Year 6 Leavers 2021-22
Welcome to the Jesse Owens and Tanni Grey Class page!
Design and Technology - w/b 11.07.22
Our D.T. topic has been ‘Fairgrounds’. We have researched the history of fairgrounds, and compared the early ones with those we have today. Some of our time has also been spent looking at different types of fairground rides, how they move in different ways, and what enables them to do so.
This week, we have constructed mini roller coasters, using a range of mathematical and cutting skills. Our goal was to make the roller coaster in such a way that a marble would roll along it without stopping.
On the whole, we were very successful!
French - w/b 04.07.22
Our topic in French lessons is ‘Quoi de neuf?’. We are learning how to talk about some things we might find in newspapers, and how to give our opinions and preferences using helpful phrases that we could use in different contexts. Now that we are at the end of Year 6, we are using the French that we have learnt over the past four years to speak to each other in sentences, asking and answering questions. C'est très amusant!
Science - w/b 27.06.22
We had a great practical chemistry lesson this week, building on what we’ve been learning about colour and light. We worked collaboratively, creating our own ‘wands’ with malleable wire and using a washing up and water solution to create bubbles. We collected data in a tally chart after using our powers of visual classification, to collate data on the colours we could see in each bubble. We had lots of questions about why some bubbles popped and others didn’t, why some bubbles seemed to have different colours in them to others and why chasing bubbles is so much fun!
Reading - w/b 20.06.22
We've been delving deeper into the world of Shakespeare, and exploring not only Macbeth but also The Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, too!
A storm at sea sets the scene for The Tempest, a five-act drama that was first written and performed about 1611 and was published in 1623. Like many other plays that Shakespeare wrote late in his career, the subject of The Tempest is reconciliation after strife. Along with Shakespeare’s other late comedies, The Tempest is often called a romance or a tragicomedy. The exact date the play was written is unknown. It is generally accepted that the play was written in 1595 or 1596. It was first printed in 1600. In 1623, the play was printed in the First Folio, a collection of all of Shakespeare's plays.
A Midsummer NIght’s Dream is about four confused young people, a group of clumsy workmen, the royal court of Duke Theseus, and the royal fairy court of King Oberon and Queen Titania. The play is set mostly at night in the woods near Athens. The play has been made into films on numerous occasions. Benjamin Britten wrote an opera based on the play, George Balanchine and Frederick Ashton have both made ballets about it, and Felix Mendelssohn wrote many pieces of music for the play which include an "Overture" and a "Wedding March".
Mathematics - w/b 13.06.22
We’ve been reading and constructing line graphs this week, using them to show changes over time. We’ve linked our learning to our studies in human Geography and expressed changes in birth rates since 1950 on our own graphs.
English - w/b 06.06.22
We've had a brilliant week getting to grips with one of Shakespeare's best known plays, Macbeth. It's a tale of greed, deception and quite a lot of murder! We've created a graphic retelling of the plot and tried our hands at becoming thespians, acting out an extract from the plot.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - w/b 23.05.22
For Jubilee week we did various tasks that were all fun, creative and amazing! Each year group did a different activity but I will explain the activities we've done in year 6. On Monday, we were baking and making food and, of course, tasting! Each table made a different dish but each one was equally fun. Our adults from home came to join us and together with them we made classic tea party food - cucumber sandwiches!
The second activity we did was in guided reading - we all made posters of the Queen. We also made a profile of the Queen in Art, using different colours of wire and a 3D tile version of Buckingham Palace in History. At the end of the day we each got a bookmark for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Jemima- Jesse Owens
Science - w/b 16.05.22
We had so much fun in science this week experimenting with chromatography which is where you separate colours into their constituent parts. We made predictions about what we might have seen based on our knowledge of colours from art, and then we got on with the process of dipping ink in water and watching the separation. If you fancy having a go at this at home and making beautiful patterns at the same time, have a look here:
Art - w/b 09.05.22
It was Jesse Owens’ turn to create some printing masterpieces this week. We used a
printing press, ink and lots of elbow grease to turn our etchings into final pieces depicting of
hybrid animals; we also became art critics and looked at examples of Justin Diggle’s work
which most appealed to us, analysing what he’d depicted literally and the figurative meaning
we thought he was trying to convey through his images.
Art - w/b 02.05.22
We have been inspired by the artist Justin Diggle. Justin Diggle is based in Salt Lake City, and teaches at the University of Utah (USA). He graduated at Bristol Polytechnic, UK, in 1989 and obtained his M.F.A. Degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA in 1997. He creates prints of technology mixed with birds to create hybrid creatures which represent the way in which technology impacts our lives. We’ve also created creatures although ours are a hybrid of a variety of animals. Have a look at the etchings and prints which we made from them and see whether you can work out which animals we have combined.
PHSCE - w/b 25.04.22
We had a fantastic virtual workshop with the British Red Cross learning about first aid and what we can do to help if someone is burned, cuts him/herself or has a fall. We learned that there are things about the house which can help, such as cling film to cover burns so they don’t get infected or jumpers to wrap around cuts and put pressure on the wound to stop bleeding. Although we hope that we don’t have to put our new knowledge into practice, we’re prepared just in case of an emergency!
Mathematics - w/b 18.04.22
It’s not long to go until our end of primary school exams and so we’re applying our skills and knowledge to prepare for our Mathematics SATs. We’ve been using past exam papers to work out areas that we’re most confident in and using our powers of reasoning and reflection to learn from our mistakes, and help explain different approaches to solving problems to one another.
Science - w/b 28.03.22
In year 6, we have spent the week creating medical pamphlets giving readers information on the impact drugs and alcohol have on the human body. Before planning and drafting the content of the pamphlet, we carried out extensive research and added our knowledge of the circulatory and digestive systems we have acquired in science this term.
Heart Dissection
During Science this week, we were dissecting a lamb heart. First, we put on aprons and vinyl gloves to protect our hands and clothes from the bacteria in the hearts. Secondly, we read a risk assessment and followed it. We started by observing the heart and using adjectives to describe what we saw. After observing the heart, we picked up the heart and described what we felt. Surprisingly, it was quite lighter than I expected it to be. We cut the front side of the heart through the middle and inspected the heart and labelled the inner parts. We all took turns to cut different parts we thought that would make an interesting result. Remarkably, the heart was pretty similar throughout. I enjoyed this lesson because it was something new and interesting that we haven’t done before ; I would like to do this again with a different body part or maybe an animal. I would give this whole experience a 7/10 as it had some ups and some downs and some parts were quite messy and disgusting but it was a great experience and was memorable.
- Ayaat. R
RE - w/b 07.03.22
We've had some representatives from the Faith in Schools group again and this time we’ve been discussing Christian interpretations of the Easter story. We looked at the way in which the Bible story uses themes that are common across cultures and religions to teach us thoughts on human qualities such as faith, forgiveness, love and sacrifice whilst explaining the Christian beliefs surrounding Jesus’s death and resurrection. Once we’d unpicked the messages of the story, we depicted the motifs used through symbols in large scale pieces of art. It was a great opportunity to discuss religious perspectives which might have been different to our own, make links to our own beliefs and employ our creativity.
PHSCE - w/b 28.02.22
We’ve started our new focus in PSHCE (personal, social, health and citizenship education) for this term- Positive Relationships. All our lessons are oracy based and start off with a meditation which allows us to practise methods to help us maintain good mental health. This week we’ve been discussing the nature of relationships whether they’re with our family and friends, pets or inanimate things such as food and exercise and the impact that positive relationships with these people and things can have on our lives. We finished our lesson with a fantastic game that you can play at home called adjust a minute. The title of our minute of talk was ‘Someone with whom I have a positive relationship.’ It’s a game which is a lot more challenging than you might expect!
Geography - w/b 21.02.03
Exploring the water cycle
To begin our topic ‘Rivers’, we have learnt about the water cycle. We looked at how the water cycle is a continuous process, where water in seas and on land evaporates and rises into the atmosphere (as water vapour, which is a gas), condenses (the water vapour cools and turns back into water droplets), then falls back down as rain or snow (which is called precipitation).
To explore the water cycle close up, we created mini water cycles in plastic food bags attached to a window. We can see the water that has evaporated and then condensed on the sides of the bags.
Design and Technology - w/b 07.02.22
We've had a brilliant time designing and making pencil pots as part of our learning for Design and Technology this week. We've improved our skills in woodwork, used our mathematics in a real life context, worked collaboratively to help one another in the construction process and we’ve used saws and glue guns to create our masterpieces!
Computing - w/b 31.01.22
In our computing lesson, we were learning about e-safety. We started designing a poster with facts and pictures. We learnt that we should always ask a trusted adult before going on electronic devices. If somebody sends you a nasty message, you need to tell a trusted adult, screenshot the message and then block the person. There is also always an age rating on apps which lets you know which age the game/app is suitable for. You shouldn’t reveal your personal information online to strangers.. I enjoyed this lesson because we got to learn how to keep safe online and we got to make a poster. I would definitely do this lesson again.
J.O Class
Year 6
Mathematics - w/b 24.01.22
Mathematical Conundrums!
Every Friday, Year 6 works on mathematical conundrums. We use our skills and knowledge to solve different sorts of problems and investigations. There’s always a lot of discussion and sharing of ideas before we begin to look more closely at what we could do.
We know that we have to make a record of our mathematical thinking, and we show what we do through calculations, diagrams or visual representations, and by explaining our reasoning.
Everyone enjoys these lessons because they give us a chance to apply what we have learned, and use our mathematical skills in new ways.
History - w/b 17.01.22
We’ve been delving into the world of Anglo-Saxon and Viking crimes and punishments this week in History after having summoned the Roman gods to wreak havoc on those who had wronged us, last week. As time went on in history, so the punishments changed- from dropping people into the River Thames tied in a bag filled with snakes in Roman England to banshing people and outlawing them in Viking England. We looked at how crime and punishment was depicted in legendary tales and focussed on the infamous character of Robin Hood, using the characters from the tale and reinventing them to depict a different crime and punishment. Have a look at our dramatic reenactments and if you want to listen or read some of the original legends of Robin Hood, have a look here:
English - w/b 10.01.22
Using drama to explore a text
In Year 6, we have started reading Street Child, by Berlie Doherty. Set in the Nineteenth Century, it’s the story of how a poor boy called Jim overcomes various difficulties and challenges. This week, we read about how Jim and his family were forced to leave their home because they could not pay the rent. After discussing what had happened, we worked in small groups to create a freeze frame for part of the chapter we read. It helped us to think about each character, and what they might be thinking.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! - w/b 13.12.21
Preparing for the Christmas Fayre
This week in Year 6, we have been busy getting ready for the Christmas Fayre, which will be held on Monday 20th December. We have made pretty salt dough decorations, useful notebooks, and have thought about how to publicise the event.
We will also be decorating biscuits to sell on the day (food is always very popular!), as well as organising stalls selling second-hand books and toys.
The Year 6 Christmas Fayre is always a fantastic end to the term, especially as this year, the money raised will go to the School Parliament, who will decide how to spend it for the benefit of all the children in school.
PHSCE - w/b 06.12.21
Today we learnt about Extremism. In the lesson we were discussing what extremism is with a person who works for the council. Extremism is showing violence and hatred.
One of the most common things is racism, which Martin Luther King Jr and other activists stood up for. We also read about some scenarios and voted to see whether it was extremism or not. At the start we looked at some pictures of extremism. We also discussed our thoughts and asked lots of questions and the person answered them. During this time, he explained to us how to spot this type of behaviour. After that we discussed how people facing these situations would feel, like small communities and families and how they would be affected.
We enjoyed learning about this topic because we learnt many new things that we didn't know before.
Ayaat and Tehana,
Jesse Owens Class.
Science - w/b 29.11.21
Exploring Light
We have been exploring the way light travels through liquids, and how it can alter the way objects appear. This is called refraction and it happens when light travels from one media into another, like water and air.
Because of the way that the light travels through the water and then into the air, it makes an object like a pencil seem bent.
We also explored whether the same thing happened in other liquids, such as oil and a fizzy drink. We observed that light did refract in the same way in all the liquids.
Year 5 and 6 Little Ilford Football Competition w/b- 29.11.21
It was great to have our year 5 and 6 boys and girls representing us at Little Ilford Football competition this week. Both played 3 matches against very strong teams and you could see them improving as a team every game. Our boys team finished with a total of 4 points overall to finish in second place. Our girls team finished in third place overall after some fantastic performances. Well done to everybody who took part!
RE - w/b 22.11.21
In RE we’ve been thinking and talking about how and why sculptures are used as a way of expressing faith amongst Christians. Sculptures fall into four basic categories: molded, cast, carved or assembled. The media an artist uses for molded sculptures include clay, wax, papier-mache and plaster. We used tin-foil to create a sculpture of a person who we felt strongly about expressing why we felt that way and how we wanted the viewer of the sculpture to react to them. The next stage of our learning will be to use the inspiration behind the art of stained glass in Christian places of worship to make our Christmas hoops- keep a look out for what we create!
Bike Ride to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park w/b- 15.11.21
This week some of the children from Year 5 and 6 bike club took their biking skills outside of school to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Starting and finishing at the Greenway the children rode alongside the rivers and canals of the park, and visited many of main venues from the 2012 Games; the London Stadium; the London Aquatics Centre, the ArcelorMittal Orbit viewpoint. We also cycled across to the Hackney Marshes playing area to play a game of Rounders. Overall the children covered a total distance of 8km each on their ride.
Mathematics - w/b 15.11.21
We had the most wonderful experience cooking with Gavin Gordon, alumni of Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen training programme and former contestant of Masterchef the professionals.
We combined our D&T Topic of Bread and biscuits with practical mathematics skills, using weights and measures, reading scales and estimating, to sample some biscuits he’s made for us and then translating his recipe into our very own cookie dough which we took home to cook and share with our families!
Reading - w/b 08.11.21
Year 6 loves reading!
One of the many things that Year 6 children enjoy is reading; we read at every opportunity. We especially enjoy being able to choose from a big range of books. Our book corners have recently been restocked with lots of brand new books of all sorts, from adventure stories, fantasy stories, biographies, information books, and much more.
It’s great, during DEAR time, to be able to relax in the book corner with a good book in our hands.
PE - w/b 01.11.21
This week we have been introduced to the game Tchoukball in PE. Tchoukball was created in Switzerland and is a mix of Handball, Volleyball and Squash. This week we have focussed on improving our shooting accuracy and using different angles when the ball rebounds off the frame to score.
Little Ilford Visit - w/b 01.11.21
Some of us visited Little Ilford School earlier this week to help plan transition units. During this session, we studied maths and science. We did a practical experiment about dissolving. We linked this to the maths transition which was about scatter graphs to record our findings with negative and positive correlation.
Moubani, Jesse Owens
French - w/b 18.10.21
In Year 6, we have been learning the French words for different places in a school, and what goes on there. This week we reviewed what we have learnt by choosing the correct words to complete sentences.
Then we moved on to telling the time. We revised telling o’clock and half past times, then went on to learn how to say other times, such as quarter past, quarter to, and everything in between.
RE - w/b 11.10.21
We had a pair of visitors in Year 6 on Thursday who came to speak to us about Humanism and the Humanist worldview. One spoke about the ‘Golden Rule’ (Treat others the way you would like to be treated) and how his Humanist world view has quite a few similarities to that of various religions. We also had the opportunity to ask the visitors some questions to further our own knowledge of Humanism, such as ‘Why isn’t Humanism a religion?’ and ‘Why do Humanists not believe in a God or supreme being?’
Science - w/b 04.10.21
In our science learning this week, we have looked at the theory of human evolution. We found out that, according to the theory, there have been about twenty human species over time, culminating in homo sapiens - us!
We considered the characteristics that different species of humans had, and which ones were important developments in terms of the theory of evolution. For example, we discussed why larger brains, being able to walk on two feet, and having the ability to make and use tools and weapons made survival more likely.
Finally, we showed all our learning in a mindmap, and tried to show how ideas about the evolution of humans linked together.
Mathematics - w/b 27.09.21
This week in mathematics we’ve been revisiting how we use addition and subtraction. We’ve looked at representing calculations with bar models, solving real life scenarios which would require us to use our adding and subtracting strategies and we’ve been revising what we’ve learnt during the week using Kahoot quizzes!