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Sir John Heron Primary School

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Year 6 Lamb Heart Dissection

During Science today, we were dissecting a lamb heart. First, we put on aprons and vinyl gloves to protect our hands and clothes from the bacteria in the hearts. Secondly, we read a risk assessment and followed it. We started by observing the heart and using adjectives to describe what we saw. After observing the heart, we picked up the heart and described what we felt. Surprisingly, it was quite lighter than I expected it to be. We cut the front side of the heart through the middle and inspected the heart and labelled the inner parts. We all took turns to cut different parts we thought that would make an interesting result. Remarkably, the heart was pretty similar throughout. I enjoyed this lesson because it was something new and interesting that we haven’t done before ; I would like to do this again with a different body part or maybe an animal. I would give this whole experience a 7/10 as it had some ups and some downs and some parts were quite messy and disgusting but it was a great experience and was memorable.
