Anti-bullying Week
Anti- Bullying week
Anti-Bullying Week 2019 is happening from Monday 11th November - Friday 15th November 2019 and it has the theme 'Change Starts With Us'.
At Sir John Heron we are passionate about ensuring that our school remains a bully free zone and to show our commitment to this and as part of our PSHCE focus term thinking about our wellbeing, our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors would like to let you know what will be going on in school next week:
Monday: Special Assembly
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will lead an assembly to all of the children to let them know about Anti-Bullying week and remind them of our school approach to dealing with bullying incidents.
Monday- Thursday: Poster competition
Design and create a poster which celebrates friendship and kindness, and uses the quote ‘Change starts with us’ or which gives guidance on what to do if you think that you’re being bullied. Posters need to be given to Miss Werrin by 9.00 on Thursday 14th November and the winner in each year will be announced in assembly on Friday 15th November. Look out for the winning designs on the Anti-Bullying Ambassador page of the school website!
Friday- Children in Need fundraising day
From coast to coast, in towns and cities right across the UK, BBC Children in Need is out there making a difference. The amazing projects we support help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people all over the country. Come in to school in your own clothes on Friday (ideally wearing something yellow- the colour to symbolise friendship), bring £1 and we’ll donate the efforts of our fundraising to this great cause.
All week: The Positivity Postbox
Send a thank you letter to someone in school who has done something positive for you and the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will deliver your note of gratitude to them. Deliveries will happen each afternoon.
All week: Storytelling
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be dropping in to classes across school to share stories that have picked with the theme of tolerance and friendship.