Reading at Home
Reading at home
It is very important parent/ carers read with their children at home for at least 20 minutes everyday.
Please read the books (such as the RWI books) sent home from school with them - children can read these books more than once as its develops their fluency and comprehension of what they are reading. Once children have finished reading these books, there are lots of eBooks which children can read from websites such as Oxford Reading Owl (see below for further information) and there are many audio books which they can listen to (all children's audio books from Audible are currently free to access). Listen to children read or parents/carers reading to their children is just one important aspect of helping children to read. Talking to children about what they have read is also very important - parents/ carers can ask them questions about what they have read (below are some questions which can be asked), ask their opinions (eg likes/ dislikes), make predictions, summarise, discuss the meaning of unknown words. Children who have phonics lessons (RWI) should also continue to practice their sounds and blending (putting sounds together in order to read a word) - see below for further information about phonics learning at home.
January Bookshelf
Open the PDF document to find a selection of books for children to read at home.
Book Videos
Click the link to access a range of recorded stories from the Islington Library Service for children from Nursery to Year 6.