Year 2
Welcome to the Yellow and Purple class page!
Computing - w/b 10.02.25
The children took part in an immersive Online Safety Live Lesson, where they learned about the importance of staying safe online through sound, storytelling, and movement. This engaging session was followed by a lively discussion and quiz, helping to reinforce key online safety messages. As the internet is an everyday tool, it was crucial to raise awareness about using it safely and responsibly. The children gained valuable insights into how to navigate the online world safely.

Design Technology - w/b 03.02.25
This week, during our Design Technology session, year 2 pupils have been learning about vehicles. As part of their DT focus on ‘something, someone, and some purpose,’ they’ve linked their learning to history by designing and creating a fire engine for the people of 1666. The aim was to provide a fire service that could have helped with the devastating blazes that destroyed London in the Great Fire of London. The pupils carefully studied the features that make a vehicle move, learning that axles are threaded through the chassis, which is the vehicle's body. The axles also hold the wheels in place with washers, ensuring the vehicle moves at the same time and speed.

Science - W.B: 27.01.25
This week in science Year 2 have been working on the pattern seeking enquiry question ‘How does the height and weight of babies change as they grow up?’ Pupils looked at various images and recorded data on a table of the height and weight of a baby as he grew up. After analysing the data pupils were able to identify and answer their enquiry question and had realised that as babies grow they become taller and heavier. Some pupils also challenged themselves by comparing the growth of girls and boys and looked to see whether they grew at the same rate.

Reading - W.B: 20.01.25
Year 2 have been enjoying their reading for pleasure sessions at school. Pupils have the opportunity to either visit the school library, in our amazing reading corners within our classrooms or even enjoy a book in our very own newly refurbished reading garden. We also have a great selection of books to enjoy reading during our DEAR time sessions, which have been carefully picked out by Miss Pain. Reading provides an opportunity for pupils to delve into a world full of imagination, creativity and provides access to a wide range of vocabulary.

Mathematics - W/B: 13.01.25
In Mathematics, children in Year 2 explored the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. They learned to identify and count the number of sides and corners on various 2D shapes such as squares, triangles, and circles. For 3D shapes, the children investigated the number of edges, faces, and vertices, learning how these features define shapes like cubes, spheres, and pyramids. Through hands-on activities and discussions, the children enhanced their ability to recognise and describe a wide range of shapes even with everyday objects.

English - W/B: 06.01.25
During our English lessons, Year 2 are reading the book ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. We began with describing the setting of the book, which takes plan on the moon. Children immersed themselves by imagining they were in space exploring the moon and considered what they would see, hear or feel around them. After discussing the setting and imaging what life might be like on the moon, the class read the story together. We thought about the plot, characters and encouraged the children to think about the man’s daily routine and his interactions with visitors to the moon which sparked creative discussions about space and adventure.

Christmas - WB 16.12.24
This week Year 2 pupils had the opportunity to perform The Nativity to their parents. Pupils worked extremely hard and practiced their lines with great voice projection and articulation. ‘The Simply Nativity’ is based on the classic nativity scene with a humorous twist. Pupils sang various songs which included songs dedicated to the donkey, Sheppard, star and the all-important new born king, Jesus. To end, pupils enjoyed a party with flashing disco lights to get everybody in the Christmas spirit.

Science - W.B: 09.12.24
During science lessons this term, we are learning about materials and their properties. In this week’s lesson, we prepared and carried out a test which observed how materials can change shape by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. We explored how different items made from materials such as glass, wood, metal, plastic and fabric respond to this force. Through this experiment, we were able to investigate the materials’ elasticity, flexibility and structure of items such as a plastic bottle, a sock, pipe cleaner and playdough. By the end of the lesson, we gained an understanding of how and why materials behaved differently after applying a force and how this property influences our use in everyday objects.

Computing - W.B: 25.11.24
In Year 2, we are exploring digital photography in Computing. In our lessons, we recognised that there are a range of different devices which capture photos. We also learnt about how cameras capture images and were introduced to the basics of photography using tablets. We all had a go at taking photographs of a variety of objects to show-off our photography skills!

Topic - W/B: 18.11.24
This week during Topic pupils have been exploring where they live for Geography. Through immersive carousel activities pupils have identified that they live in Manor Park, which is in the Borough of Newham. Newham is a part of London. London is the capital city of England. England is one of the countries of the United Kingdom and the UK is a part of Europe. Year 2 pupils have also learnt that the purpose of an address is to pin-point the exact location of a place. Pupils were also introduced to a compass and used directional language to set their partner’s instructions to move around the classroom.

Oracy - W.B: 11.11.24
This week Year 2 have used their oracy skills whilst delivering a speech about why they wish to become the next MP to represent their class. Pupils used their linguistic oracy skills to promote themselves using emotive and persuasive vocabulary. They then used their physical oracy skills to present their speech using a clear and loud voice. Pupils also made use of their cognitive oracy skills by providing reasons for why they think they make the best candidate.

PSHCE - W.B 4.11.24
During our PSHCE lessons, we explored the emotion of anger and how we can best manage it. First, we discussed what anger is, how people show anger and scenarios of what could make someone feel angry. We learnt that there are good and bad types of anger. The good type does not hurt anyone. The bad type leads to damaging people or things. We explored strategies we can use to manage this emotion. These are some of the strategies: do some exercise, take some time to think, count backwards from 20 or take a deep breath.

RE Day W/B: 21.10.24
This week during Year 2 RE day, pupils learnt about why Jesus told stories. We explored several parables and learnt that each short story told the believers a moral and message. Pupils sequenced the parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’ using the sequencing frame. They came to the conclusion that for Christians, like the Shepard didn’t give up on the one sheep that was lost, we should not give up on anyone or anything that is important to us. Pupils also explored ‘The Good Samaritan’ where they role-played the parable to gain a deeper understanding. From this, pupils understood that we should always help those in need even if we dislike them. Finally, pupils uncovered the meaning behind the parable ‘The Wise and Foolish Builders’ which told the believers that they should listen to the word of Jesus and that he will guide them to lead a good life. Unlike that of the foolish builder, whose house was built on sand and as a result of the storm was destroyed.

PSHCE - W.B 14.10.24
In Year 2, pupils participated in discussions about what dreams are and how they can vary from personal ambitions to larger goals. We linked this to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr to celebrate Black History Month, who envisioned a world where people of all backgrounds and skin colours could love and respect one another. Children learned to articulate their own dreams and the steps needed to achieve them. They created their own dream board, using Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous words from his speech, ‘I have a dream’. They articulated their own dreams, the steps need to achieve them and had the opportunity to share their goals with peers.

Art - w/b 07.10.24
This week during art we have been looking at two artists: Henry Moore and Dale Chihuly. We have been inspired by these artists and have created our own interpretation of their work, using different art mediums such as graphite, charcoal and wax crayons. We noticed the bright primary colours used in glass sculptures created by Henry Moore. Using a viewfinder, we focussed our attention on one specific area and used our previous mark making skills to add more detail to our art work.
Science - W/B 30.09.24
This week in Science, Year 2 focused on all living things and microhabitats and pupils explored the concept of habitats at a small scale. This lesson involved investigating various microhabitats, such as under rocks, in tree bark, or within a small patch of grass. Using magnifying glasses, pupils observed and recorded the different living things they found in these microhabitats. Pupils created their own labelled diagram of their microhabitats, detailing its features and suggesting which living creatures live here.

Reading - W/B 23.09.24
Year 2 have enjoyed several reading tasks during their guided reading sessions throughout this week. Linking the reading genre to our English lessons we have also been looking at poetry in guided reading and have explored the poem, ‘The Cow’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Pupils initially identified unfamiliar vocabulary and uncovered their meanings and then engaged in performance poetry and role-play to deepen their understanding of what is happening in the poem.

Mathematics - W/B 16.09.24
This week, children in Year 2 explored the concept of place value and learned how to partition numbers up to 100 into tens and ones. They used manipulatives such as dienes and counters to visually break down numbers, illustrating how each number can be divided into groups of tens and ones. The children learnt how to partition 2-digit numbers in different ways, discovering that there are various ways to break down a number. Through these activities, they grasped the significance of place value in helping us understand and work with numbers more effectively.

English - W/B 09.09.24
This week, year 2 pupils have been looking at the anthology ‘A Ticket to Kalamazoo!’ by James Carter. They discovered several poetic devices such as rhyme, alliteration, repetition, simile and onomatopoeia. Pupils enjoyed representing poems in different ways through role play and performance. Pupil also enjoyed using their tone of voice and expression to represent the poem in a visual way. We also created a class poem inspired by the poem ‘busy bugs’ which included adjectives, nouns and verbs.

Welcome Back! - w/b 02.09.24
This week Year 2 have wonderfully settled into their new classes. Pupils have been learning about the school’s golden responsibilities, which serve as key guidelines for fostering a positive environment. In addition, they have embraced the opportunity to create their own classroom rules, promoting a sense of ownership and accountability.
Furthermore, pupils have been introduced to our school’s learning value superheroes. They have enthusiastically begun to implement these superpowers in their behaviour and approach to learning, demonstrating a commendable commitment to personal and social development.
Moreover, an essential aspect of our ethos is the emotional well-being of our pupils; hence, they have identified the trusted adults around the school whom they can approach to share any worries or concerns. This proactive engagement not only reinforces their understanding of support networks but also contributes to a nurturing and secure school atmosphere.

Welcome to the Yellow and Purple class page!
PSHCE - w/b 08.07.24
This week Year 2 pupils have been learning about saying sorry and forgiveness. They have carried out a discussion during an oracy lesson where they voiced their opinions and world views about whether it is acceptable to lie. Pupils also placed reasons for saying sorry and forgiveness on a dart board organising it in order of importance to themselves. Then pupils identified what different religions say about saying sorry and forgiveness. Lastly, pupils created an artistic piece which expressed a different form of apology for someone of their choice. E.g. creating a card, apology note, poem, poster or a drawing.

Computing - w/b 01.07.24
In our Computing lesson this week, we found out that people can be described using attributes. We practised using attributes to describe images of people and our friends in our class. We collected the data needed to organise people using attributes, and created a pictogram to show this pictorially. We used J2Data to represent this information. Finally, we drew conclusions from their pictograms and shared the findings. - Pictograms.mp4

History W/B 24.06.2024
This week during History, Year 2 pupils have participated in an immersive lesson where they had the opportunity to design and dress up in swimming costumes from the past. We had our very own cart that resembled one from the past where people would change and then be wheeled into the sea so no one could see them. Pupils enjoyed building sandcastles and also sea bathed their feet under the hot, shining sun. As they would in the past, pupils also enjoyed taking part in holiday beach activities from the past and watched a ‘Punch and Judy’ show whilst eating delicious ice lollies.

Mathematics - w/b 17.06.24
In our recent mathematics lessons, our focus has been on mastering the skill of telling time. To start, we revisited the basics of telling time to the nearest hour and half-hour. Building on this foundation, we progressed to understanding how to read quarter past, quarter to, and minutes past the hour.
A crucial concept highlighted during our lessons was the positioning of the minute hand on the clock face. It was emphasised that when the minute hand points to the right-hand side of the clock, it indicates that we are looking at the minutes past the hour. Conversely, when the minute hand points to the left-hand side of the clock, it signifies that we are nearing the next hour, indicating minutes to the hour.
By mastering these nuances and practising regularly, we have developed a solid understanding of how to read time accurately on an analogue clock. This foundational skill is essential for our mathematical and real-world applications.

English - w/b 10.06.24
This week in English, the pupils in Year 2 have been reading the book ‘The Magic Finger’ by Roald Dahl. They discovered that the Gregg family used guns to hunt animals. Using chrome books pupils researched about the pros and cons of hunting. This research helped them to form their own opinions on hunting for animals. Following this, Pupils carried out an oracy debate portraying their arguments for and against hunting whilst providing justifications for their opinions. Later, pupils drafted a letter to the Greggs to persuade them to stop hunting animals.

RE - w/b 03.06.24
For RE, we have been learning about ‘fasting’ and ‘lent’. We began by exploring what fasting meant and how people from different religions practise this. We watched a video about Ramadan and fasting and discussed why Muslims fast during Ramadan and why it is important to them. We found out that Muslims give away 2.5% of their savings to charity and they eat special food during Ramadan. Dates are one particular food which is eaten by most Muslims around the world. We then created our own Ramadan food plate by sticking and drawing pictures of food we would like to eat if we were fasting. We also explored how Christians fast but for them it is called ‘Lent’. Christians fast for 40 days by giving something up to show they love God. They might give up chocolate or video games, they do this to remember Jesus’ sacrifice when he was in the desert and to test their own self-discipline: to see if they can say no to temptation just as Jesus did. Lent is also a time for getting ready to remember and celebrate the Easter story.

PE - w/b 20.05.24
For PE this half term we have been working on Team Building skills. We understand the importance of including everyone when working as a team and how it feels to be left out. We started off by warming up by playing ‘Pair Bears’ where we moved in different ways safely in a space, avoiding bumping into others. When we were commanded ‘Pair Bears’ we organized ourselves into pairs. This was repeated with different numbers. The purpose of this was to ensure everyone was included and considering the feelings of others if they were being left out. We then moved on to playing ‘Magic Hoops’, this is when hoops are laid out across the space and we had to move in different ways avoiding the hoops and others. On the command ‘Magic Hoop’ we had to organize ourselves into the teams of the number called out inside a hoop. This was a great game to ensure everybody participated and were included.

Oracy - w/b 13.05.24
This week year 2 have worked on their physical and cognitive oracy skills during our debate session. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using cars and the impact it has on people and our world.
Firstly, we discussed the benefits of the use of cars as they help people travel from one place to another and transport heavy goods.
On the other hand, we explored the harm that burning fuels are creating. There has been a rise in greenhouse gases which is increasing air pollution. As a result, this is making the air we breathe become more and more dangerous.
In our debate, we ensured to provide justifications for our opinions and ensured to use facial expressions and adapted our tone of voice to make our viewpoints stand out.

PSHCE - w/b 06.05.24
This week for PSHCE, we discussed and sorted foods into the correct food groups and learned which foods our bodies need every day to keep us healthy. We began by discussing different ways we stay healthy. Some of these are: exercising regularly, eating healthily and having a happy attitude. Doing regular exercise will help us all feel great and keep our bodies strong! Our hearts need to be kept active and pumping. We should aim to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. We found out that it is perfectly fine to eat a little bit of unhealthy food but eating too much unhealthy food could make us overweight and not feel great. We then moved on to explore the different food groups and explained which foods belong to a food group. There are five main food groups: Fruit and vegetables, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Dairy Fats and oils. Each of the five food groups serve a different purpose in helping our bodies with the functions it needs to keep working.

Geography - w/b 29.04.24
This week in geography, pupils enjoyed taking part in an immersive experience where they trialled food from Bangladesh as well as exploring traditional clothing and how it is suited for the hot and humid climate of Bangladesh. Pupils also gained a sensory experience of using and listening to different Bangladeshi instruments. In addition, pupils explored the agriculture and fishing popularity of Bangladesh, which is a country known for their rivers and wetland. We also explored the Bengali alphabet and challenged ourselves to write our own names in the Bengali script.

Earth Day - w/b 22.04.24
Today, the children in year 2 embraced their creativity in celebration of Earth Day. Children immersed themselves in our printing activity where they painted their hands to print a tree. They used the palm of their hands and fingers to print the trunk and branches and used their fingertips to print leaves. Throughout the activity, children gained an understanding of our world and enhanced development in learning the importance of saving trees as much as possible. This is so humans and animals can breathe in more clean air rather than toxic air that is being produced by air pollution. Happy Earth Day!

Computing - w/b 22.04.24
This week for Earth Day, we sorted items into the groups on our word wall, where we were challenged against people around the world and placed on a leaderboard. We had great fun sorting items carefully into three groups- ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’. It is important for us to reduce the amount of energy we use, for example, turning off the lights when we are not using them or walking to school to reduce air pollution. We can reuse items by using them again instead of throwing them away. We can also do this by giving it to someone who needs or wants it. For example we can give our old clothes or toys to our younger siblings. We can recycle by putting rubbish in the recycle bin instead of the general waste as it can be taken away and turned into something new.

English - w/b 15.04.24
This week, the children in year 2 have been looking at the book, “10 Things I can do to help my world” by “Melanie Walsh”. This book explores the three R’s, reduce, reuse and recycle. Children have thought deeply about why it is important to protect the world and what they can do to help. Pupils used their inferencing skills to predict what the book is about based on the front cover. They then enjoyed sorting out different objects into piles for reduce, reuse or recycle.

Art - w/b 25.03.24
This week in art, we used Howard Hodgkin’s technique of layering to paint our own masterpieces. We developed skills in knowing that a coarse, thicker brush can create texture, dry painting can be used as mark making. We used colour mixing to produce a greater number of secondary colours, specifically tones and shades. We also identified the difference between tints and shades. After painting our masterpieces, we began to explore how moods can be reflected through colour i.e. dark colours may reflect sadness.

Mathematics - w/b 18.03.24
This week in mathematics, the children in year 2 have been measuring length and height using standard units of measurement in centimetres and metres. Initially, children made an estimation of the length/height that they thought various items around the classroom would be. Following this, children enjoyed using a ruler or a metre stick to accurately measure the items to check whether their estimation was close. Children also learnt how to round to the nearest cm.

Vising a Farm - w/b 11.03.24
This week we visited Foxburrows Farm. As we entered the farm we started drawing the key features of the farm. The farm has a huge car park, a farm entrance and lots of animals to see. There was a pig sty, sheep barn, hen house, stables for dwarf ponies, duck ponds for the ducks and a ferret’s pen. We labeled our maps with a key so we could show other classes the map of this farm. We also looked out for animals and their offspring. We found lambs, rabbits and chickens. We were able to group these animals in the type of animal group they belong to.

PE - w/b 04.03.24
This week during PE, the children in year 2 have been focussing on ball skills using their hands. They used their bodies to help aim, positioning their fingers and feet accurately. They also learnt to throw a ball using control towards a target. They played fun warm up games which included throwing and catching a ball in a zig zag format. In addition, they played a game of ‘Beat the Ball: Racing Rounders’ which consisted of throwing a ball under arm around a circle of 5 attempting to beat the beanbag that was also going around.

Reading - w/b 26.02.24
This week for reading, we visited our school library as well as Manor Park Library. We explored a wide range of books including fiction and non-fiction. We found books based on topics we have been learning about in History (The Great Fire of London) and Guided Reading. We spent time reading books on our own, with our friends and some of us read to our parents. We also borrowed some interesting books and returned books we have already read.

RE - w/b 19.02.24
Year 2 learnt about the creation story during RE day. We explored the similarities and differences between the beliefs of Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu creation stories. During the lessons children sequenced the events of the creation stories which are evident in the Bible, Qur’an and the Torah. Additionally, children were involved in oracy lessons where they created a freeze frame based on each day of creation from the Bible. Children were also given the opportunity to explore artefacts from different religions and were cautious to be respectful.

PHSCE - w/b 05.02.24
This week for Children’s Mental Health week, we have been encouraged to voice our thoughts to create a positive change to our mental health. Every morning, we came in and jotted down what we wanted our teacher to know about us. We had discussions about different topics like ‘How and why do things change?’ and ‘Do we need rules?’ On Friday we will be making worry monsters so we can write our worries down and leave them there as this will really help worries to not bubble up into a huge problem.

Mathematics - w/b 29.01.24
This week in Mathematics the children in year 2 have been learning about money. Children have learnt to identify notes and coins as well as the value they hold. Additionally children have explored the significance of the symbols ‘£’ and ‘p’ when dealing with money. Throughout this topic, the children learnt how to count, compare and calculate money as well as learning how to find change and completing two-step problems that involve real life situations.

History - w/b 22.01.24
This term for History, we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. The Great Fire of London started on 2nd September 1666. It started in Thomas Farriner’s Bakery on Pudding Lane and it lasted for 5 days. The fire spread so quickly because the houses were made from wood and straw. Also the wind blew westwards causing the flames to spread even more. St Paul’s Cathedral was destroyed. There was no Fire Service at the time. People used leather buckets and water squirts to put the fire out but this didn’t work. Luckily the fire was put out after the King ordered the houses to be pulled down or exploded. Furthermore, we had a hot seating session and wrote diary entries as Samuel Pepys, who recorded the events in detail.
To bring History to life we designed and made our own Tudor houses. We used recyclable materials like cereal boxes and tissue boxes. We then painted and used coloured paper to decorate the houses in Tudor style. At the end of the week, we will be burning the houses to experience what people went through in 1666. We can’t wait!

Reading - w/b 15.01.24
This week in Year 2, we have been reading the book ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram’ as part of our English power of reading book. We have used our inferencing skills to predict what the story might be about and also created questions to find out more. We incorporated the story into our PE lessons too where we used dance movements to create a sequence of the character Bob getting ready in his amazing space suit before he blasts off into space as he works on the magnificent, rocky moon.

English - w/b 08.01.24
This week in English we used our inference skills to predict what our new book was about. We looked for clues from the illustration. We knew the main character was interested in space because he had lots of ornaments and pictures of the moon in his living room. After we made our own predictions we composed questions we could ask the character. Bob the main character then sent us a letter along with the book ‘The Man on the Moon’ to provide us with more information. We were not surprised to find out he was an astronaut as most of us predicted this. However, we were amazed by the job he had to do on the Moon like cleaning up the moon, doing somersaults and cartwheels. We are learning more about Bob and cannot wait to share what we have learned throughout the course of this term.

Christmas - w/b 11.12.23
The pupils in Year 2 have been working very hard to rehearse for the nativity performance. They will have the opportunity to perform in front of the whole school and to their families soon! Therefore, we have been working on developing our oracy skills including projecting our voices and ensuring not to have our backs to the audience when performing. In addition, we have been thinking carefully on selecting the right actions for our beautiful Christmas songs.

Science - w/b 04.12.23
For Science this term, our topic is ’All living things and their habitats’. We have been learning about things that are living, dead and never been alive. We also explored habitats and microhabitats. This week we went on a mission following the Now Press Play experience to discover a suitable habitat for planet Doom as it is getting closer to extinction. As we travelled in our spaceship we found a green and blue planet named Earth. We spotted the land and ocean. We dived underwater, however we were struggling to breathe. We found out that fish use gills which are on the side of their mouth to help them breathe underwater and they use fins to travel through the water.
We also travelled through the jungle and rainforest where we acted as monkeys who use their long arms to climb up to the top of the trees. We went through a very dry sandy desert where we acted out as camels who store water in their humps to get them through their days. It was an amazing experience because we found out how animals adapt to their habitats, unfortunately we were not able to accomplish our mission due to the fact that humans are destroying the planet by cutting down trees, capturing a range of fish with nets and putting the ocean with plastic.

Exploring the News - w/b 27.11.23
Pupils in Year 2 have been exploring the news articles from our virtual newspaper, ‘First News’. Children have read different articles to find out about what has been happening in the world around them. They used this platform to develop their knowledge in different subject areas. This was a great opportunity to learn about exciting new scientific developments in space as well as gain insights about children’s rights around the world!

Geography - w/b 20.11.23
Classifying geographical features was one of the skills we learned in our geography topic, "Where do I live?". We discovered that whereas physical features are created by nature, human features are traits derived from human thoughts and deeds. We examined and made a list of every physical and human characteristic while walking around the school grounds. We provided evidence for how these characteristics are physical or human.

Oracy - w/b 13.11.23
This week during our Oracy lesson, Year 2 have practised their linguistic Oracy skills by carefully selecting their choice of vocabulary when describing a setting. Children were encouraged to talk in full sentences and had the opportunity to listen to and help develop their peer’s ideas. Children also demonstrated the physical strand of Oracy by projecting their voices and focussing on their clarity and pronunciation of words when discussing whether they would rather for it to rain popcorn or slime. Alongside this, children developed their cognitive Oracy skills by providing justifications for their opinions.

PHSCE - w/b 06.11.23
For PHSCE, we discussed what anger is, how people show anger and scenarios of what could make someone feel angry. We learnt that there are good and bad types of anger. The good type does not hurt anyone. The bad type leads to damaging people or things. We explored strategies we can use to manage this emotion. These are some of the strategies: do some exercise, take some time to think, count backwards from 20, take a deep breath etc.

RE - w/b 30.10.23
In RE, year 2 pupils have learnt about different parables from the Bible and how important they are for Christians. Children explored the parables: ‘The Lost Sheep’, ‘The Good Samaritan’ and ‘The Wise and Foolish Builder’. We uncovered the key meanings behind the different stories and had also created role plays based on them. Through these short stories we discovered that we should never lose hope, we should forgive others and that we should always follow rules in order to be successful.

PHSCE - w/b 16.10.23
In PHSCE, we have been learning to explore steps to achieve our goals. We began this topic by discussing our dreams and goals. We explored steps we need to take to achieve these. We developed our understanding of perseverance and how we could overcome this by trying very hard. We then discovered what it means to work as a team. We worked in small groups to create an imaginary dream bird that might live in the garden of dreams and goals. We worked cooperatively and used key skills when working together, such as using our listening and sharing skills. It was important to be helpful and kind if we didn’t agree with something.
Art - w/b 09.10.23
The pupils in Year 2 have been creating works of art inspired by Dale Chihuly and Henry Moore. They have been working with different mediums such as graphite sticks, wax crayons and ink pens to create their own representation of famous artwork focusing on curved and spherical patterns.