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Sir John Heron Primary School

Together we learn. Together we achieve.

Teaching Road Safety

Road safety is a great subject in which to engage children and young people. It’s a subject even the youngest children know something about because everyone uses the roads, whether driving, walking, or travelling as a passenger.


Walking and cycling to school are an important part of the government’s active travel agenda and help build daily exercise into our lives, resulting in health and environmental benefits. Parents and carers play an important role in preparing children to become independent travellers.


Road safety is best taught in a practical setting meaning that parents are ideally placed when walking their children to school to discuss road safety topics such as safe and dangerous places to cross the road. Children often mimic the behaviour of their parents and carers, so it is vital to be consistent and put into practice safe crossing techniques.


The ROSPA guide provides advice on what age specific road safety information children should be taught and simple techniques for doing this. Take a look at the ROSPA Guide for Parents here.
