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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Thursday Together in Reception

Reception parents and carers visited the school for our 'Thursday Together' session this week. The focus was 'Expressive Art and Design' and children had a blast showing their skills and knowledge to their families. Parents/carers had a lot of fun joining in too! It was a very enjoyable morning, as demonstrated by the feedback given by parents/carers:


"I found the activities engaging and exciting. My daughter was doing all her activities spontaneously."


"A great session, great materials to be creative with. The snack table is a very good idea. My child was happy during the session, and that she could share her everyday school life with me and show me around her class."


"My son's enthusiasm for art has grown over the year and it is so lovely to see him help his friends during the activities."

