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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!

We hope that you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful Summer Holiday and we look forward to working with you again this year.

We are excited to welcome three new staff to Sir John Heron; Ms Rasoda (Yellow Class), Ms Ali (Darwin Class) and Ms Slocombe (Music Instructor).

This year the School Community is working hard to ensure that our school is a healthy and active place for children to have the best possible start in life. We have tweaked our school dinner menu to offer daily fresh fruit and natural yoghurt alongside crackers and cheese. On “Treatwise Friday”, a low sugar dessert option will be available as a special treat.

Additionally, we will no longer be able to handout any treats/sweets/chocolates or other items on children’s birthdays. The school will celebrate every child’s birthday in class and your child will receive a small gift from the school to wish them a happy birthday. 

We hope that parents will support the school in working carefully to ensure that children are healthy and active throughout their childhood and beyond. 

I look forward to seeing as many parents/carers as possible at our parent workshops over the next few weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, the senior staff on the school gates or the main school office.

Best wishes,

Ms Broughton

