been learning how to say a variety of animal names, putting those names into sentences to say whether or not we have them as pets, and if we do, how many of them.  We’ve learned that some people have both cats and birds so we’ve been learning the conjunctions to link two parts of a sentence and we’ve also been learning to say what our pets are called!


Computing - w/b 25.11.24


During computing lessons this term, we are creating our own websites. We have each chosen the subject of our site, and who it is aimed at. At the moment, we are filling our sites with content, thinking carefully about layout, and how to use hyperlinks to make using our website easier to navigate. Although there are still tasks we need to complete, we’re excited to see the way our websites are coming along!


Geography - w/b 18.11.24


During our Geography Lessons, we  have been learning about our local area and different settlements. This week, we had the choice to create either piece of artwork or writing to represent our learning. Some people drew different settlements or different roads in Manor Park.  A few people wrote poems or reflected on what they learnt in Geography. 


By Sara, Silver Class


During Geography, we have been learning about our local area and the difference between a town, village, hamlet and city. Some children showcased their learning by   creating poems while others created a drawing of our local area. We needed to know what rural, urban and suburban landscapes are and some of us depicted our local area by drawing cars, buses and roads. 


By Alisha, Silver Class


During Geography, we have learnt about different settlements and how Manor Park (our local area) has changed over time. We created an art piece in our own style and we could represent it however we wanted. Some of us created posters, poems or  maps. The four types of settlements that we have learnt about are: hamlets, villages, towns and cities. Did you know that any area with a cathedral is a city, despite its size? 


By Jamilah, Silver Class


Oracy - w/b 11.11.24

An election has been happening across school the past week where pupils voted for their new MPs. To become an MP, you need to prepare and deliver a speech telling your audience what impact you will have if elected. To achieve this you need to speak loud enough so everyone in the class can hear you and you need to speak clearly and pronounce your words correctly. In order to do this, they used the oracy framework to make sure they get their points across clearly. When delivering a speech, the following skills are needed: physical, linguistic, cognitive and social and emotional.

Alishbah, Silver Class



If you are running for M.P these are essential requirements you must keep in mind while delivering a speech: Physical, linguistic, cognitive and social & emotional expression. These key points will make your speech strong and meaningful to your audience. One of the things you must include is confidence and the correct use of accurate language. While sharing your speech you must also speak formally; this will indicate that you are a respectful speaker.

Inayah, Silver Class


PSHCE - w/b 04.11.24


During our PSHCE lesson this week, we explored how to keep ourselves safe. We looked at the definitions of emotional and physical abuse as well as neglect. For example; neglect is when you are not being looked after correctly. It is important to tell a trusted adult if you are being subjected to any of these, or to call 0800 1111.

RE Day - w/b 21.10.24


For our first R.E. Day of the year, pupils in year 6 have been exploring the way that Christians express their faith through the arts. We looked at how music, dance, drama and art are used to communicate an aspect of the faith and beliefs of Christians. We looked at lots of examples of the use of the arts in Christianity, and finished the day by creating our own modern-day icon, using symbols, images and colours to represent an aspect of Christian belief.

Metacognition Launch Day - w/b 14.10.24


We had such a great day ‘thinking about thinking’ during our Metacognition launch day. We looked at pictures of brains, listened to songs about the functions of each part of the brain, made our own representation through collage, of our brain, played quizzes about the brain, and created dioramas of ‘The Adventures in Metacognition’, thinking characters that can help us to make the most of our thinking and learning.

Art - w/b 07.10.24


In Year 6, our art topic is ‘Cityscapes’. We have looked at the work of two artists, Stephen Wiltshire and John Virtue. Although both have created art depicting cities, they use very different techniques. Stephen’s work is low energy, with fine detail, whilst John’s work is high energy, using bold marks. We spent time experimenting with using different levels of energy in our artwork. This will help us decide how to create our final piece of art for this topic.

Science - w/b 30.09.24


We had an amazing time deepening our knowledge about electricity this week, turning our attention from current electricity to static electricity.  We learned about the causes of static and who the scientists were who stumbled across this occurrence before setting ourselves some questions to investigate and working together to see what answers we could find. Looking at our photos, can you tell what the questions were that we posed?

Reading - w/b 23.09.24


This week, children in year 6 reflected on how reading is an important life skill, and how guided reading lessons as well as the classroom environment adds to this aspect:  


“I think that the reading corner has helped me with my reading because there's lots of books and items to help me focus with my reading.” Mohammed, Silver.


“I love reading in the reading corner. It helps my learning a lot .Adding on, it's a peaceful place.” Jessica, Silver. 


“In guided reading we are reading different poems and some of the poems have similarities and others don’t.” Aisha, Silver.


Mathematics - w/b 16.09.24


During our mathematics lessons, we have been thinking about everything we know about place value; what the value of digits in a number mean, how and where we write digits when making up a number. Previously we’ve learned about multiplying and dividing by using base 10 and our next step will be to round integers up or down. 

Ask us if we know any songs that help us remember the steps to use in each of these mathematical skills!


English - w/b 09.09.24


We are enjoying the poems of Joseph Coelho in his anthology, ‘Overheard in a Tower Block’. One of the poems we have read is called ‘Binley House’, and vividly describes life in a block of flats. After reading, analysing and discussing it, we worked in groups to create a performance of the poem. We all tried our best to bring the poem to life, using our oracy skills as best we could.

Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24


It's so good to be back together again after the Summer holidays, and we're raring to get stuck into the hard work, fun and excitement that comes with being in year 6!


Aadhil, Silver: I liked today because I was having fun with all the lessons and it wasn't too hard and wasn’t too easy.


Aleena, Silver : I enjoyed my day at school. It was fun and we got to do lots of activities and I am happy to be back at school.


Emanuel, Silver:  My day back at school was good because I got to meet my teacher and she was fun.


Mohammad, Silver: My day back at school was fun and interesting and I loved meeting my teachers' cool vibe.



Welcome to the Silver and Bronze Class page!



PHSCE - w/b 08.07.24


In PSHCE, we have been creating an art piece about what we are and what we will be. My original plan was to make a totem pole with three animals . These animals were a swan, butterfly and peacock. Unfortunately, I could not make this since there was not enough time to use paper mache so instead I have started to do various and several drawings  (it is technically a collage of drawings) on paper. I am hoping that I will be happy with my outcome.


By Aayat, Year 6 Silver Class


End of Year Visit - w/b 01.07.24


We had the best time on our last ever trip at Sir John Heron.  Though it was sad to think that we wouldn’t be out and about exploring London together again, we made some brilliant memories on a treasure hunt around the South Bank.  We started off with a moment enjoying the busker at Stratford station, before we whizzed into London Bridge on the Jubilee Line, taking in the view of The Orbit as we passed it.  Once we were off the tube, our sleuthing started straight away!  The cryptic clues took us around Southwark Cathedral, the site of the original Globe Theatre and the Rose Theatre, too.  Around the site of the Tate Modern, where we stopped off for an al fresco lunch by the Thames and then back down to where we started, passing the new Globe Theatre and The Golden Hynde.  We deduced who the culprit was in the nick of time, before we headed back to school, tired and happy.

Art W/B 24.06.2024

Our topic in Year 6 is ‘Creatures’, which is an art topic based on the work of Justin Diggle. Justin is a British-born artist, living in America, who specialises in print making. He creates weird and wonderful creatures which he then prints. To start our topic, we have been art detectives, looking at examples of his work and exploring what we can see. We will then go on to come up with our own creatures, and use printing techniques to create a final piece of art.


Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24


We’ve been having an absolute blast in Mathematics, doing project work which uses all of the skills we’ve learned so far in mathematics, oracy and team-working.  Here you can see us turning from students to bakers.  We’ve been running our own bakery, calculating profit and loss, scaling ingredients and designing logos and constructing packaging, all things that need us to be really confident and enthusiastic mathematicians!


We also like to have a chortle as we work and so thought that you might enjoy this:

Why did the students eat their homework?

Because their teachers told them it was a piece of cake! 


English - w/b 10.06.24


Oh, the magnificent tale of Macbeth! We’ve listened to the sounds of the eerie moorland, looked at the artistic interpretations of the weird sisters, pored over vibrant cartoons of the play to bring Shakespeare's masterpiece to life like never before. Picture this: the forboding whisper of the witches, the chilling clink of a dagger, the thundering hooves of horses galloping into battle; these elements transport us right into the heart of Scotland, where ambition and fate collide in a tragic dance.

We’ve dived in and started retelling Macbeth as a gripping narrative. Set in a dark and stormy landscape, our tale unfolds with a sense of impending doom. Ambition, betrayal, and supernatural forces intertwine to create a compelling story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on this thrilling journey through the world of Macbeth and see whether you can retell the opening scene of the play in 12 sentences using each of these words once!


RE - w/b 03.06.24


For RE Day, Year 6 thought about the qualities needed by present day religious leaders. We started by considering what qualities are necessary for any sort of leader, and then went on to think more specifically about the qualities that a religious leader would need to demonstrate. We created presentations about particular religious leaders and shared them with others. We finished the day by comparing and contrasting leaders from different religions.

Bridges Project - w/b 20.05.24


As a special post-SATs project, Year 6 have been learning about bridges - the different types and the materials used in their construction. We have also found out about five prominent women involved in the design and engineering of bridges around the world. All of this was to prepare us for a bridge challenge: design and build a bridge that spans 45cm and can support a 500g weight. Working with a partner, we discussed ideas and then created our designs, including a scale drawing of what we want the bridge to look like. We can’t wait to construct our bridges and test them!

Art - w/b 13.05.24


‘This week we have been doing art. We got some art pictures and copied them into a small piece. After that, we coloured and made a bigger piece, using our mathematics skills to enlarge the work. On Friday we will be painting them or using pastels. Two works that I have copied were ‘Dancers at the Barre’ by Degas and ‘The Girl with a Pearl Earring’ by Vermeer, because both have people in them and I like drawing people. It was a lot of fun and I saw a lot of new pictures that I had never seen before.’


Ruth- Silver Class


‘We have been doing art. We have been learning how to recreate famous art pieces. This has helped us focus more because we have SATs this week. It gets our minds ready and set to focus. We have done two sets of art, one big and one small. We are going to use oil pastels or acrylic paint. It will be really fun to do.’


Anne-Marie- Silver Class


PSHCE - w/b 06.05.24


It’s nearly SATS week, but amid our revision and exam practise, we know that we need to take time to look after our mental health and wellbeing. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can all face and exam stress can feel like a lot to cope with. However, there are steps we can take to help look after and improve our wellbeing. Here we are having a metal time out- some of us are doing some mindfulness colouring, and others are meditating with closed eyes whilst listening to affirmations.  

Below are five of our top tips for helping to manage your wellbeing:
●      Make time for things you enjoy -Find ways to release stress and celebrate your revision progress. Whether it's listening to music, cooking, drawing or going for a walk.
●      Talk to others about how you feel - Connect with your friends and you can look to your family for support. Remember, you are not alone.
●      Try to find balance -Take regular breaks and be realistic about what you can do in a day. Keep things in perspective and remember that tricky moments don't last forever.
●      Take care of your physical health - Make sure you get enough sleep, nutritious food, water and exercise. Whether it's a walk or doing sports, physical activity helps to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
●      Focus on yourself -Try not to compare yourself to others. Think of things you like about yourself and what you're good at - this can help boost your confidence.

Preparing for SATs - w/b 29.04.24


Year 6 is in full SATs-preparation mode! Every afternoon is a revision session, when we go over our learning in maths, reading, and spelling and punctuation. We use SATs-style questions to help, and we make sure that we discuss the questions with others so that we can help each other. We have all found that working together like this is helping us with getting ready for the tests.

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24


During Earth Day on Monday, Year 6 took part in various activities linked to this global celebration. In our mathematics lesson, we created 3-d shapes by carefully measuring and drawing nets, then cutting them out, folding and glueing them. Once completed, we decorated them in keeping with the theme of Earth Day. Our English lesson was taken up with writing a poem inspired by an image, either of the natural world, or of the effect that human activity can have on the environment. It was good to think about what each of us can do to help preserve and protect our world.


English - w/b 15.04.24


Our text for this term in English lessons is Rose Blanche. Set during World War Two in Germany, the story follows Rose as she lives with the realities of war. In one of our lessons this week, we worked in small groups to create a freeze frame for a particular part of the story. We had to think about what actually happened, and what the characters might have been thinking or feeling. That way we were able to choose appropriate facial expressions and body postures for the freeze frame.

Art - w/b 25.03.24

Our art topic this term has been inspired by a portrait, “No woman, no cry”, by Chris Ofili. We looked closely and carefully at his painting, discussing what we could see, and what emotions the work evoked. We also learnt the background to the portrait. It was made by Chris Ofili in 1998 when he was living and working in London. The title of this work is the name of a 1974 song by the Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley that entreats a female listener not to be sad. The crying woman depicted is Doreen Lawrence (now Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon OBE), the mother of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered as a teenage boy in an unprovoked racist attack in London in 1993, and the photographs inside the tears in this work are all images of Stephen.

We went on to choose a strong emotion and to create a background in a colour reflecting that emotion. Then we drew our own portrait outline on the background; the final stage will be to paint the detail  of our self-portrait.

Mathematics in Action - w/b 18.03.24


We had an amazing day out in central London yesterday, putting our practical mathematics skills into action!  From using train timetables to calculate our journey, to estimating distances between locations, estimating the capacity of the fountains in Leicester Square, approximating the quantity of butterflies in an immersive AI installation and working out the lifespans of artists at the National Portrait Gallery, we really made our trip one which was using all of our social, cultural and academic learning so far!

Computing - w/b 11.03.24


Our topic in Year 6 is all to do with creating web pages. We have spent time, this term, looking at how web pages are designed, what needs to be considered, and how content is arranged so that users can navigate around the website quickly.


Each of us has chosen what our website will be about, and have spent lessons creating the content and adding things like hyperlinks so that users can go from one section to another efficiently. Every so often, we preview our web pages, evaluating what they look like on different types of devices. That way, we are constantly making refinements, which hopefully improve our website.


French - w/b 04.03.24


We have a great time together when we learn French. Miss Werrin makes sure our accents are impeccable, or pronunciation perfect and we remember what we have learned already, from numbers to pastries, to buildings, with movements and quizzes!


Nous passons de bons moments ensemble lorsque nous apprenons le français. Miss Werrin veille à ce que nos accents soient impeccables ou notre prononciation parfaite et nous nous souvenons de ce que nous avons déjà appris, des chiffres aux pâtisseries, en passant par les bâtiments, avec des mouvements et des quiz !


Reading - w/b 26.02.24


As it’s Book Week this week, we are doing something different in every DEAR Time. On Tuesday, half of each class swapped over and we shared books with each other. We gave each other a synopsis of the plot, explained whether we were enjoying the book, and then actually read a few pages to our partners. It was great to be able to spend a relaxing time talking about books and listening to each other read.


RE - w/b 19.02.24


For our RE Day, Year 6 considered the similarities and differences religions and worldviews share. We thought about it mainly from the perspective of community, and what religions and worldviews teach about the way people should treat each other. We discovered that a common element is what has been called the Golden Rule: treat others how you would want to be treated. For part of the day, we had to present to the rest of the class some of our thoughts, using our oracy skills so that everyone could understand us clearly.



PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24


Mental Health week is a week dedicated to the mental health of children regarding our school and the whole borough of Newham.This article is all about year 6’s mental health week.


This mental health week included us writing about our favourite dates for example, someone’s birthday or the new year. Every day this past week, students meditated using ‘Peace Out’. This is an easy way to rest your mind and put yourself in a serene state of mind. Also on Monday we attended an assembly by the well-respected Anti-bullying ambassadors. The assembly focussed on spreading a vital message.



By Kevin and Navid 

Silver Class


Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24


We’ve been having a brilliant time starting to explore the world of Algebra!  Algebra is a bit like being a detective,  you have to solve challenges where there are missing bits of information which you find out by appling your mathematics skills.  This week we’ve looked at algebraic formulae, notation and equations!

History - w/b 22.01.24


Our history topic in Year 6 is Crime and Punishment, and we have learnt about crime, and how it was punished, during three historical periods: the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Victorians. For our learning about the Victorians, we experienced four hard labour tasks that prisoners would have to endure. Although our tasks weren’t exactly the same, we were able to think about what prisoners in the Nineteenth Century went through, and we considered the effectiveness of such punishments.

Reading - w/b 15.01.24


In Guided Reading, we have been reading  a book called Silas Marner, written by George Elliot (which was a fake name - or pseudonym - because female authors in the nineteenth century often found it almost impossible to get their work published. Her real name was Mary Ann Evans.). In the story, there is an ominous figure called Silas who was thought to be controlled by the devil. He was a happy member of a church but was betrayed by his best friend, William Dane.


One of the important skills we need is being able to identify the main idea of paragraphs, chapters, and whole books. As well as talking about this, we use a range of other ways to make sure we understand what the main idea of a text is.




English - w/b 08.01.24


We’ve been having a blast in English this week with Monday’s Victorian day starting off our story planning. We’ve started reading a story called ‘Street Child’ which is based on a real life character from history, Jim Jarvis and his life as a destitute orphan under the reign of Queen Victoria. Our immersive experience didn’t just benefit our writing so that we could empathise with some of the experiences of the children in the Victorian era who we will be depicting in our work (we’re writing an ending to the novel in three chapters), but we also did Victorian Maths, P.E., Reading and Oracy!  


Christmas - w/b 11.12.23


Today, we thoroughly enjoyed a pantomime about Peter Pan. This was extremely fun and funny. We were all intently watching and it felt like the one hour went by in two minutes! The actors were engaging with us and entertained us wonderfully! On the whole, I (and I am sure many others) loved the pantomime and it was sad to see that this was the last pantomime in primary school. On a positive note, it was a wonderful one hour and I really enjoyed this pantomime. Thank you to the amazing actors who really made our day!



Silver Class   


Science - w/b 04.12.23


We’ve been delving further into the topic of light this week and swapping reflections for refraction.  After having posed our own investigation questions relating to how we could prove refraction was taking place, we formulated our method and got stuck into our investigations which ranged from trying to make our own rainbow to making arrows change directions!  Ask us what we observed when we were conducting our scientific exploration and have a go at something similar at home:

Science - w/b 27.11.23


We’ve been looking at the topic of light in Science and most recently what a reflection is and why, and where we see them. In order to depict what a reflection is, and what it is not, we used differing materials and a painting by the celebrated American artist, Norman Rockwell to inspire us. Have a look and see where you can see a reflection in the scientific context but also how the objects around Rockwell are a reflection of his culture, interests and beliefs.


If you want to explore light at home, have a look here for some brilliant at home investigation ideas:


Geography - w/b 20.11.23


In geography lessons, the pupils in Year 6 have been learning about our local area. As part of this, we carried out fieldwork during a walk from school to Valentines park in Ilford. We made observations about geographical features such as land use and transportation, recording them in fieldwork notebooks. While in Valentines Park, we thought about the similarities and differences between it and our part of Manor Park. We also enjoyed seeing a lot of wildlife that we don’t normally see, such as moorhens and geese.


After our walk, we collaborated with a partner to create a sketch map of the route we took. 


PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23


We’ve taken our Personal, social, health and citizenship education to the pool over the last two weeks- we’ve been learning and developing our swimming abilities at the Olympic pool in Stratford, and enjoying time celebrating our achievements together in a wonderful building designed by the inspirational architect Zaha Hadid.  We’ve also been participating in Parliament Week- the time when we stand for election as MPs, give manifesto speeches to our classmates, cast our democratic vote and the prefects get to run the polling stations and count the votes.  We’ll find out the results on the 10th November, so watch this space to find out who will be representing our classes for the rest of the year!

RE - w/b 30.10.23


In Year 6, we explored how Christians express their faith through the arts. We thought about the way that music and movement are used as part of Christian worship, as well as the aspects of the religion being expressed. After that, we spent time looking at how art and colour have been used, and created our own modern icons, depicting something connected with Christianity. For part of the day, we learnt how drama is also used, for example the passion plays that are often performed at Easter time. By the end of the day, we had learnt that Christians have used the arts in lots of different ways to express various aspects of their beliefs.

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23


During PHSCE we have been learning about Martin Luther King Junior. We have looked at his well-known speech. My favourite thing I learned from his speech was to never give up on standing up for your rights. Martin Luther King Junior did not only talk about himself, he also talked about the upcoming generation. The part of the speech that stood out the most was,

“I had a dream that one day little black boys & little black girls would hold hands with little white boys and little white girls and one day be brothers and sisters. I had a dream that one day my four little children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of the character.” well spoken words.


Written by Farez & Dhanyal.


Art - w/b 09.10.23


In Year 6, we have been learning about two artists, Stephen Wiltshire and John Virtue, both of whom depict cityscapes, but each using a different style and technique. We learned that Stephen Wiltshire creates extremely detailed pictures, which can be described as ‘low energy’. John Virtue, on the other hand, uses ‘high energy’ to create  more abstract, less detailed depictions of cityscapes.


We have experimented with both styles, depicting the same scene, in order to be able to choose how we want to create our final piece of art for this topic.


Science - w/b 02.10.23


In science we have been learning about the theory of Wallace and Charles Darwin. We have learned about  evolution, natural selection and the survival of the fittest. An easy way that we used to learn was listening to raps/songs and poems.

Written by Farez.


The favourite part of our learning was when we listened to the rap about camels and polar bears.

Written by Navid.


Reading - w/b 25.09.23


This week, in Guided Reading, we are reading a poem by Robert Burns, entitled ‘My Heart’s in the Highlands’. The poet extols the Highlands, a place that he loved greatly, and explains that no matter where he goes, his heart will always belong to that beautiful part of Scotland.


After reading the poem, we worked in small groups, answering three key questions about the poem, which meant we had to use our reading and oracy skills. We enjoy talking about what we have read as it gives us the opportunity to hear other people’s opinions.


Mathematics - w/b 18.09.23


My favourite topic in mathematics so far in year 6 is negative numbers. I like negative numbers because you can subtract a large amount. In year 6 we have been rounding large amounts, negative numbers, place value to 1,000,000 and carried out some really fun investigations and raps linked to our learning . 


By Aayat, 

Silver Class


English - w/b 11.09.23


In our English lessons, we have been reading poems by Joseph Coelho, from his book Overheard in a Tower Block. After analysing the poems, talking about  techniques and themes, we worked in groups to perform one of them. We had to decide how we were going to do it, and how we could use our voice and gestures to convey the meaning of the poem to the audience. Everyone worked hard, and produced some great performances.

Welcome Back! w/b 04.09.23


Pupils in Year 6 have made a fantastic start to the new academic year. Everyone was happy to be back at school on Tuesday, and it was fun catching-up with what our friends had been up to during the summer break. It wasn’t long, however, before we settled down and focused on the tasks we had. Year 6 is our last year in primary school, and we are all determined to make the most of every minute!
