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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Stepping Stones Positive Parenting Programme

The first of the Stepping Stones Triple P Discussion Groups is taking place today from 1pm to 3pm.


The programme has a limited number of spaces, so if you have not returned the slip but are still interested in attending, please contact Mrs Patel through the main office to check if there is availability.


The Stepping Stones Positive Parenting Programme is designed to support parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs up to 12 years old. Groups discuss how parents can work with their children using tried and tested parenting techniques, and assists parents to develop and learn a range of parenting skills.


The group consists of 6 sessions held at Sir John Heron, running from Wednesday 12th September to Wednesday 17th October, as well as a pre-arranged telephone call from a Triple P practitioner.


Unfortunately, there are no crèche facilities on the premises so parents will need to make other arrangements for younger children to be cared for.


We look forward to seeing parents at the first session this afternoon.
